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  CaptainBelzoni: I must return to the ship now and help with caring for my crew.  We will speak later!
  CaptainBelzoni: I must return to the ship now and help with caring for my crew.  We will speak later!
  Pauven: Rest well Captain, we will continue the search for your crew!
  Pauven: Rest well Captain, we will continue the search for your crew!

Revision as of 20:59, 17 October 2019

CaptainBelzoni: Greetings people of this land!
CaptainBelzoni: I am the captain of the Bella Dama.
Aarys: Welcome Captain
CaptainBelzoni: My thanks Lady Aarys! I hope you are well.
CaptainBelzoni: If I may, I would like to solicit help on behalf of my crew. A storm overtook us just as we were nearing land and all of the sailors were swept overboard or jumped overboard.
CaptainBelzoni: I only remained, as part of my oath to my dear ship. Thankfully Fate saw fit to beach it, but there is damage. However, my crew first.
Snaik: Good Captain, from where did you sail?
CaptainBelzoni: I myself, hail from a country you would call Italy. I set out with a full crew and a galley of goods to begin trade relations with the people and leaders of this land.
GirlDynamite: Hello, Captain. Welcome to our lovely land.
CaptainBelzoni: Again, thanks Lacy Dynamite!
Aarys: Very well. But we are concerned about your sailors. We've found a few of their camps along our river called the Nile.
CaptainBelzoni: Excellent my Lady Aarys! ::smiles and takes a small bow::
CaptainBelzoni: That is information I was hoping to cull from your knowledge of this land!
CaptainBelzoni: ::takes a sheet with hastily written notes from his First Mate, Vincenzo::
CaptainBelzoni: I was just handed the latest tally on some of the crew. My First Mate, Vincenzo, made his way back to ship. Most fortunate and thankful that I have him by my side again.
CaptainBelzoni: So you are finding signs of camps that my crew have made?
GirlDynamite: Very thankful you reached the shore safely with such a dangerous storm.
CaptainBelzoni: ::smiles graciously and chuckles::
CaptainBelzoni: As am I Lady Dynamite.
CaptainBelzoni: But there has been sad news. Some bodies of a few of the crew were brought in by their a few of the shipmates. ::bows his head briefly and whipsers a prayer for their souls::
CaptainBelzoni: Would you people be so good as to corroborate any of the deceased for me? They had their names sewn into their clothing.
Aarys: Can you tell us which sailors remain missing?
GirlDynamite: Oh how aweful, Captain.
CaptainBelzoni: Ship's crew tally says there are 42 sailors, including Vincenzo.
CaptainBelzoni: Vanlentine drug himself to our ship and is being tended to. He is our cook and we would be going hungry if one of us had to do his job!
CaptainBelzoni: Dr Finn...be there any sighting of our physician?
Laf: we would be happy to supply you with food.
CaptainBelzoni: Sir Laf, we would welcome such help!
merek: Hello Captain. I'm a representative of the Kush. Egypt is truly a bountiful land. You have a cook but do you have sufficient foodstuffs?
Laf: I apoligize, but there are no reported sightings of Dr Finn.
CaptainBelzoni: None at all, Sir Laf? That is not good! Vincenzo and I am trying to treat a few of our wounded but...what is the phrase...our bedside manner is lacking, it seems. ::said with some chagrin::
CaptainBelzoni: Sir merek, your help with food is also welcomed!
CaptainBelzoni: I will speak further to both of you as to how we could secure some foodstuffs.
CaptainBelzoni: You say there are Kushites residing in this land? Interesting.
CaptainBelzoni: Sir Laf, do you hail from among the Kushites?
Laf: I do.
CaptainBelzoni: Well, two representatives from the Kush, my greetings to you both from the country of Italy! We shall definitely speak further.
Laf: sorry.
Laf: nah i don't.
CaptainBelzoni: From what peoples are you from then?
Aarys: what medical supplies might we offer until the good Doctor is located?
CaptainBelzoni: Lady Aarys, our supplies of linen for bandages and water to rehydrate our wounded men are our greatest need. Drinking salt water does terrible things to one's gut.
Laf: i misunderstoud you with your italien accent. i am from Hyksos.
CaptainBelzoni: Kushites and Hyksos...are these the main types of people?
merek: We have three main cultures here, but many who were not born of Kush wish to follow our productive and peaceful ways.
