From A Wiki in the Desert
Materials needed - PLINTH
Material | Needed | Progress |
Bricks | 100,000 | 100,000 |
Cuttable Stone | 31,000 | 31,000 |
Small Stone Blocks | 5,000 | 5000 |
Concrete | 2,500 | 2500 |
Yellowish Paint | 6,000 | 6000 |
Greenish Paint | 5,000 | 5000 |
Blueish Paint | 5,000 | 5000 |
Reddish Paint | 3,000 | 3000 |
Whiteish Paint | 7,000 | 7000 |
Gold Foil | 2,500 | 2500 |
Silver | 2,000 | 2000 |
Magnesium Bars | 500 | 500 |
Copper Bars | 500 | 500 |
Aluminium Foil | 1,000 | 1000 |
Huge Diamond | 14 | 14 |
Huge Emerald | 14 | 14 |
Huge Quartz | 14 | 14 |
Huge Ruby | 14 | 14 |
Huge Sapphire | 14 | 14 |
Huge Topaz | 14 | 14 |
Huge Opal | 14 | 14 |
Mats for x 10 decos
Warehouses at 2209, -1021, in front of the throne.
Materials | Stored | Needed |
Thread | 2250 | 2250 |
Linen | 770 | 770 |
Twine | 490 | 490 |
Canvas | 770 | 770 |
Rope | 1931 | 770 |
Yarn | 1210 | 1210 |
Wool Cloth | 770 | 770 |
Raw Silk | 343 | 210 |
Silk Cloth | 210 | 210 |
Glass Rods | 170 | 170 |
Fine Glass Rods | 140 | 140 |
Decorative Torches | 119 | 100 |
Mirror | 70 | 70 |
Nails | 490 | 490 |
Washers | 140 | 140 |
Quicksilver | 140 | 140 |
Cut Stone | 2100 | 2100 |
Cuttable Stone | 2100 | 2100 |
Small Stone Block | 2800 | 2100 |
Slate | 4200 | 4200 |
Saltpeter | 70 | 70 |
Plaster | 210 | 210 |
Sulfur | 522 | 70 |
Mandibular glue | 70 | 70 |
Oil | 420 | 420 |
Wood | 21000 | 21000 |
Boards | 2100 | 2100 |
Wooden Pegs | 0 | 70 |
We will also need:
Pearls: all types - HAVE
Gems: 14 (small), 7 (medium) or 3 (large) per request - GET FROM GEM CP
Resin: 21 per request - all types - HAVE ALMOST
Metal Bars: 7 per request- all types, 70 of each type - HAVE
Metal: 14 per request - all types, 140 of each type - MISSING: Brass + Octecs Alloy
Powdered gem: 8 per request - all types - HAVE
Paint: all types, 121 per deco - HAVE
Beads: all types - HAVE SOME. Otherwise grind the ones you need.
Treated boards: Treat as we go, or take from treated boards WH. Please make 500 at a time.
Decorative Stone: 1 per request, 10 of each type would be nice
Group 1: Solaris, Ruby, Kiji, Bryce, Larame, Pindar, dedenav.
