A Wiki in the Desert
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Amnesty/Tale 8

From A Wiki in the Desert
  • Manon: Is it starting?
  • Malard: It has started
  • Istwan: is this amnesty or is there one separately ingame?
  • Manon: Can we only ask AMA questions here, or will there be a channel in T8 too?
  • Tribisha: Oooh.. how many cups of coffee do you drink each day?
  • Malard: none, i dont drink coffee
  • wimsan: How do you survive that with us on discord pestering you? 🙂
  • Tribisha: Did you get around to fixing that thing in the website that will allow me to switch to 12 month pre-order?
  • Istwan: did we even cover server costs in T8?
  • Malard: yes the game covered its costs
  • Malard: @light487 not yet, its on my today todo list
  • Malard: @wimsan each time i am pestered i am not working on the game
  • Samruc: I'm curious about the copper distribution in T8. It was a bit of a run from Tanis, and I think from Meroe as well. Did we miss spots closer to home? What was the closest spot to Tanis? (If you are able to check this without too much effort)
  • Tribisha: What was the one thing you kept thinking "surely they'll work that out.. they keep literally walking past it" or something like that.. the one thing that continued to surprise you that everyone just completely missed or failed to recognise or whatever?
  • wimsan: I was about to ask that too, did we miss something obvious? 🙂
  • Peacefulness: It took us forever to figure out how to milk a wild cow, I do remember that
  • Tribisha: I seem to remember reproduction of seeds taking longer than normal in t8 too
  • Manon: i would like to know what each vegetable seed needed specifically to produce multiple seeds
  • Ashen: why was memphis closed off?
  • Malard: @Samruc I will get a low res copy of the mineral map for you over the weekend
  • Malard: @Ashen it was an event area that was way over decorated and essentially meant it was a location people would only go for herbing. In the end we flattened it.
  • Malard: @Mizzz Manon they are ecology based, reaching various levels of ecological values. Additionally you would need to be in a different segment of the map for some of them to work. Onions i believe only duplicated in the northern third
  • Manon: Will the ecology requirements change in each new tale or stay the same?
  • Malard: thats not a tale 8 related question
  • Manon: ok, then can we know the specific ecology requirements for each vegetable seed for t8?
  • Malard: no
  • Malard: i already told you the solution
  • Ashen: was there really a downside to the stranger's solana eggplant? or was that just story flavor?
  • Malard: it had different genetic code, in theory it could be cross bread to be plantable on any terrain
  • Ashen: [feels like he's hogging the AMA but nobody else is asking questions] Was it actually possible to grow Candomble wheat anywhere?
  • Malard: no idea
  • Farnite: What was the peak concurrent user count in T8?
  • Petis: Faction cps. They where not used in T8. Plans to make them more usable in the future?
  • Malard: not a t8 question
  • Malard: but i had hoped they would get more use
  • merek: It seems like fixing broken faction cps became a lower priority item. Any reason for that?
  • Malard: no-one really highlighted a proper concern to me, the desire was for them to take on a public works role
  • merek: Do you mean it was from a game perspective that they were desired for public works, or from a player perspective?
  • Nissa: my understanding was that they were broken and there was nothing that could be done with them... is that not correct??
  • Malard: again a lack of highlighting to me
  • Malard: the intention from me was that they would be the ultimate replacement to zFree etc
  • Malard: as any faction member could use thm
  • Malard: or add to them
  • merek: Ok, not a question, but just saying that the cost was prohibitive, especially early in the telling. That led to public works guilds which were much cheaper to build.
  • kirie: i just built a box in one as kirie and kirie owns it, built a box as kirei and kirie owns it, can still give buildings to people, there is no permissions for taking on the boxes, the only options for stashing are public/private, permission for use has anyone/init/.../elder
  • Fixxxer: we had really weird growing issues (of everything) at this part of the nile while i was playing. was that ever figured out or explained? wont let me attach here - illl paste in general
  • Mehrane: So... how do you move those pigs ?
  • Malard: say the magic word
  • Catote: T8 Question about Bedouin Test (Body) after spending perhaps 50 hours not figuring it out: does pts accumulate and carry over (like Cicada), or are passes calculated with the current alter-distribution. Period.
  • Manon: Pretty pretty please?
  • Malard: what do pigs make?
  • Manon: bacon!