CaptainBelzoni: People of peace, this is good to know! Peace makes for prosperity and good trading.
atom: wait the ship is italian??
CaptainBelzoni: It is, Sir atom! And I am proud of her.
Fryoj: Dear Captain, I hate to address our own needs when yours are so great, but we too have a ship that we fear is lost. The Isis Bounty left these lands many moons ago and we have not heard word of it's fate. By chance, have you seen it, or heard word of it in your travels?
CaptainBelzoni: ::whispers briefly with his First Mate about the matter of the ship. Vincenzo shakes his head no and shrugs::
CaptainBelzoni: Sir Fryoj, my First Mate here has heard no news of this ship you name. Was it a war ship or was it often known to carry valuable bounty?
Aarys: The Meshwesh our the northernmost people of Egypt
CaptainBelzoni: Kush...Hyksos...Meshwesh...
CaptainBelzoni: I want to keep those names in my mind.
atom: The Isis Bounty was a Warship
CaptainBelzoni: Hmmm, a warship you say... ::Vincenzo whispers something else but still shakes his head::
CaptainBelzoni: A warship...we have not run into that particular one. If it is a good ship then I hope that it is not resting at the bottom of the sea.
Laf: Where could we deliver the required necessity?
CaptainBelzoni: Sir Laf, could we talk later about that? We would need to find a nearby spot to our ship for supplies and make storage to hold them. We would welcome help if you have good carpenters.
tehm: ears perk up, "trading you say! What trade do you bring to this nation, friend? Perhaps some... wild garlic?"
CaptainBelzoni: Sir tehm... ::Vincenzo hands his captain another sheet with a list of a few things::
CaptainBelzoni: My First Mate will talk more of trade when we can do an inventory of our goods still left within the belly of our ship.
CaptainBelzoni: Any supplies lost are yours to keep as thanks for your efforts to find and help my crew.
CaptainBelzoni: As for trade, we will need to barter with you for some land and mutual building supplies to set up trading centers.
Jakaro: Captain, I found the body of one of your crew; Sylvestre.
CaptainBelzoni: You say 'body'? I hear in your tone sadness so I take it that Master Slyvestre is with his creator?
atom: many of your crew were found eating (rare) mushrooms that may have harmed them
Jakaro: It appears to be that way captain.
CaptainBelzoni: I am sorry to hear of his passing...
CaptainBelzoni: Please do let me know if there are others you have found and as to their health...or lack thereof.
CaptainBelzoni: I am not as my ship right now... ::Vincenzo points to the top of one of the scrolls:: ...but the Bella Dama is at a pier to be found at 878, 6831. These coords are according to a resident nearby.
Leniana: Capt, the bodies of Paulo, Leonardo and Augusto were also found.
CaptainBelzoni: ::closes his eyes in grief of heart at hearing 3 more names. Vincenzo marks three more lines through his list and breathes deeply::
CaptainBelzoni: Thanks to you, Leniana. It is sad news indeed, but I would rather hear it.
Fryoj: I will not speculate on the purpose of the ship, but we feel that great wealth may have been located within its hull. We are eager to see its return and await our leaders permission to start searching for it.
Laf: What are you current coords
CaptainBelzoni: I have anticipated your question, it seems, Sir Laf.
CaptainBelzoni: What land be those coords of?
Laf: maybe some cucumber seed? once you are able to make port :)
Aarys: what exactly can we do to help you settle into our fair land?
tehm: I would be happy to offer some wood or boards and bricks on behalf of the Kush to help set up such trade
tehm: as for land, there is much fertile ground around Meroe and the Valely of Queens. Perhaps we could find you a home there
CaptainBelzoni: We would need a port with a pier down this great river of yours. Historically we found references of it called the Nile?
CaptainBelzoni: To answer many of your questions, centrally down the Nile somewhere would be an excellent location. Later we could work on ports in all three regions perhaps.
tehm: a delightful, would you have specifications that we might build such a pier
CaptainBelzoni: We will have to search and gather all of our papers, Sir tehm. We did bring drawings. The pier that my Bella Dama is moored at shows that you yourselves are handy with architecture too.
Laf: Hyksos pocess the biggest population and is between Kush and meswesh, koptos its capital would make a great port location.
