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Pilgrim shrine requirements

From A Wiki in the Desert

Pilgrim shrines cost 7x the amount of tithe requested, plus 7 pieces of a Decorative Stone. The type of marble varies by tithe type. On to the important part, the marbles list. Not in alphabetical order until sorted because I *still* don't feel like it.

Marble Table

Marble Type Offering
White Alabaster
Blood Granite
Hornet's Wing Granite
Rose Alabaster
Yellow Alabaster
Tangerine Marble
Island Blue Marble
Fire Rock
Night Granite
White Travertine
Green Sun Marble
Ghost Granite
Night Granite
Rose Alabaster
Rose Alabaster
Blood Granite
Serpentine Marble
Rose Alabaster
Grey Star Marble
White Alabaster
Tangerine Marble
Fire Rock
Green Sun
White Travertine
Blood Granite
Mountain Marble
Rose Alabaster L
Yellow Alabaster
Night Granite
Blood Granite
White Travertine
Blue Pearl
White Travertine
Blue Pearl
Mud Granite
Blood Granite
Fire Rock
Blood Granite
Canary Granite
Tiger's Eye
Blue Pearl
Yellow Alabaster
Blood Granite