  • Malard: @Catote i am not entirely sure
  • Malard: it makes them upset, so dont say it near a swinery
  • Manon: well hell, i dunno... i didnt own any pigs... Dung? Baby piglets?
  • Gabrielnight: here piggy piggy piggy
  • Nissa: can you drive a pig by shouting "bacon" at it??
  • Malard: yes
  • Malard: and if you shout it (BACON) it moves further
  • Nissa: oh my gosh -- that's hilarious!
  • Manon: _ watches everyone go into T8 to try it xd_
  • Malard: its been an easter egg in the game since i released pigs
  • Malard: and if you shout BACON near a swinery
  • Malard: it makes all the pigs very unhappy
  • Malard: and they will attempt to break out
  • Malard: obviously as soon as someone did it, i would stop it to prevent griefing
  • Manon: is it the same as to "hear" another player speak? (suggestion: maybe change it that only if the owner or guild members say it near the pen it happens?)
  • Malard: it is a tale 8 easter egg
  • Nissa: _tips her hat to @Malard_
  • Malard: its cheaper than wheat
  • Nissa: and would have allowed for moving wild pigs much further distances than was feasible with wheat
  • Redshift: ok did anyone try shouting "VEAL" near cattle?
  • Malard: no that doesnt work
  • Tribisha: How about shouting mutton near Sheeple... 🤔
  • Malard: that is one mystery for another tale
  • Brad: Any hints on how Moss works, specifically how changing properties works? I get it if that's not T8-specific enough for the AMA.
  • Csirke: Was the question "What was the peak concurrent user count in T8?" ignored intentionally, or just missed? 😄
  • Malard: it was over 300
  • Redshift: How many people passed each of the worship tests?
  • Malard: no idea, check the in game census
  • Redshift: Well, the in game census doesn't have that information
  • Lazybum: it shows information on what level they are within like 600 students, 20 students 1 oracle
  • Redshift: in the T5 amnesty for example, the devs were able to list how many people passed vigil, festivals, etc
  • Lazybum: well techneclay you can do that also, just look at discord system. 😛
  • Redshift: No, that's still not possible... that's ok though, its not a big deal
  • blondie: I guess devs aren't that interested in specific tests stats? ;p
  • blondie: Amnesty is ...now? I thought it was the 25th.
  • Malard: this weekend blondie
  • Malard: all weekend
  • Malard: @Redshift i could write the code, but its not something i can do right now
  • blondie: questions and all that are here, in game? (looks to what she was doing in beta)
  • Malard: i am looking at global chat on t8 periodically, but best to do it here for perpetual logging
  • Myn: I too would be interested in the mineral map from T8 when you get around to it, Malard.
  • Redshift: malard, what were the things that surprised you most about player behavior in T8?
  • Malard: you are willing to make a lot of stuff mindlessly
  • Malard: i did not expect tribute wars
  • Malard: not at the level of what you actually achieved
  • blondie: hm, hm, imagine if there were logs within the game (ducks and runs).
  • Gabrielnight: A bit like redshifts question; what are you the most proud of in T8?
  • Juonkiku: was there any secret that was never found out that made you a little disappointed? :P
  • blondie: was the whole pepper thing mentioned? about how to repro that people had many theories about but i don't think it was ever fully known/confirmed.
  • Fixxxer: 4:32 AM] Malard: that was more meant as a bootstrapping mechanic, the actual seed repo is growing near sulfur
  • blondie: all these terms...bootstrapping...ah, but, no, that's not what i meant
  • blondie: I meant how do we get seeds from dung correctly....or was it meant to be random and just drive us insane?
  • Malard: @Moptan having a higher player count than what we think t6 and t7 achieved (although we cannot be certain we dont have accurate stats from then) also for the cattle system
  • Malard: @Juonkiku i am terrible at secrets, i think you know pretty mcuh everything now
  • Malard: @blondie near sulfur water
  • Malard: dung is a straight 25% chance
  • Gabrielnight: While we are going through the more stereotypical questions; anything you regret from T8?
  • blondie: no, i'm not asking about that repro, i'm asking about getting seeds from bull caca after you dry them
  • blondie: 25% chance...so basically, it's nothing else? that helps it. I'm guessing that's what you mean.
  • Malard: no, no other factors
  • Malard: @Moptan that i didnt technically finish the tale, because i felt that it would be better to do a bigger tale 9
  • Gabrielnight: This one might be a bit outside the "only t8 question", but as a person who really enjoy the close player to developer relationship you and the devs are having with all of us, both in game and on discord. And as an observant of the good, the bad and the ugly it brings, I am curious;