Laf: We already have a small pier in swenett
Laf: maybe you could use it.
Aarys: i do believe there is an existing pier in our region called Swenett
CaptainBelzoni: Excellent suggestions all! Perhaps we could be given a map of this land so we can begin to familiarize ourselves with the names you have spoken of.
tehm: indeed, indeed we are. The Kush have established several compounds that are a testament to the faction, as well as chanceries across Egypt. We look forward to a port of trade!
Nicole: The information that Laf provides is news to the Kush. Has the Capital of the Hyksos been moved from Avaris?
CaptainBelzoni: ::the captain glances at Vincenzo who smiles and nods, the two knowing signs of pride in one's land::
tehm: please be aware there has been much frustration on the part of the Hyksos about a lack of trees in their lands. They may not be an ideal port for a seafaring nation.
CaptainBelzoni: This is a land of much desert, no? That is what my...sources...has informed me of? But there is also great lushness in particular areas, especially along this Nile?
Laf: Following great effort and transformation of our land, we now have planted sufficient trees.
Aarys: This Hyksian has more than enough wood to share with our visitors.
CaptainBelzoni: ::knows that pride in one's region can make for competitive trade and is glad to hear such talk::
CaptainBelzoni: Well, then it sounds like all of these three peoples will be agreeable to trading?
CaptainBelzoni: ::leans against a large tree as his strength wanes a bit. rubs his forehead and blinks to clear the tiredness of both mind and body::
Minerva: With all due respect, the gentleman elder of the Kush is neglecting to mention that the Hyskos have better access to the sea.
CaptainBelzoni: Hmmm, once we have a good map from one of your cartographers we can talk more about locations.
Aarys: did you say before that you are in need of linen? should we take that to your ship?
CaptainBelzoni: Thank you, Lady Aarys for bringing all of our attention back to my crew!
CaptainBelzoni: Later today I would like to meet with representatives from each of your lands. If you would, supplies to build some storage buildings would be appreciated and then we would have places to put these donations.
CaptainBelzoni: This would also be an excellent indication of each faction's ability and willingness to work on further trade relations.
CaptainBelzoni: Know that we do not come empty handed either.
Jakaro: Maybe we should focus on recovering as many of the Captain's crew alive as we can instead of discussing who would make a better trade partner?
CaptainBelzoni: Yes, Jakaro that is of prime importance! Please if someone would, bring a listing of sailors that you know of.
CaptainBelzoni: And now that you have the coordinates of my ship, if your carpenters could build one or two storage places near the Bella Dama that would be appreciated!
Laf: where can we meet you to share our maps?
Aarys: our storage building are called warehouses. how many will you need?
Nicole: Dear captain, I regret to inform you that I have found the grave of your dear Angelo.
CaptainBelzoni: Lady Aarys, can you see we are good traders in that I anticipated your question. What if each faction builds a storage building...a warehouse...near my ship?
Jakaro: Captain, good news. One of your crew, Luigi, is alive in Upper Egypt.
CaptainBelzoni: That is excellent to hear, Sir Jakaro! but no news of his twin? You will not be able to tell them apart.
Tortellini: If access to the sea is important to this pier, it seems like there's no better location than the delta where the Nile and sea meet
Snaik: Beloved fellow Egyptians, perhaps we should let the Captain rest? His has been a sad and sorrowful day.
CaptainBelzoni: ::not wanting to admit his failing strength, the captain is relieved to have someone suggest rest. Vincenzo narrows his eyes as a threat. Giovanni knows his friend is near to hauling him off to sleep::
CaptainBelzoni: My First Mate implores that I see to my health also as Sir Snaik says. I will submit that I will not argue with that need.
Laf: could you remind us of your ship location before departing?
CaptainBelzoni: Definitely! The coordinates are at 878, 6831. Once I have regained my vigor later tonight I will meet representatives of these lands there and look over these storage facilities.
Leniana: Perhaps our scribes could compile a list for you of the found
CaptainBelzoni: ::clears his throat::
CaptainBelzoni: Yes, that would be much appreciated, Lady Leniana. I am very anxious to see to our crew!
CaptainBelzoni: I will meet you in about two hours from now?
Snaik: Rest well Captain and I hope the new day brings happier tidings.
