A Wiki in the Desert
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Users/Amicca/Oyster Catcher

From A Wiki in the Desert
Correct Pearls
Size Bad Colors notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Small beige, black, pink, smoke 1+ aqua not in 1, 1+ white not in 2 smoke smoke
Medium beige, pink, smoke smoke
Large beige
Huge pink
Size/Color Small Medium Large Huge
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 1
Aqua x - - - - - - - -
Beige x x x x x x x x O -
Black x x x x x - - - -
Coral - - - - - - - - -
Pink x x x x x x x x - O
Smoke x x O O x x x O x x x -
White - x - - - - - - -

Small pearls, not black, pink, beige Your Pearl Necklace has...

   A Small Black pearl in Small setting 1
   A Small Beige pearl in Small setting 4
   A Medium Smoke pearl in Medium setting 1
   A Large Beige pearl in Large setting 1
   A Huge Pink pearl in Huge setting 1

Good: Medium Smoke Setting 1, Large Beige Setting 1, Huge Pink Setting 1

Adding a small pink pearl: Your Pearl Necklace has...

   A Small Black pearl in Small setting 1
   A Small Pink pearl in Small setting 2
   A Small Beige pearl in Small setting 4
   A Medium Smoke pearl in Medium setting 1
   A Large Beige pearl in Large setting 1
   A Huge Pink pearl in Huge setting 1

Your necklace has... 3 Small pearls, of which 0 are the right color, and 0 are in the correct settings. 7 pearls required. 1 Medium pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 4 pearls required. 1 Large pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 2 pearls required. A Huge pearl.

Added small smoke pearl in slot 3: Your Pearl Necklace has...

   A Small Black pearl in Small setting 1
   A Small Pink pearl in Small setting 2
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 3
   A Small Beige pearl in Small setting 4
   A Medium Smoke pearl in Medium setting 1
   A Large Beige pearl in Large setting 1
   A Huge Pink pearl in Huge setting 1

Your necklace has... 4 Small pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 7 pearls required. 1 Medium pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 4 pearls required. 1 Large pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 2 pearls required. A Huge pearl.

Added small smoke to setting 5

Your Pearl Necklace has...

   A Small Black pearl in Small setting 1
   A Small Pink pearl in Small setting 2
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 3
   A Small Beige pearl in Small setting 4
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 5
   A Medium Smoke pearl in Medium setting 1
   A Large Beige pearl in Large setting 1
   A Huge Pink pearl in Huge setting 1

Your necklace has...

   5 Small pearls, of which 2 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 7 pearls required.
   1 Medium pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 4 pearls required.
   1 Large pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 2 pearls required.
   A Huge pearl.

Need another small smoke in a a setting other than 5.

Adding Medium Pink Pearl in setting 2

Your Pearl Necklace has...

   A Small Black pearl in Small setting 1
   A Small Pink pearl in Small setting 2
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 3
   A Small Beige pearl in Small setting 4
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 5
   A Medium Smoke pearl in Medium setting 1
   A Medium Pink pearl in Medium setting 2
   A Large Beige pearl in Large setting 1
   A Huge Pink pearl in Huge setting 1

Your necklace has...

   5 Small pearls, of which 2 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 7 pearls required.
   2 Medium pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 4 pearls required.
   1 Large pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 2 pearls required.
   A Huge pearl.

Added Small Smoke to Setting 6

Your Pearl Necklace has...

   A Small Black pearl in Small setting 1
   A Small Pink pearl in Small setting 2
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 3
   A Small Beige pearl in Small setting 4
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 5
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 6
   A Medium Smoke pearl in Medium setting 1
   A Medium Pink pearl in Medium setting 2
   A Large Beige pearl in Large setting 1
   A Huge Pink pearl in Huge setting 1

Your necklace has...

   6 Small pearls, of which 2 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 7 pearls required.
   2 Medium pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 4 pearls required.
   1 Large pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 2 pearls required.
   A Huge pearl.

Added small smoke to slot 7 removed black in slot 1 and replaced with smoke

Your Pearl Necklace has...