From your experience from T8, would you want to keep this close player to dev relationship going or distance yourself more from it?

  • Gabrielnight: Thinking back to the start of T8, if you were playing, which faction do you think you would have picked when you would have left WI?
  • 🐑Sheeple Ꮚ・ꈊ・Ꮚ 🐑: _thinks the Duck is a KUSHIAN!_
  • Malard: _is a kushian_
  • Malard: @Moptan i love having a tight relationship with the community, but people can consume a lot of my time repeating the same thing when i've made my position clear 🙂
  • Kehra: :hyksos:
  • Coyote: @Malard Sorry if you answered this already--did anything surprise you about how 8 played out?
  • Catote: Like the intensity of the faction war?
  • Coyote: Well, it sounds like everyone was a bit surprised by that. Anything else?
  • Peacefulness: ROFL.....now I have to go and torture our remaining piggies by running around and hollering BACON!
  • Peacefulness: Before now, did any pigs actually escape from a swinery before they starved to death? (I was watching my neighbor's swinery nervously after they stopped logging in)
  • Gabrielnight: I think I have another question for you Malard, not quite sure how to phrase this, but, during T8, did you ever personally make any changes in game or intervene during events or similar, that was not code related?
  • Gabrielnight: *thinks sheeple is spot on with his reactions*
  • Malard: not to my memory. i unlocked some tests because the unlock code was bugged
  • Malard: but there was more than enough time gone by
  • Malard: i made a little event item for meshwesh
  • Malard: i caught some cheaters along the way
  • Malard: thats about it
  • Coyote: What counts as cheating?
  • Malard: abuse of privilages
  • Coyote: Er, not that I planned on doing any cheating.... just curious since mules are macroing are already allowed. I'm not creative enough to think of much else you could do to bend the game.
  • Malard: no-one was caught using macros excessively outside of the rules
  • Malard: occasional, walked away from the desk type issues
  • Malard: but nothing i would worry about
  • Rosenfeuer: not a really T8 question. Whats about Steam? Will you keep that as a destination? And when yes, its a T9 thing or more T10?
  • Malard: i looked into steam integration in tale 8
  • Malard: some of it is quite beyond me at the moment
  • Malard: a blocker was for steam you must have a video
  • Malard: and i dont have one
  • Coyote: I bet the tax stuff is a pain.
  • Malard: i would rather have 70% of something
  • Malard: than 100% of nothing
  • tehm: How was sheep pox contacted/transmitted in t8?
  • tehm: When it is available I'd like to see the mineral map too!
  • Skyfeather: Not _strictly_ a T8 question, but: Would you ban macros if you could (and presumably rebalance the game)? At what point do you think macro complexity goes too far? I've always wanted to make a gem cutting macro, for instance
  • tehm: Since you mentioned public works was not what you expected for faction buildings, what did you figure we'd use them for? They were awfully expensive to expand, why?
  • Freeportkid: does accidentally falling asleepign at the keyboard count as abuse of macros 😆
  • Juonkiku: Technically yes if the macro is active... :p
  • Feyth: thats why i never used the nonstop macros
  • Freeportkid: well they're not usually nonstop also i'm not AFK i'm usually even leaning on it
  • Tribisha: @Malard it works as a 3rd party app through Steam anyway.. honestly I don't really see the point of having Steam integration.

