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Cabbage Seeds

From A Wiki in the Desert
Revision as of 04:21, 8 September 2019 by Ashen (talk | contribs)

Template:T8 Below

Cabbage Seeds
Cabbage Seeds
Weight 1
Bulk 1


Each University that has opened the research Agriculture will offer each paid avatar 6 Vegetable Seeds from 2 strains of one of the five main vegetables: Cabbage, Carrots, Garlic, Leeks and Onions. A player can only obtain this gift once at each University.

Trial accounts cannot get seeds from the University, and can only obtain seeds from other players.


Cabbage Seeds are used to grow Cabbage on Grass

While there is a seed in your inventory, a Plant... menu will appear on the Self menu. Selecting the Plant menu, then the desired seed, will plant the vegetable seed.


Successfully harvesting a vegetable will give you your seed back, and killing a vegetable plant (either through lack of water or overwatering) will leave a seed behind on the ground. You need never worry about running out of vegetable seeds (as long as you don't leave them on the ground and walk away), though of course you can only work as many simultaneous beds as you have seeds.

Reproducing vegetable seeds -- getting more seeds back from a harvest -- See current research

Research and Tuition

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Animal Husbandry

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