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List 7

Present at least 4 complete Mortars to Great University of the Human Body at West Sinai 3644 6892:

   First Mortar Option:
       Fresh Fumitory, 3 River Birch Sapling Resin, Powdered Ruby
       At least 600 feet above sea level, Near the base of a Cliff
   Second Mortar Option:
       Fresh Death's Piping, 1 Green Ash Sapling Resin, Powdered Emerald
       On Grass, Between 100 and 200 feet above sea level
   Third Mortar Option:
       Fresh Umber Basil, 1 Cinnar Resin, Powdered Sapphire
       On Sand, Between 300 and 400 feet above sea level
   Fourth Mortar Option:
       Fresh Heartsease, 2 Katsura Sapling Resin, Powdered Opal
       Near a Large Stone, On a Hilltop
   Fifth Mortar Option:
       Fresh Lamae, 7 Mimosa Resin, Powdered Diamond
       Between 400 and 500 feet above sea level, Near a University
   Sixth Mortar Option:
       Fresh Chaffa, 4 Butterleaf Tree Resin, Powdered Ruby
       Near Sulfurous Water, No more than 100 feet above sea level
   Seventh Mortar Option:
       Fresh Cranesbill, 4 Montu Maple Resin, Powdered Diamond
       On Rock, Near a University

List 6

Present at least 4 complete Mortars to Great University of the Human Body at West Sinai 3644 6892:

   First Mortar Option:
       Fresh Bitter Florian, 4 Arconis Resin, Powdered Sapphire
       On Rock, Between 300 and 400 feet above sea level
   Second Mortar Option:
       Fresh Pale Russet, 6 Acacia Resin, Powdered Diamond
       Near a School, Far from any Flora
   Third Mortar Option:
       Fresh Artemisia, 6 Cricklewood Resin, Powdered Diamond
       Near at least 2 Cacti, Between 200 and 300 feet above sea level
   Fourth Mortar Option:
       Fresh Quamash, 7 Chicory Resin, Powdered Sapphire
       On Sand, Near a University
   Fifth Mortar Option:
       Fresh Calabash, 2 Montu Maple Resin, Powdered Opal
       On Sand, Between 500 and 600 feet above sea level
   Sixth Mortar Option:
       Fresh Mahonia, 3 Fern Palm Resin, Powdered Emerald
       Near a School, On Rock
   Seventh Mortar Option:
       Fresh Asafoetida, 7 Feather Tree Youth Resin, Powdered Opal
       On Rock, Near at least 2 Cacti

List 5

Present at least 4 complete Mortars to Great University of the Human Body at West Sinai 3644 6892:

   First Mortar Option:
       Fresh Whitebelly, 5 White Pine Resin, Powdered Sapphire
       No more than 100 feet above sea level, Near a Travel Facility
   Second Mortar Option:
       Fresh Myristica, 1 Umbrella Palm Resin, Powdered Emerald
       Between 100 and 200 feet above sea level, Near a School
   Third Mortar Option:
       Fresh Dalchini, 6 Safsaf Sapling Resin, Powdered Diamond
       On Sand, Near a Common Altar
   Fourth Mortar Option:
       Fresh Yellow Gentian, 3 Safsaf Sapling Resin, Powdered Sapphire
       On Dirt, On a Peninsula or Bridge
   Fifth Mortar Option:
       Fresh Sweetgrass, 6 Towering Palm Resin, Powdered Opal
       At least 600 feet above sea level, Far from any Flora
   Sixth Mortar Option:
       Fresh Red Pepper Plant, 1 Sweet Pine Resin, Powdered Sapphire
       Near a Travel Facility, On Rock
   Seventh Mortar Option:
       Fresh Dwarf Wild Lettuce, 2 Mimosa Resin, Powdered Emerald
       Near a Common Altar, On Sand

List 4

Present at least 4 complete Mortars to Great University of the Human Body at West Sinai 3644 6892:

   First Mortar Option:
       Fresh Ginger Tarragon, 3 Illawara Sapling Resin, Powdered Diamond
       On Sand, On a Peninsula or Bridge
   Second Mortar Option:
       Fresh Spinach, 6 Tiny Oil Palm Resin, Powdered Opal
       On Sand, Near a School
   Third Mortar Option:
       Fresh Brassy Caltrops, 5 Beetlenut Resin, Powdered Sapphire
       Between 500 and 600 feet above sea level, Near a Papyrus Plant
   Fourth Mortar Option:
       Fresh Fivesleaf, 3 Passam Resin, Powdered Sapphire
       Between 200 and 300 feet above sea level, Near a Statue
   Fifth Mortar Option:
       Fresh Panoe, 4 Parrotia Sapling Resin, Powdered Ruby
       On Rock, Near the base of a Cliff
   Sixth Mortar Option:
       Fresh Lemon Grass, 6 Red Maple Resin, Powdered Emerald
       Between 400 and 500 feet above sea level, Near a Common Altar
   Seventh Mortar Option:
       Fresh Crimson Nightshade, 6 Tapacae Miralis Resin, Powdered Emerald
       On Dirt, No more than 100 feet above sea level