What is prefer to see is an in game wiki. A lite browser that acts more like a man page

  • Apophis: I wouldn't ban macros if I could. Generally speaking, they're a symptom of a problem we're trying to address.
  • Freeportkid: macros or no macros people would still horde and get alot of stuff and minus some peopel abusign the whole thorn thing generally i've never seen anyone really abusing it it just makes the game easier in some cases doesn't really give you an edge over anyone in fact soem peopel can do even better without macros. I didnt' win any of the gathering events while using macros people who didnt' macro could do better because they did activites that didn't use macros

but alos getting like 4 flint in 82 clay is gonna result in people using a macro when you need a bunch of flint

  • Freeportkid: and i know i've personally never intentially afk macroed just fallen asleep in my chair once or twice usually during a macro that ended within 5 or 10 minutes anyway
  • Ashen: _writes a macro that just sends /afk over and over_
  • Freeportkid: volunters as a macro checker to make sure people respond while macroing lol honestly thats what we need most gm's are wb's or developers and are so busy creating content there isnt' alot of time to police possible violators i'm sure theres a way to make it throw a flag if someone does 200 + flax harvests in a row at a pretty consistent speed
  • Apophis: People are going to hoard, sure, but again, that is a symptom of a greater issue
  • Freeportkid: the issue of randomly needing lots of mats on a minutes notice like when you built a giant bird in avaris :p

t8 question why did only avaris get one of those statues unless i missed something

  • Apophis: And also, 4 flint in 82 clay is an aberration
  • Apophis: You generally have a 10% chance of finding flint in clay
  • Freeportkid: i'm just terribly unlocky thats why i dont' gamble lol
  • Istwan: what greater issue causes hoarding? o,O
  • Freeportkid: #discovey...as much as I love it and please keep adding new stuff and changing stuff not knowing what you might need next week mean people dont' trade extra away or throw it away you never know when you might need to build a bunch of random new stuff
  • Ashen: some things like herbs and mushrooms you don't know your stocks at home and some are incredibly rare so you tend to just collect those whenever and wherever you find them
  • Csirke: Well it's not a huge aberration, there's a 7.7% chance to get 4 or less with 82 clay:

<https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=binomial%2882%2C+0.1%29+%3C%3D+4&assumption=%7B%22C%22%2C+%22binomial%22%7D+-%3E+%7B%22ProbabilityDistribution%22%7D> 🤓

  • Ashen: and you can't just "go out and collect some dead tongue mushrooms" if you find your stocks are low and you need some for paint, like you can just go gather wood if you're running low, so you stockpile. but we'll see what fungiculture gets us. 🙂 [seems we're getting pretty off topic]
  • Apophis: So first of all, there will always be people who hoard to hoard. I'm talking about the people who feel the need to hoard. And it's the mechanics, basically. Mechanics that make people feel the need to stock up on things to deal with any situation. There's no security there on finding things. Is that *actually* a problem? It's a thing, but I'm not sure it's a problem to be addressed.
  • Csirke: I feel like hoarding resources is part of a game like this
  • Freeportkid: i'v enever thought hoarding or gathering everything you can get int his game was hoarding with the requiremtns for something things unknown until you unlock it especially in the last tale and this tale this is a grindy game peole are gonna grind and they're gonna hold onto the stuff they have. It all comes back to you never know when you're gonna need and you dont' have alto of security in gathering some stuff except like, wood, clay, ect
  • Csirke: But hopefully there's guilds that can do the hoarding, and then some players can not take part in that
  • Freeportkid: i mean you don't "have" to hoard to advance in this game that also true, you can wait till a test comes out and then go get and make the stuff you need for that test, but espeically with the slow test releases liek t8 (not complaining about it) it gave you alot of down time to produce extra stuff for things you knew would eventually be coming IE bricks and boards and other random stuff. We hoarded indonesion hive fruit because you enver knew what the requirements for a region would be next month
  • Tribisha: I've often gotten distracted by my kids with a macro running, but never intentionally. Quite often I will sit there and run a macro while chatting in-game.
  • Freeportkid: one of the arch tests is literally how many different colors of tiles can you put in this giant structure...it's not hard to see why people horde, another test is what random items will you need to put in this honor vault....what random stuff do you need to put in ka's tombs boxes so many tests are random that it's hard to not horde atlest a bit
  • Lazybum: then test of banquet has random requirements aswell
  • Tribisha: Easy enough to fix that.. a little like wheat.. only make those things available for the test.. different strains of this and that. You can still work out the mechanics and train up your xp in related skills and talents, but the actual test required things don't exist or can't be accessed until you start the test
  • Freeportkid: but you use wheat for other stuf flike brewing beer and cooking, I still have like 50k of wheat if not more in different silos around t8
  • Lazybum: and banquet you need to have x wine , y beer, and z food
  • Tribisha: Yes and that wheat is for beer.. only "test X wheat" can be grown for the test
  • Freeportkid: but they want it to be random it makes i more complicated otherwise 1 person could just grow a bunch of that "test" wheat and be done
  • Tribisha: Yeh