CaptainBelzoni: Thank you! Ciao!

2 hour break

CaptainBelzoni: Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!
Coyote: Hello! Welcome to Meshwesh Delta. 
tehm: welcome  back, captain.  we hope you are well rested
CaptainBelzoni: Are each of these warehouses from each of the three factions?
Aarys: it's is wonderful to meet you in person sire
Aarys: the one farthest north is from Hyksos
CaptainBelzoni: Yes, I see that the warehouse has a sign on it that says Gifts for Captain Belzoni from the Hyksos of Egypt.  Very kind of you!
Coyote: Meshwesh and Kush are also represented here.
tehm: well the center one is from the Kush, I can't speak for the other two
CaptainBelzoni: Then I thank all the people of Egypt and their eagerness to show good will to me and my crew!
CaptainBelzoni: I also see the amount of gifts put into each of the three warehouses.  This is very interesting.
Aarys: we have included some additional items that your crew might need to rebuild your ship
CaptainBelzoni: I cannot seem to look at the items in each of the warehouses.  Can that be changed?
tehm: It is done (Kush)
CaptainBelzoni: I see from the Meshwesh gifts of some building materials and water and bandage fabrics.  This will be put to good use!
Aarys: should we legally transfer ownership to you?
CaptainBelzoni: Yes Lady Aarys if you would change ownership so that I may make use of the items.
Minerva: Please ignore the copious sand. I believe that was a prank from Elder tehm of the Kush
Aarys: it has been done
CaptainBelzoni: Now, who is the main representative from Meshwesh?
CaptainBelzoni: Ahh, it always good to know who you are dealing with.  ::laughs and gives tehm a more serious look::
Coyote: Meshwesh has also transfered ownership of the warehouse to you.
tehm: gasps at the baseless accusation
Coyote: I'm afraid our Elder is indisposed at this time, but I'll do my best to represent him in this company.
CaptainBelzoni: Sir Coyote could you step closer so I may present you with a gift?
CaptainBelzoni: I had the most unusual person come to the ship while no one else was near.  He was dressed all in black.  The only thing I could see was that it was a male because he had beard.  
Laf: Stanger danger
Aarys: Perhaps you speak of the one we call The Stranger
Coyote: I wonder who that could have been. 
CaptainBelzoni: He handed me three strange gagdets and told me that since I had no gifts of equal value to trade with yet that I should present each representative with one of these items.
CaptainBelzoni: Yes!  When I queried him to at least give me his name as he was quickly walking away, he shook his head then stopped.  He said only that he was known as The Stranger. 
CaptainBelzoni: So you know of him?
Minerva: Indeed, we do. He sometimes comes by to test our mettle.
CaptainBelzoni: Lady Coyote I hope you know how to use this strange mechanical piece of equipment.
CaptainBelzoni: And who is the representative here for the Kush?
Coyote: I've heard stories of him, but never had the pleasure of his company.
tehm: that would be me, sir.
CaptainBelzoni: And should I call you Sir tehm or the Wily tehm?
CaptainBelzoni: Regardless, I present you with another of this strange gift.
tehm: Elder tehm is appropriate, Captain
CaptainBelzoni: And Lady Aarys do you represent the Hyksos?
CaptainBelzoni: I see, then Elder tehm it will be.
tehm: and thank you for this mysterious metallic piece...  it appears to be a communication device?
Istwan: thank you for your generous gifts captain calzoni
CaptainBelzoni: The Kush, by the way, have given much fresh water and building materials and bandage fabric.
Aarys: i represent all of us here today.  I will gratefully accept any gift and share with my people
CaptainBelzoni: The Hyksos have been the most generous of all!  With some rope also.  You must understand that rope will be valuable to repair my ship with!
CaptainBelzoni: And yes...some trickster has all but filled the Hyksos warehouse with sand.  If there is a detective type among you, someone could look into this.  ::smiles broadly and is amused.  the first signs of a competitive nature between...whom...and Hyksos he wonders::
Coyote: Yes, Aarys represents all the people of Hyksos. 
Aarys: we too have used sailing vessels to navigate our shores and we hoped to anticipate your needs
tehm: ah yes, and their sand will come in handy for making spyglasses to scour the lands for a new home, no doubt!