List 3

Present at least 4 complete Mortars to Great University of the Human Body at West Sinai 3644 6892:

   First Mortar Option:
       Fresh Orange Sweetgrass, 1 Golden Hemlock Resin, Powdered Diamond
       Near a Travel Facility, On a Hilltop
   Second Mortar Option:
       Fresh Primula, 2 Oil Palm Resin, Powdered Ruby
       Near a Travel Facility, Near a School
   Third Mortar Option:
       Fresh Sorrel, 5 Locust Palm Resin, Powdered Opal
       Near the base of a Cliff, Between 500 and 600 feet above sea level
   Fourth Mortar Option:
       Fresh Pale Dhamasa, 3 Cinnar Resin, Powdered Ruby
       Near Sulfurous Water, Between 200 and 300 feet above sea level
   Fifth Mortar Option:
       Fresh Lemondrop, 2 Silky Oak Resin, Powdered Opal
       On Grass, Near a Travel Facility
   Sixth Mortar Option:
       Fresh Upright Ochoa, 7 Anaxi Resin, Powdered Emerald
       Near Sulfurous Water, On Dirt
   Seventh Mortar Option:
       Fresh Bhillawa, 2 River Birch Youth Resin, Powdered Sapphire
       On Sand, Near a Travel Facility

List 2

Present at least 4 complete Mortars to Great University of the Human Body at West Sinai 3644 6892:

   First Mortar Option:
       Fresh Khokali, 3 Feather Tree Youth Resin, Powdered Emerald
       On Sand, Between 200 and 300 feet above sea level
   Second Mortar Option:
       Fresh Bilimbi, 1 Acacia Sapling Resin, Powdered Emerald
       Between 100 and 200 feet above sea level, On Dirt
   Third Mortar Option:
       Fresh Moon Aloe, 7 White Pine Resin, Powdered Opal
       On Clay, At least 600 feet above sea level
   Fourth Mortar Option:
       Fresh Crampbark, 3 Silky Oak Resin, Powdered Sapphire
       Near a Road, On Grass
   Fifth Mortar Option:
       Fresh Whitebelly, 7 Anaxi Resin, Powdered Diamond
       On Rock, Near a Road
   Sixth Mortar Option:
       Fresh Anansi, 7 Parrotia Sapling Resin, Powdered Opal
       Near a University, On Dirt
   Seventh Mortar Option:
       Fresh Nubian Liquorice, 6 River Birch Resin, Powdered Ruby
       On Dirt, Between 300 and 400 feet above sea level

List 1

Present at least 4 complete Mortars to Great University of the Human Body at West Sinai 3644 6892:

   First Mortar Option:
       Fresh True Tarragon , 6 Ackee Sapling Resin, Powdered Ruby
       On a Peninsula or Bridge, On Grass
       SEALED - East Sinai 4091, 6521
   Second Mortar Option:
       Fresh Ipomoea , 6 Cerulean Blue Resin, Powdered Ruby
       Near at least 2 Cacti, Between 400 and 500 feet above sea level
         SEALED - South Sinai 3967, 6155
   Third Mortar Option:
       Fresh Pulmonaria Opal, 7 Golden Hemlock Resin, Powdered Diamond
       Near a Common Altar, Between 300 and 400 feet above sea level
   Fourth Mortar Option:
       Fresh Pulmonaria Opal, 5 Tapacae Miralis Resin, Powdered Ruby
       Near a Common Altar, On Rock
       SEALED - East Sinai 4138, 7380
   Fifth Mortar Option:
       Fresh Chives , 7 Montu Maple Resin, Powdered Ruby
       On Dirt, Between 200 and 300 feet above sea level
       SEALED - South Sinai 3965, 6169
   Sixth Mortar Option:
       Fresh Flaming Skirret, 1 River Birch Youth Resin, Powdered Emerald
       Between 100 and 200 feet above sea level, Near a Large Stone
   Seventh Mortar Option:
       Fresh Moon Aloe, 3 White Pine Youth Resin, Powdered Opal
       Near a Large Stone, Near a Papyrus Plant