. Banquet slightly different though, I wouldn't really call extensive vineyards hoarding though.. just viticulture in action

  • Lazybum: wheat is easy enough to grow to need to horde, maybe for levend bread but, making wheat for beer can be done quick enough.... getting the right wines take ages and you get lots of non needed wines to find the wine you need, and the foods you need multiple ingredients that are required + pairing to them
  • Lazybum: don't get me wrong, banquet is one of my favorite tests, along with the road to get there, making wine, beer and food. but its the random requirements that you get at the end of the adventure which makes people want to horde.
  • Feyth: We need Mead
  • Peacefulness: how did "Ask Me Anything" turn into a discussion about hoarding? ;P
  • Peacefulness: Aside from an oddity on the T8 map, what is What is The Land of the Gods, or The Land of Punt? Its at 4687, -532
  • Feyth: Where there more cheese recipes that didnt get unlocked?
  • Neena: two part question 1/ Did mushrooms turn out as expected ? 2/ what happened to the promised ability for pigs to be able to find mushrooms ? After it was announced, for weeks apophis kept promising it was number 1 on his too do list once the knife rework was finished, then it was soon .. then silence and then finally ,what mushroom problem?...
  • Malard: i will delete this chat later, the intent is to have a clean ama you can look back at
  • Al-Bilal: Was there a use for Stone Chips? The ones you bash off a Heavy Stone with a Sledgehammer
  • Malard: no
  • tehm: What were the ways a sheep pen could contract pox?
  • tehm: Also what did you expect faction compounds to be used for if not public works? Why didn't you want them used for pw?
  • Malard: i wanted them to be used for public works
  • Malard: they didnt
  • Ashen: @Al-Bilal stone chips were an alchemy ingredient in the past, but not in T8. just balance vault fodder.
  • blondie: There's nothing in game that boosts flint gathering? The only thing i remember from the past was the Humble priest bonus. It just looks like we need flint more than we did before and at several people commenting on rates being lower than 10% per clay, maybe flint could use a boost.
  • Malard: there is nothing in tale 8 that does
  • Zerrenor: I remember at the end of a previous tale there was talk of wine flavours that were never discovered, or that the discovery was never known by the community at large. Were there any such undiscovered wine flavours this tale?
  • Malard: no idea, i never did such an audit
  • blondie: bonus for choosing Ptah: +3 str, gather 2 clay per click/water (also gives two flint on flint spots) -- HUMBLE PRIEST bonus.
  • Smurf: How exactly did Raeli Ovens get there color pallets in T8? I know it was by location, but was there a few main spots that determine all the Raelis colors in Egypt, or was there something more advance there? Bonus points if there a special dev map we could look at.
  • Silden: Can the mineral map (and any other similar revelations) be posted here for all to see, rather than be sent to specific individuals only?
  • Malard: @Smurf its a maths formula based on the game seed
  • tehm: If faction compounds are intended for public works, didn't it seem the costs to expand them outpaced the costs of having guild buildings by far. That was the #1 reason Hyksos built one and proceeded to ignore it
  • Malard: yes, my mistake
  • tehm: What sorts of entertaining invisible shenanigans did you get up to in t8?
  • Malard: none
  • Malard: except torturing sheeple
  • Malard: but thats more just a regular hobby for me now
  • Feyth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9MFnheUy5s
  • tehm: Did you miss not playing yourself? When so much of your time is working on a thing how does it influence your enjoyment of it in your free time
  • Malard: i would love to play the game, but i also enjoy making this. i try to play bits as much as i can so that i can avoid making things unreasonably hard
  • tehm: Was it your intention or expectation that each faction would have about the same population?
  • Malard: yes
  • Istwan: favorite game mechanic or minigame?
  • tehm: Were portable cornerstones ever event prizes in t8? How many gebs sickles or special fishing poles were given out over the tale?
  • blondie: We did get portable cornerstones this telling (says in hidden ducky voice) but it may be harder to figure out the number of geb sickles and poles because we did have quite a few through events and then the Santa Sleighs came with the choice to pick ...i think SILVER sickles was one but not fishing rods. I would say there was an unprecedented number of SILVER and fishing rods 'given' , not so much GOLDEN sickles, though. There was that new stick to get extra wood, from the Santa Sleighs.
  • Brad: I think maybe there was only one golden sickle that went to @Somebob but I could be mistaken
  • blondie: there were more closer to the end of the telling, maybe some from wheat test events with ariella. Unless it was limited to fishing rods. I'm not 100% sure on the number but it's gotta be a lot less Golden than silver. Still, silver is preeettty coool and we got a lot more than we've had before, i'm almost sure. It's hard to say 100% sure in this game. ;p
  • Brad: Ya, the rewards from Christmas 2018 were pretty fantastic
  • SuperEmu: I think I got the first golden sickle, but could be wrong.
  • Peacefulness: I believe @Lazybum had a golden sickle, but not certain of its provenance

