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* Guild Les Diamants du Nil, near Sharuken CS.
* Guild Les Diamants du Nil, near Sharuken CS.
<small>=='''''PAINTS    &    RESINS''''' ==
* <small>=='''''PAINTS    &    RESINS''''' ==

Revision as of 10:42, 27 November 2019

==FrightfulDezert & Benou==

  • Guild Les Diamants du Nil, near Sharuken CS.
  • ==PAINTS & RESINS ==


Alice Blue (Benou136)
Amethyst BENOU
Antique White
Aquamarine 10 Falcon Bait
Baker Miller Pink BENOU
Banana BENOU
Barn Red BENOU
Beet 10 Cabbage Juice BENOU
Blanched Almond
Blaze Orange BENOU
Blue Violet BENOU
Boysenberry BENOU
Bright Pink
Burgundy Red 1Dose, 1 Clay, 1 Lead, 8 Red Sand BENOU
Burly Wood BENOU
Burnt Sienna BENOU
Burnt Umber BENOU
Cadet Blue BENOU
Cadmium Orange BENOU
Cadmium Yellow BENOU
Carrot 10 Carrot BENOU
Chocolate 9 Carrot, 1 Clay BENOU
Cobalt Blue BENOU
Cobalt Green BENOU
Cornflower Blue BENOU
Crimson BENOU
Dark Blue
Dark Cyan BENOU
Dark Golden Rod BENOU
Dark Green BENOU
Dark Grey 5 Cabbage Juice, 3 Falcon's Bait, 2 Red Sand BENOU
Dark Jungle Green BENOU
Dark Khaki BENOU
Dark Magenta BENOU
Dark Olive Green BENOU
Dark Orange BENOU
Dark Orchid BENOU
Dark Red BENOU
Dark Salmon BENOU
Dark Scarlet BENOU
Dark Sea Green 5 Clay, 5 Falcon's Bait BENOU
Dark Sienna BENOU
Dark Slate Blue BENOU
Dark Slate Grey BENOU
Dark Turquoise
Dark Violet BENOU
Deep Pink
Deep Sky Blue
Dim Grey
Dodger Blue
Duke Blue
Eggshell White
Emerald Green BENOU
Feldspar BENOU
Fire Brick 5 Carrot, 5 Red Sand BENOU
Floral White
Forest Green BENOU
Gainsboro BENOU
Ghost White
Golden Rod BENOU
Green Yellow BENOU
Honey Dew
Hot Pink
Imperial Blue BENOU
Indian Red BENOU
Indigo BENOU
Lavender BENOU
Lavender Blush
Lawn Green
Lemon Chiffon
Licorice BENOU
Light Blue BENOU
Light Coral BENOU
Light Cyan BENOU
Light Golden Rod Yellow
Light Green BENOU
Light Grey BENOU
Light Pink BENOU
Light Salmon BENOU
Light Sea Green BENOU
Light Sky Blue BENOU
Light Slate Blue BENOU
Light Slate Grey BENOU
Light Steel Blue BENOU
Light Yellow
Lime Green BENOU
Maroon BENOU
Medium Aqua Marine BENOU
Medium Blue
Medium Orchid BENOU
Medium Purple BENOU
Medium Sea Green BENOU
Medium Slate Blue BENOU
Medium Spring Green BENOU
Medium Turquoise BENOU
Medium Violet Red
Midnight Blue BENOU
Mint Cream
Misty Rose
Navajo White BENOU
Old Lace
Olive Drab BENOU
Orange Red BENOU
Orchid 8 Cabbage, 1 Red Sand, 1 Falcon Bait BENOU
Oxford Blue BENOU
Pale Golden Rod BENOU
Pale Green BENOU
Pale Turquoise BENOU
Pale Violet Red 5 Cabbage, 5 Red Sand BENOU
Papaya Whip
Peach Puff BENOU
Peacock BENOU
Persian Indigo BENOU
Persian Pink BENOU
Powder Blue BENOU
Prussian Blue BENOU
Purple BENOU
Raw Sienna 5 Carrot, 5 Clay BENOU
Red Devil 10 Red Sand BENOU
Rich Black BENOU
Rosy Brown BENOU
Royal Blue BENOU
Ruby Red 10 Red Sand BENOU
Saddle Brown 10 Clay BENOU
Salmon BENOU
Sandy Brown BENOU
Sangria BENOU
Sap Green BENOU
Sea Green BENOU
Sea Shell
Seal Brown BENOU
Sienna BENOU
Silver BENOU
Sky Blue BENOU
Slate Blue BENOU
Slate Grey BENOU
Smokey Black BENOU
Spring Green BENOU
Steel Blue BENOU
Steel Pink 1dose : 1 Lead, 1 Saltpeter, 8 Red Sand BENOU
Thistle BENOU
Tomato BENOU
Turquoise BENOU
Tyrian Purple BENOU
Violet BENOU
Violet Red BENOU
White Smoke
Yellow Green BENOU