Paints, 400 of each
Color | Done? |
AliceBlue | Y |
Amethyst | Y |
AntiqueWhite | Y |
Aqua | Y |
Aquamarine | Y |
Azure | Y |
BakerMillerPink | Y |
Banana | Y |
BarnRed | Y |
Beet | Y |
Beige | Y |
Bisque | Y |
Black | Y |
BlanchedAlmond | Y |
BlazeOrange | Y |
Blue | Y |
BlueViolet | Y |
Boysenberry | Y |
BrightPink | Y |
Brown | Y |
BurgundyRed | Y |
BurlyWood | Y |
BurntSienna | Y |
BurntUmber | Y |
CadetBlue | Y |
CadmiumOrange | Y |
CadmiumYellow | Y |
Carrot | Y |
Chartreuse | Y |
Chocolate | Y |
CobaltBlue | Y |
CobaltGreen | Y |
Coral | Y |
CornflowerBlue | Y |
Cornsilk | Y |
Crimson | Y |
DarkBlue | Y |
DarkCyan | Y |
DarkGoldenRod | Y |
DarkGreen | Y |
DarkGrey | Y |
DarkJungleGreen | Y |
DarkKhaki | Y |
DarkMagenta | Y |
DarkOliveGreen | Y |
DarkOrange | Y |
DarkOrchid | Y |
DarkRed | Y |
DarkSalmon | Y |
DarkScarlet | Y |
DarkSeaGreen | Y |
DarkSienna | Y |
DarkSlateBlue | Y |
DarkSlateGrey | Y |
DarkTurquoise | Y |
DarkViolet | Y |
DeepPink | Y |
DeepSkyBlue | Y |
DimGrey | Y |
DodgerBlue | Y |
DukeBlue | Y |
EggshellWhite | Y |
EmeraldGreen | Y |
Feldspar | Y |
FireBrick | Y |
FloralWhite | Y |
ForestGreen | Y |
Fuchsia | Y |
Gainsboro | Y |
GhostWhite | Y |
Gold | Y |
GoldenRod | Y |
Green | Y |
GreenYellow | Y |
Grey | Y |
HoneyDew | Y |
HotPink | Y |
ImperialBlue | Y |
IndianRed | Y |
Indigo | Y |
Ivory | Y |
Khaki | Y |
Lavender | Y |
LavenderBlush | Y |
LawnGreen | Y |
LemonChiffon | Y |
Licorice | Y |
LightBlue | Y |
LightCoral | Y |
LightCyan | Y |
LightGoldenRodYellow | Y |
LightGreen | Y |
LightGrey | Y |
LightPink | Y |
LightSalmon | Y |
LightSeaGreen | Y |
LightSkyBlue | Y |
LightSlateBlue | Y |
LightSlateGrey | Y |
LightSteelBlue | Y |
LightYellow | Y |
Lime | Y |
LimeGreen | Y |
Linen | Y |
Maroon | Y |
MediumAquaMarine | Y |
MediumBlue | Y |
MediumOrchid | Y |
MediumPurple | Y |
MediumSeaGreen | Y |
MediumSlateBlue | Y |
MediumSpringGreen | Y |
MediumTurquoise | Y |
MediumVioletRed | Y |
Melon | Y |
MidnightBlue | Y |
MintCream | Y |
MistyRose | Y |
Moccasin | Y |
NavajoWhite | Y |
Navy | Y |
OldLace | Y |
Olive | Y |
OliveDrab | Y |
Orange | Y |
OrangeRed | Y |
Orchid | Y |
OxfordBlue | Y |
PaleGoldenRod | Y |
PaleGreen | Y |
PaleTurquoise | Y |
PaleVioletRed | Y |
PapayaWhip | Y |
PeachPuff | Y |
Peacock | Y |
PersianIndigo | Y |
PersianPink | Y |
Peru | Y |
Pink | Y |
Plum | Y |
PowderBlue | Y |
PrussianBlue | Y |
Purple | Y |
RawSienna | Y |
Red | Y |
RedDevil | Y |
RichBlack | Y |
RosyBrown | Y |
RoyalBlue | Y |
RubyRed | Y |
SaddleBrown | Y |
Salmon | Y |
SandyBrown | Y |
Sangria | Y |
SapGreen | Y |
SeaGreen | Y |
SealBrown | Y |
SeaShell | Y |
Sienna | Y |
Silver | Y |
SkyBlue | Y |
SlateBlue | Y |
SlateGrey | Y |
SmokeyBlack | Y |
Snow | Y |
SpringGreen | Y |
SteelBlue | Y |
SteelPink | Y |
Tan | Y |
Teal | Y |
Thistle | Y |
Tomato | Y |
Turquoise | Y |
TyrianPurple | Y |
Violet | Y |
VioletRed | Y |
Wheat | Y |
White | Y |
WhiteSmoke | Y |
Yellow | Y |
YellowGreen | Y |
Zaffre | Y |
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