If there was only one, Somebob could have passed it to him)

  • Lazybum: nope, i got my stuff from events
  • Kehra: *wonders if malard ever goes into atitd incognito*
  • Apophis: I do
  • Apophis: 😉
  • Kehra: hehe
  • merek: _thinks, yes, probably naked and invisible._
  • Kasiya: _wonders if @Halfelf is @TheSheeple_
  • Apophis: No, I make new accounts and wander around, and join guilds
  • Apophis: Like last telling when I spent two months in KAPOW
  • Apophis: 😉
  • Freeportkid: walks up to peopel asking how to make bricks
  • Apophis: Yes, I did that actually
  • Apophis: I let them tutor me on how to play
  • Kasiya: but you joined KaPoW as Apophis. And wow, the time delay on posting messages is annoying 😛
  • Apophis: heh
  • Kehra: I have a focus problem. I don't usually think to help new people but if they ask I give them the answer
  • Apophis: That was separate before I went and became dev again in T8
  • merek: AMA channel...
  • 🐑Sheeple Ꮚ・ꈊ・Ꮚ 🐑: _RAWRS_
  • tehm: Is 1/3 your favorite fraction?
  • Apophis: My favorite fraction has always been 2/7
  • Kehra: you're terrible @Halfelf
  • Apophis: 😄
  • Peacefulness: that's pretty cool, Apophis
  • Peacefulness: (the making noobs and letting people help them thing)

/me kicks slow mode and edits her own posts instead!

  • Peacefulness: Hmmmm......Ask me anything......Any comments on Geodude and his habit of turning the social game upside down, as much as possible?