RESINES possédées 2019-11-08

-- |Première colonne : WH, -- 2e colonne : quantité, -- 3e colonne : nom, -- 4e colonne, s'il y a plus que 500, stocké dans le WH du Reacteur pour le moment

A 173 Acacia
A 55 Acacia Youth
A 227 Acacia Sapling
A 194 Anaxi
A 320 Arconis
A 371 Ash Palm
A 460 Autumn Bloodbark
A 245 Autumn Bloodbark Sapling
A 97 Autumn Bloodbark Youth
A 154 Beetlenut
A 281 Blaze Maple
A 216 Blaze Maple Sapling
A 221 Blaze Maple Youth
A 64 Bloodbark
A 285 Bottle Tree
A 199 Bramble Hedge
A 219 Broadleaf Palm
A 353 Butterleaf Tree
A 448 Cerulean Blue
A 67 Chakkanut Tree
A 117 Chicory
A 113 Cinnar
A 367 Coconut Palm
A 233 Cricklewood
A 76 Deadwood Tree
A 161 Delta Palm
A 443 Dikbas
A 478 Dikbas Sapling
A 301 Dikbas Youth
A 154 Dwarf Safsaf
A 55 Elephantia
A 500 Feather Tree 22
A 500 Feather Tree Sapling 1040
A 77 Feather Tree Youth
A 500 Fern Palm 498
A 500 Folded Birch 212
A 216 Giant Cricklewood
A 463 Golden Hemlock
A 701 Golden Hemlock Sapling
A 123 Green Ash
A 78 Green Ash Sapling
A 73 Green Ash Youth
A 500 Hawthorn 76
A 180 Hokkaido
A 264 Illawara
A 208 Jacaranda
B 194 Jacaranda Sapling
B 69 Jacaranda Youth
B 202 Japanese cherry
B 126 Japanese Cherry Sapling
B 125 Japanese Cherry Youth
B 211 Kaeshra
B 310 Katsura Sapling
B 370 Katsura Tree
B 124 Katsura Youth
B 223 Khaya
B 500 Khaya Sapling 116
B 359 Khaya Youth
B 405 Locust Palm
B 612 Mimosa 112
B 452 Mimosa Sapling
B 346 Mimosa Youth
B 115 Miniature Fern Palm
B 194 Mini Palmetto
B 163 Monkey Palm
B 493 Monterey Pine
B 325 Monterey Pine Middle Age
B 477 Monterey Pine Sapling
B 500 Montu Maple 513
B 227 Oil Palm
B 112 Oleaceae
B 500 Oranje 337
B 177 Orrorin
B 467 Parrotia
B 15 Parrotia Sapling
B 70 Parrotia Youth
B 141 Passam
B 500 Peaches 'n Cream Maple217
B 193 Peaches 'n Cream Sapling
B 500 Peaches 'n Cream Youth 388
B 116 Phoenix Palm 87
B 299 Pratyeka Tree
B 444 Ranyahn
B 117 Razor Palm
B 255 Red Maple
B 167 River Birch
B 139 River Birch Sapling
B 144 River Birch Youth
B 500 Royal Palm 1000
C 226 Safsaf Sapling
C 500 Safsaf Willow 69
C 47 Savaka
C 353 Scaley Hardwood
C 534 Silky Oak
C 202 Spiked Fishtree
C 381 Spindle Tree
C 500 Stout Palm 1073
C 81 Summer Maple
C 115 Summer Maple Sapling
C 103 Summer Maple Youth
C 207 Sweet Pine
C 175 Tapacae Miralis
C 134 Tiny Oil Palm
C 500 Towering Palm 903
C 51 Trilobellia 73
C 500 Umbrella Palm 776
C 713 White Pine 213
C 289 White Pine Sapling
C 171 White Pine Youth
C 166 Windriver Palm
C 391 Young Golden Hemlock