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"Viticulture" is not a number.

Allows for the cultivation of grapes.


Viticulture Allows the growing of grapes. You need the Viticulture skill to build a Vineyard. Once you learn that, you need a Vine Cutting to plant in the vineyard. You can tend the vineyard to grow grapes or change the various values (acidity, color, skin) of the vine, and you can take cuttings to grow more vines.

See the Wine Guide.

Research Costs

Vine Types

T11 Sources

(edit the above at Wine/Availability)

Vine Phenotypes

To edit this section, please go to its template at Wine/Phenotypes

Vine Starting Grapes Phenotype Hue Best Attribute Additional Notes
Amusement 10 GGVV White # of Grapes
Appreciation 12 QQQ Light Red Quality
Balance 8 ACGQKS White Balance + Grapes
Brilliance 8 CCQVV Light Red Color
Contemplation 12 QQKK Light Red Quality
Distraction 12 GG White # of Grapes
Frivolity 11 ACCSS Light Red Color and Acid
Wisdom 11 KKK Dark Red Skin

Player Made Vines

Vine Starting Grapes Phenotype Hue Best Attribute
Pascalito#333 10 ACCSSSS Sugar
Pascalito#384 9 QKSSSSS Sugar
Pascalito#406 12 CQ8S Sugar
Pascalito#412 11 C13S Sugar
Pascalito#478 11 14S Sugar, pretty good tend table
Pascalito#490 11 19S Sugar
Pascalito#521 9 20S Sugar, average over 1000 sugar on grapes
Pascalito#517 12 18S Sugar, average around 1500 sugar on grapes due to better tend tables
Pascalito#841 12 34S Sugar, average around 2400 sugar on grapes
Pascalito#864 11 G31S Sugar, average around 1750 sugar on grapes, but some more grapes to harvest (I still prefer 841))
Pascalito#879 9 33S Sugar, average around 3200 sugar on grapes
Pascalito#900 10 36S Sugar, average around 2400 sugar on grapes quite fast with good grape quantity
Pascalito#1013 9 46S Sugar, average over 5000 sugar on 90 grapes
Pascalito#1161 11 59S Sugar, average over 7000 sugar on 75 grapes
Pascalito#1228 12 64S Sugar, average over 7500 sugar on 120 grapes in less tends than #1161
Pascalito#1287 11 69S Sugar, average around 10000 sugar on (only) 40 grapes
Pascalito#593 8 AQQQ14S For sweet/alcoholic good quality drinking wine (acid for flavor longevity)
Pascalito#585 10 AAQQQ7S For sweet/alcoholic good quality drinking wine (acid for flavor longevity)
Pascalito#613 9 CCKKKSS For tannin wines to produce spirits (S not important)
Pascalito#690 11 CCCKKKSS For tannin wines to produce spirits (S not important)
Pascalito#1146 11 CCCKKKKSS For tannin wines to produce spirits (S not important)
Pascalito#702 12 6Q For Pharaoh wines; also good for mixing with drink wines
Fenix#4 9 AGQQQSSSSSS General drinking wine with good quality and some sugar. Credit to Pasc for one of the parents.

Warehouse next to shop NE of Bernike cs (3043 -953) will try to keep up with cuttings for free distribution.

Required By

Vineyard, Wine Barrel