I saw him log in at the beginning of T8, and greeted him, but didn't hear of any "mischief"

  • tamarack: this sounds trite, but is there some kind of vision statement or guiding principle that you use as a 'north star', if you will, when considering making changes to the game? If so, can you share it? If not, what steps do you take to ensure that the growth of the game goes in a *somewhat* desired direction?
  • Malard: vision statement: make a game. A game is a puzzle that you need to unpick. The pleasure is in the discovery and the unravelling of the puzzle. Make sure that the systems i create add to that enjoyment. This game has a fantastic core concept of crafting and social challenges, but it lacks a conclusion. So making sure we are heading to a destination is my aim
  • Freeportkid: q: what was our destination of tale 8 seems the stranger stopped like 200 some days ago and didn't really get new stuff
  • Manon: unlock all the techs and wait for t9 to be ready? xd
  • Malard: @CarRamRod by chance thats when i forked the game code for tale 9 when i realised i needed to make more fundamental changes
  • Malard: @CarRamRod i would get it in the neck if i touched established systems mid tale, and i totally get that. so the decision me and @Halfelf made is that basically when we launch a tale its "feature complete"
  • merek: Why? Teppy never did that... 😉
  • Freeportkid: speed of serpent: this has been around for a while but since this was my first full tale i'm just trying to totally understand the mechanic, and since you took out the bannign thing i'm curious how death works in the game if you've paid for full tale.
  • Malard: @CarRamRod speed of serpent really should not have been in there
  • Malard: conceptually a death is okay, and skyfeather doing it was already quit
  • Malard: so has little ramifications
  • Malard: death in terms of subscription would mean me porting your sub to another char name
  • Malard: @merek i believe Teppy's development policy was to start development in beta
  • Malard: and beta test in live
  • Deleted User: at times, with pigs especially, t8 felt like a beta test.
  • Deleted User: Not complaining, as I like the new content. - and I got a cooldown timer on discord. wasupwitdat?
  • Csirke: It's this channel, this channel is slowmoded
  • Malard: @Deleted User in a way it is/was because i was learning what i was doing and also trying to make sure the game continued. The timer is because i wanted to make sure i could read all the content. I will be closing the AMA at the end of the day
  • Ashen: The /crowd command was disabled in T8 'cause I guess crowding no longer matters. But my feeling is that apiaries are much slower to produce if they're built close together. Care to say anything more about that?
  • Malard: crowding had nothing to do with apiaries performance
  • Malard: i should restate that, the /crowd command told you how many people ran through the area, that had nothing to do with how an apiary performs
  • Ashen: huh. so nothing like the wikis described it. 😛
  • Malard: i cant comment on how a wiki infers how something works. if its not in the game its not authoritive 🙂
  • Morendo: Oh, before this does get closed - was that oremap ever made available?
  • Freeportkid: oh other question, "new metal" that was made last tale, I often found patterns int he way they were laid out was this coninicdental from procedurally generated or did you design them to have a pattern
  • Malard: no pattern
  • Malard: random seed
  • Manon: i would like to see the oremap as well 🙂
  • Freeportkid: question: did sink food have any type of affect on how cooking worked
  • Malard: it does, and i dont like that it works that way
  • tamarack: what is the old thing you changed for T8 that are happiest with?
  • tamarack: what is the new thing you added for T8 that you are happiest with?
  • Feyth: @Malard will the cooking change before t10?
  • Malard: thats not a T8 question
  • LuluDivine: spoilsport
  • Coyote: What was your favourite thing from T8?
  • Ashen: _thinks loophole: "will cooking as it is in t8 end with t8?" :P_
  • Malard: cooking will remain unchanged for the remainder of t8
  • Deleted User: 😄
  • Feyth: damn i tried to sneak one in 😛
  • Silden: Did some of those very rare mushrooms actually exist, or did they fizzle out and never reappear?
  • Smurf: For Malard/Apophis, What was some of your favorite gameplay mechanics of T8? From a player perspective.
  • Malard: i like the ecology system but i dont think many players have ever figured it out
  • Ashen: I think we don't believe we have nearly as much control over ecology as has been implied
  • Malard: you do, i had control over it in t4
  • Brad: Hence his saying "we don't **believe** we have"
  • Ashen: both raise *and* lower all eco factors? if that's true then maybe some things just don't have enough of an effect to be noticable. or it required triggering mushroom spawns to have the mushrooms trigger eco changes, but as we all know mushrooms were borked.
  • Malard: it will be reviewed further