Minerva: I believe Istwan may be peckish, to confuse our generous Captain with a delicacy from his homeland!
tehm: yes we Kush may be a small nation, but we offer our aid as best we can.  We hope your crew can recover swiftly
Laf: We are grateful that you appreciated our gift.
CaptainBelzoni: Now a communication device, if that what these are, would be most useful in conversing and carrying out bartering with.  
CaptainBelzoni: It would seem that this Stranger wants you to make good use of your new gifts.
Aarys: can we share also with you some foodstuffs? or perhaps some livestock?
Coyote: We could certainly use a way to communicate and facilitate trade across Egypt. 
CaptainBelzoni: But also a communication device to speak with all peoples to make plans is even more important.  Differences are best talked out rather than having disputes make all of us the poorer I feel.
CaptainBelzoni: Lady Aarys, yes please, the foodstuffs would be useful immediately.  However, the livestock, that might wait until we decide on land around a port that we may call our own.
atom: Thank you! we will use this device to better organize our acrobatics events!
Fryoj: Captain, do you feel we should be able to communicate freely, or is it better to let a select few decide what we may speak about? 
Aarys: i have a few fish for you.
CaptainBelzoni: Hmm, an interesting question, Sir Fryoj.  This depends.  Freedom in speech works to good but if the speech becomes detrimental...what do you think would happen?  I have seen war and death come from that.  
Aarys: and one of my party has also contributed some vegetables
tehm: please be cautious of the local fish, they appear... ... listless. 
CaptainBelzoni: Wily...I mean, Elder tehm, do you think that seafarers do not have excellent knowledge to deal with fish?
CaptainBelzoni: Lady Aarys, you are most thoughtful with the food!
tehm: hunger and salt water can make any man desperate.
CaptainBelzoni: Very true!  Very true!
CaptainBelzoni: And is their further word of my men?  About half have made their way back to the ship and some speak of burying a few of our dead.
Aarys: we hope your crew make a speedy recovery
atom: Unfortunately, a lot of your men decided not to eat the fish, eat rnadom mushrooms and run straight for the desert
CaptainBelzoni: Hmm, random fungi...that reminds me...
CaptainBelzoni: Would their happen to be any sign of a...young lady with unusual clothing on?  You might find her looking at such fungi and flora.
tehm: I have recent word of a camp discovered in Blue Nile!  When I return to my homeland I will inquire further
CaptainBelzoni: I would be appreciative if you would send word of whom you find in the region of Blue Nile, Elder tehm.
Fryoj: Captain - I have located a number of your camps. I am tracking the group Vincenzo landed with. I regret to say some have passed, but others are alive. 
CaptainBelzoni: Good and sad news at once.  I will hold on to the good as much as I can. My thanks.
Aarys: was this lady part of your crew?
tehm: Arbutus, did you catch the name of the sailors at the camp in Blue Nile?
Coyote: Is her name Emil?
CaptainBelzoni: This lady, her name is Melanie, has an accent of the French persuasion.  She is a studios person who decided to help finance my trading venture.  So I would appreciate it if you let me know if and when you find her.
tehm: lady with unusual clothing?  hmm...  what color clothes, do you recall?  Is there particular flora that she studies?
Arbutus: Yes, I have found the fourth camp of Enrique far up the nile in the south
Fryoj: The group I am tracking is Pietro, Angelo, Paolo, Giorgio, Vincenzo, and Francesco. Jacobo Appears to be with them. Unfortunately Angelo and Giorgio have passed. 
CaptainBelzoni: Good!  Enrique is a good fisherman besides having reliable weather knowledge.
CaptainBelzoni: So Lady Aarys, to answer your question, she was not part of the crew but a passenger.  I hope that sea has not swallowed her.  She was swept overboard right in front of me!
Arbutus: Interesting, with that information I will continue my search for him. Thank you, Captain.
tehm: is there anything more you can tell us about Melanie?  where she was last seen?  Was she aboard the ship during the storm?
CaptainBelzoni: I would assume she could have been washed ashore along the great sea or swept down the Nile almost anywhere.  Currents after a storm can be quite strong.
CaptainBelzoni: Alas, being a woman, she would not have the strength that a man would have to fight the water well.  On the other hand, small fish can sometimes outswim large predators.
