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Vegetation Survey/KoptosCS

From A Wiki in the Desert

This map is centered on the Koptos Chariot Stop in Upper Egypt at 831, -1833.

Overhead view of Koptos CS divided into cardinal direction quadrants.


North Quadrant East Quadrant South Quadrant West Quadrant
Acacia (4)

Blaze Maple Sapling (8)

Blaze Maple Youth (4)

Bottle Tree (3)

Coconut Palm (1)

Katsura Tree (4)

Monterey Pine (2)

Monterey Pine Middle Age (4)

Montu Maple (8)

Peaches 'n Cream Maple (4)

Safsaf Sapling (1)

Safsaf Willow (1)

Royal Palm (2)

Towering Palm (2)

Young Golden Hemlock (8)

Golden Hemlock Sapling (2)

Green Ash Youth (2)

Khaya Sapling (1)

Khaya Youth (3)

Monterey Pine (2)

Monterey Pine Middle Age (1)

Monterey Pine Sapling (2)

Montu Maple (12)

Parrotia (4)

Peaches 'n Cream Youth (12)

Phoenix Palm (1)

Red Maple (3)

Trilobellia (5)

Young Golden Hemlock (2)

Acacia (2)

Acacia Sapling (4)

Katsura Tree (8)

Monterey Pine (2)

Monterey Pine Middle Age (4)

Safsaf Willow (4)

Anaxi (1)

Coconut Palm (2)

Dwarf Safsaf (1)

Fern Palm (1)

Golden Hemlock (1)

Golden Hemlock Sapling (2)

Green Ash Youth (2)

Hawthorn (1)

Khaya (1)

Khaya Sapling (1)

Khaya Youth (2)

Locust Palm (1)

Monterey Pine (2)

Monterey Pine Middle Age (1)

Monterey Pine Sapling (1)

Montu Maple (8)

Parrotia (4)

Peaches 'n Cream Youth (8)

Phoenix Palm (1)

Red Maple (3)

Royal Palm (1)

Towering Palm (4)

Trilobellia (5)

Young Golden Hemlock (3)


North Quadrant East Quadrant South Quadrant West Quadrant
Big Leaf Plant (1)

Blue Lotus Simplice (8)

Boxwood (40)

Caramel Blossom (6)

Lemon Scatterbell (6)

Nile Lotus Leaf (8)

Nile Lotus Blue Sky (32)

Nile Water Leaf (32)

Orange Delight Azalea (3)

Pale Morningbell (6)

Pink Butterfly Guara (1)

Pretty Pinks (3)

Purple Scatterbell (6)

Ripple Leaf Lily (1)

Snake Plant (1)

Spiky Yucca (2)

Thin-leaf Yucca (2)

Velvet Nightflower (2)

Violet (3)

Caramel Blossom (4)

Coleus (6)

Date Palm (1)

Forest Bell (24)

Pale Morning Bell (6)

Pilgrim's Sacrifice Weed (4)

Blue Lotus Simplice (8)

Nile Lotus Leaf (8)

Nile Lotus Blue Sky (32)

Nile Water Leaf (32)

Adzaka (1)

Caramel Blossom (6)

Cobra Weed (1)

Coleus (6)

Curl-tip Snake Plant (2)

Date Palm (1)

Firecrack (1)

Forest Bell (12)

Gamma Grass (1)

Pale Morning Bell (4)

Pilgrim's Sacrifice Weed (4)

Red Bird Azalea (2)

Serpent's Shade (1)

Thin-leaf Yucca (1)

Waxy Sedge (1)

Yellow Ground Palm (1)