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== Walkthrough ==
== Walkthrough ==
An example of the complete ceremony as actually performed, with locations, is here [http://www.atitd.org/wiki/tale7/User:Eimear/Worship].  
An example of the complete ceremony as actually performed, with locations, is [http://www.atitd.org/wiki/tale7/User:Eimear/Worship here].

Revision as of 19:35, 13 December 2023

Principles of Worship
Principles of Worship
(Test - Worship)

This activity is now known as the task "A Simple Offering". To begin this task, meditate on any common altar.

This task serves as the initiation into the discipline of Worship. To complete this task, you must perform a sequence of blessings that involve two aspirants working in harmony.

Looking for Partner

The following characters are looking for a partner to complete this task:


Task steps

Note: You will have 25 minutes from when you begin.

  • Perform the Ritual of Initiation
  • Horus Offering: Bow Down ('Bless' emote from your character's list)
  • Horus Incantation: "Praise Horus, King of Egypt!"
  • Isis Offering: Plant a bed of Flax
  • Isis Incantation: "Praise Isis, whose seed is forever fertile!"
  • Osiris Offering: Drop a Beetle into a Mine
  • Osiris Incantation: "Praise Osiris, who was Reborn like the Scarab!"
  • Thoth Offering: Learn a new skill
  • Thoth Incantation: "Praise Thoth, the Magician who created Science!"
  • Ra Offering: Light a Ritual Torch in Deep Desert
  • Ra Incantation: "Praise Ra, of the Blazing Eye!"
  • Bastet Offering: Place Cow Milk in a Grassy Field near Water(or you can use camel milk)
  • Bastet Incantation: "Praise Bastet, who teaches elegance and grace!"
  • Amun Offering: Eat a meal of Grilled Fish
  • Amun Incantation: "Praise Amun, who gives us reason to celebrate!"
  • Perform the Closing Ceremony

Additional Information

Note: This initiation requires that you have a relatively high technology level. Do not attempt it unless you already have access to canvas, metal, and farm animals. Be sure you are well prepared before you start.

The Principle of Worship is a cooperative task which, once completed, enables the player to pursue the Tests in the Worship discipline. A level is also gained on completion. To start the Principle of Worship, meditate at an altar.

The Worship Principle is a team effort. Two players (known as aspirants) undertake a sequence of tasks together and, if successful, they pass together. Note: You CANNOT do this initiation with someone who has already passed it. Only two people who are NOT initiated into worship may begin it. Check this by clicking the Pyramid icon in the top corner of your screen before you begin if you're not sure, and ask the other player just to verify.

Ritual of Initiation

The trial begins when the two aspirants perform the Ritual of Initiation (see below) together at a common altar. From that moment, the aspirants have 25 minutes to perform the required tasks. They succeed or fail together. Players who fail the principle may try again as often as they like, either with their previous partner or with someone else.

The tasks are listed below. The Ritual of Initiation must be done first and the Closing Ceremony must be performed last; for both rituals, both aspirants must be present together. In between, seven gods must be pleased—Horus, Isis, Osiris, Thoth, Ra, Bastet, and Amun. Pleasing each god requires 1) an offering performed by one aspirant, followed by 2) an incantation spoken (in the Main chat channel) by the other aspirant. For these tasks, the two aspirants do not need to be near each other.

It is not required that one aspirant always perform the offerings and the other the incantations, but many teams choose to divide responsibilities that way, for simplicity's sake: one aspirant will run around performing the offerings; the other will stay put and recite the incantations.

Warping using your Navigation skill isn't allowed during the Ritual of Initiation, although you may use Exploration Travel to warp to an Expedition Site. You cannot use spouse warp.

Complete List of Items Required and Route

1 Small Diamond, Flax Seed to grow flax, 2 Twine (1 for opening, 1 for closing), 1 Beetle, 1 Boards and 1 Canvas to construct ritual torch, 1 Oil for lighting the torch, 1 Grilled Fish, 1 Cow Milk or camel milk, 1 Jugs of Water, tuition for the skill you need to learn at the School (your choice, within easy reach of altar). Also make sure the person building the torch has Ritual Item Construction.


The short list of what you need ready before you start:

   List of blessings to recite (copy from here or make a copy in notepad):
       Praise Horus, King of Egypt!
       Praise Isis, whose seed is forever fertile!
       Praise Osiris, who was Reborn like the Scarab!
       Praise Thoth, the Magician who created Science!
       Praise Ra, of the Blazing Eye!
       Praise Bastet, who teaches elegance and grace!
       Praise Amun, who gives us reason to celebrate! 
   Route that includes:
       Common Altar (or two)
       Either a School or University
       Deep desert location
       Grass on water's edge 
   Materials consumed during ritual:
       Ritual Torch (salvagable after you finish the principle)(1 board, 1 canvas)
       Flax seed
       Grilled Fish
       1 Oil to light the torch
       Tuition if learning a skill 
   Materials required but not consumed:
       Small Diamond
       Jugs of Cows  Milk
       Jugs of Water 
   Skills needed
       Ritual Item Construction lv. 1



Ritual of Initiation

Part 1: The Opening Ceremony The opening ceremony takes place at a common altar, and involves the following steps:

  1. Aspirant #1 places a Small Diamond on the altars' left pillar.
  2. Aspirant #2 places a piece of Twine on the altars' right pillar.
  3. Aspirant #1 meditates on the altar.

