A Wiki in the Desert
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Guilds/Garden of Beetles/Notre aqueduc

From A Wiki in the Desert


Home Guild page / Accueil de la guilde
Test of Life
Legend Aqueduct

Give Your Opinion :)

  • Do yo Want an Aqueduct Guild ?
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Kali X if we make aqueduc guild i think it's better idea make that in desert region for easy pass, I would comply with everyone's opinion.
Xiana I have never done an aquaduct and have no clue what it is for, so whatever choice that is made is fine for me
Numerobis X yes it's a good idea for this but it will a big project :)
Sobek Je ne suis ni pour ni contre bien au contraire... lol Plus sérieusement : I will comply with everyone's opinion too !! Ceci dit c'est bien d'avoir les tours dans le camp pour les bonus des tours les bonus veggie, les mousses...
Omega X why not ! it is a good idea :)
Nixis ? Everyone with a tower passes eventually... but I don't really have a strong opinion about us doing it or not. Will definitely contribute if we're going in that direction!
Zonk It might be better to join an existing project
Vala x I am good either way I will go with whatever the guild decides :D

Page for the preparation of Our Aqueduct

Map of Our Aqueduct

Aqueduct Legend:

markerDotRd.png STR markerDotPk.png DEX markerDotGr.png END markerDotOr.png SPD markerPinWhB.png Cabbage markerPinWhR.png Carrot markerPinWhU.png Cucumbers markerPinWhE.png Eggplant markerPinWhG.png Garlic
markerDotLb.png CON markerDotBl.png FOC markerDotPu.png PER markerDotWh.png Future markerPinWhL.png Leek markerPinWhO.png Onion markerPinWhP.png Pepper markerPinWhW.png Watermelon markerPinWhstar.png Multiple markerPinWhcircle.png Aqueduct Pump

Tower Location Owner Stat Veggie Bonus Herb spot? Moss/date Passed Date Notes
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?