   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 1
   A Small Pink pearl in Small setting 2
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 3
   A Small Beige pearl in Small setting 4
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 5
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 6
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 7
   A Medium Smoke pearl in Medium setting 1
   A Medium Pink pearl in Medium setting 2
   A Large Beige pearl in Large setting 1
   A Huge Pink pearl in Huge setting 1

Your necklace has...

   7 Small pearls, of which 2 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings.
   2 Medium pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 4 pearls required.
   1 Large pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 2 pearls required.
   A Huge pearl.

Replace small 2 with smoke, add smoke medium 3

Your Pearl Necklace has...

   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 1
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 2
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 3
   A Small Beige pearl in Small setting 4
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 5
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 6
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 7
   A Medium Smoke pearl in Medium setting 1
   A Medium Pink pearl in Medium setting 2
   A Medium Smoke pearl in Medium setting 3
   A Large Beige pearl in Large setting 1
   A Huge Pink pearl in Huge setting 1

Your necklace has...

  7 Small pearls, of which 2 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings.
  3 Medium pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 4 pearls required.
  1 Large pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 2 pearls required.
  A Huge pearl.

Move small smoke to slot 4

Your Pearl Necklace has...

   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 2
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 3
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 4
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 5
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 6
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 7
   A Medium Smoke pearl in Medium setting 1
   A Medium Pink pearl in Medium setting 2
   A Medium Smoke pearl in Medium setting 3
   A Large Beige pearl in Large setting 1
   A Huge Pink pearl in Huge setting 1

Your necklace has...

  6 Small pearls, of which 2 are the right color, and 2 are in the correct settings. 7 pearls required.
  3 Medium pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 4 pearls required.
  1 Large pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 2 pearls required.
  A Huge pearl.

Got a talent point

Added a small aqua pearl to slot 1

Right color, wrong slot.

Your necklace has...

   7 Small pearls, of which 3 are the right color, and 2 are in the correct settings.
   3 Medium pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 4 pearls required.
   1 Large pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 2 pearls required.
   A Huge pearl.

Your Pearl Necklace has...

   A Small Aqua pearl in Small setting 1
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 2
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 3
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 4
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 5
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 6
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 7
   A Medium Smoke pearl in Medium setting 1
   A Medium Pink pearl in Medium setting 2
   A Medium Smoke pearl in Medium setting 3
   A Large Beige pearl in Large setting 1
   A Huge Pink pearl in Huge setting 1

Added medium beige pearl to slot 4

Wrong color

Your Pearl Necklace has...

   A Small Aqua pearl in Small setting 1
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 2
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 3
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 4
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 5
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 6
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 7
   A Medium Smoke pearl in Medium setting 1
   A Medium Pink pearl in Medium setting 2
   A Medium Smoke pearl in Medium setting 3
   A Medium Beige pearl in Medium setting 4
   A Large Beige pearl in Large setting 1
   A Huge Pink pearl in Huge setting 1

Your necklace has...

   7 Small pearls, of which 3 are the right color, and 2 are in the correct settings.
   4 Medium pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings.
   1 Large pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 2 pearls required.
   A Huge pearl.

Removed Smoke pearl from small slot 2, added white pearl to slot 2

Right color wrong spot.

Your Pearl Necklace has...

   A Small Aqua pearl in Small setting 1
   A Small White pearl in Small setting 2
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 3
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 4
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 5
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 6
   A Small Smoke pearl in Small setting 7
   A Medium Smoke pearl in Medium setting 1
   A Medium Pink pearl in Medium setting 2
   A Medium Smoke pearl in Medium setting 3
   A Medium Beige pearl in Medium setting 4
   A Large Beige pearl in Large setting 1
   A Huge Pink pearl in Huge setting 1

Your necklace has...

 7 Small pearls, of which 4 are the right color, and 2 are in the correct settings.
 4 Medium pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings.
 1 Large pearls, of which 1 are the right color, and 1 are in the correct settings. 2 pearls required.
 A Huge pearl.