You can, and should, take the items back immediately now. They do not have to stay during the test.

Note: This is the statue's left/right, not necessarily yours. If the statue is facing the camera, reverse the instructions (or move the camera).

From this point forward, you must move rapidly! The entire ceremony, from start to finish, can take no more than 25 minutes. If you run out of time, the gods will forget about you, and you will have to start over.

Pleasing the Gods

You can please the gods in any order. For each god, one of the two players must perform some action, then the other must recite a phrase into Main. The action must precede the phrase, or the phrase won't count. The same players do not need to consistently be the actor and the speaker throughout the initiation.

To avoid typing errors, copy the words you need to recite off this wiki, without the quotes, and paste them into the Main channel. If you do mistype something, it will not ruin the test. Just try again.

When an action or a spoken phrase has been correctly performed, both players will receive a popup dialog box confirming it. So the player who will recite the phrase should wait until they get the dialog box for the action being completed.


Bow down to his lordship (using the "Bless" emote—the "Bow" emote won't work), then recite, "Praise Horus, King of Egypt!".

You do not need to find a statue of Horus, just do the bless emote anywhere you want and it will count. I suggest doing it right at the altar.


Plant Flax, then recite, "Praise Isis, whose seed is forever fertile!"

You do not need to wait for the flax to grow. Once the seed goes into the ground, the goddess is pleased.


Give him the gift of a Beetle by dropping it into a Mine, then recite, "Praise Osiris, who was Reborn like the Scarab!"

The gender, species, and ownership of the beetle don't matter. Drop whichever type you have most of, or acquire one from an experienced player who will have hundreds to spare from beetle breeding. The option to drop a beetle appears on all mine menus once you complete the opening ceremony, even mines that you don't own and don't have permission to work.


Learn a new skill or tech from a school or university, then recite, "Praise Thoth, the Magician who created Science!"

This is probably the hardest god for older players to please! Make sure you have enough resources to learn a skill if you are going to learn from a school. Learning another level on a multilevel skill (like Project Management) counts. Learning a tech from another player does not.

It is best to leave the Thoth offering until the end in case you make a mistake on something else you still have your skill to learn available to you -- Cynic (Note: this is an imported comment from T4. Cynic no longer plays.)


Light a Ritual Torch deep in the desert, with sand as far as the eye can see. Then recite, "Praise Ra, of the Blazing Eye!"

Location is key here. Use the F6 camera zoomed all the way out. Spin it entirely around. If the only ground texture you can see is sand, the spot should be good. The torch takes 1 oil to light, and 1 board, 1 canvas, and Ritual Item Construction 1 to build. Once lit, it burns for about 15 minutes, then disappears.

NOTE: Ritual Item Construction (1) is required to build a Ritual Torch. This can be the skill learned during the ceremony (for Thoth). Alternatively, a third player may build the torch and give the aspirants permission to use it.


Drop a deben of Cow Milk or Camel Milk on the ground, in a grassy area at the edge of a body of water, then recite, "Praise Bastet, who teaches elegance and grace!"

The entire body of water does not need to be surrounded by grass, only the part the milk sits on. Make sure the grass is touching the water.


Eat a Grilled Fish, then recite, "Praise Amun, who gives us reason to celebrate!"

Closing Ceremony

When all seven gods have been pleased, both aspirants must go once more to an altar. It does not need to be the same one used for the opening ceremony. Once they are both there, perform this ceremony:

  1. Aspirant #1 places a piece of Twine on the left pillar.
  2. Aspirant #2 places a Jugs of Water on the right pillar.
  3. Aspirant #1 meditates on the altar.

NOTE: Aspirant #1 DOES have to be the same player that was aspirant #1 in the opening.

As before, items may be removed from the altar immediately after this ceremony.

Good Places for Worship Initiation

VERIFIED FOR T11 : Here a Good place in Lahun :

  • Altar : -1450, 4862
  • Mine : -1332, 4710
  • Torch to build at -1228, 4544 (a sign is at the right place)
  • All school at : -1323, 4738

Note that there is a public Warehouse (near the altar) containing almost all needed mats (exept diamonds for the moment and the mats for you skill to learn) : we try to fill the warehouse when levels are low, but please, put back the reusable mats (jug of camel milk, jug of water,twine) and donations are welcome for consumables (flax seeds, boards, canvas, oil, grilled fish)... . Thank you ;)

If there is a problem or something missing in the warehouse, please ask to Archis or Amon

Good initiation! ^^

Visual Reference to locations: CATID Egypt Map

1: Altar

2: Mine (drop beetle)

3: Torch to Build (at Sign)

4: All Schools (to learn new skill)


An example of the complete ceremony as actually performed, with locations, is here.