Aarys: how close to our fair land did this occur? any idea on where me might start looking?
Aarys: If she survived do you think she might have traveled inland?
CaptainBelzoni: I saw others of my crew swept over or jump over clutching pieces of flotsam so I would say that it could be anywhere that my other men washed ashore.
cas: captian i gift to you some magic jugless water hope it helps you when you need it most.
Pauven: You believe there might be sailors lost along the shore of the Mediterranean in addition to those lost down the Nile?
Arbutus: Captain upon further inspection I'm afraid to report I've found a body here in the 4th camp of Enrique. The most I can do is uncover what lead to this unfortunate situation.
CaptainBelzoni: I think that the crew and Melanie would probably all be down the Nile.
CaptainBelzoni: Thank you, Lady cas!  I could use a drink.
CaptainBelzoni: ::groans a bit, hoping the grog did not all go overboard or there will be some cranky men when they regain their strength::
Aarys: Is there anything further we can do for you and your crew?
CaptainBelzoni: For now this will help us to care for the wounded and succor the ill of health.  
Aarys: grog takes some kind of grain i believe? we do not posess that yet.  do you have a source where we might procure wheat seed?
CaptainBelzoni: Perhpas if these mechanical devices help with communication then each region can present their plan and land for a port.
CaptainBelzoni: Wheat seed?  You cannot make bread yet?  A shame.  Some of the grain...perhaps we can part with some later.  We still have not had time to go through the supplies and trade items we had brought. 
CaptainBelzoni: Thank you for inviting me to become part of the Hyksos, Lady Aarys!  But for now I will stay neutral until I learn more of each of the factions.
Aarys: We, and I really mean all Egyptians, are happy you are here. w
Waterwillows: Captain Belzoni, I am sorry to inform you that three more of your crew members did not survive. From their diaris I believe them to be Augusto, Paulo and Leonardo.
Michotep: please feel free to use the facilities just across from here to facilitate your repairs, and aid in the search and recovery of your crew
Aarys: Though we are not happy you suffered so much, we are happy you are here.  Your gift is very valuable and we hope to use it wisely.
atom: And please dont forget to petition for an elder election
tehm: I believe there are some in Kush who can grow wheat.  They are quite talented farmers.
CaptainBelzoni: Oh, more sad news.  ::Vincenzo nods gravely and scribbles on his scroll:: This will also make it difficult to sail back if we our crew is too thin.
tehm: Captain, can you please clarify what sort of proposal you request from us?  What particulars would your settlement need?
CaptainBelzoni: Elder tehm, you understand contracts then.  We would need enough land to build a pier along the Nile and have housing, storage and buildings for machines.  It is possible, depending if we have an agreeable route here that our families might move to this land too.
SuperEmu: I bring happy news that Dr. Finn and Bastien are both well and planning to head back to the ship!
CaptainBelzoni: The Doctor!  This is the most excellent news I can hear!  He can work wonders, that man!
Aarys: A suitable location matching that description should be relatively easy to find.  Do you have any other particular needs?
CaptainBelzoni: Once we choose good ports then we can talk about the buildings and equipment.  We need to find out how advanced you are with machinery and learn how to use them.  
CaptainBelzoni: My spirits are lifted. 
tehm: how and when would we present such location ideas?
Aarys: For instance, resources?
SuperEmu: Yes, hopefully the doctor can help Jules out of his prickly situation.
CaptainBelzoni: Jules...  ::shakes his head::  ...that sounds like a predicament that only he would get into.  ::sighs and thinks maybe the sailor might prefer to stay in this land::
atom: We have incredible brick racks in Kush! but you need to be properly skilled first...
SuperEmu: The Meshwesh are welcoming of all. I expect if Jules wished to make his home here, then he would be warmly embraced by our citizens.
CaptainBelzoni: I am feeling fatigued again.  So I will take your leave and we can talk again.  Speak to your fellow countrymen and see what places in each of your lands along the Nile they recommend and if we can be given a plot of land in each.
Coyote: We shall. 
Aarys: Rest well Captain.  We look forward to talking again soon.
tehm: ah yes, please rest up.  and thank you again from these gifts from the stranger.
CaptainBelzoni: I must return to the ship now and help with caring for my crew.  We will speak later!
Pauven: Rest well Captain, we will continue the search for your crew!