A Wiki in the Desert
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From A Wiki in the Desert

I want to help, what can I contribute?

  • Sign up for the test and test for your requirements, for all seven gods.

Yes, Festivals is a big test, and it eats a lot of materials! There are some "specialty items" you can help provide. Peacefulness is gathering mats that will be available to anyone who wishes to participate in the test. In no particular order....

  • Roses: Thanks to Ashen's tools (https://ashen.atitd.wiki/index.html) and Lazybum's assistance, a 3x Giant rose has been made. Test is open.
  • Beer: If you like to write recipes, here you go! We need a wider variety of malt-based recipes, with as many adjectives as you can squeeze into the barrel.
    • Cinnamon beer: we can make low-potency cinnamon beer with Y-81. Need to find a location that can manage Potent and Very Potent Cinnamon beers.
  • Wines: If you tend vineyards, please continue to document what flavors you can produce. Once the test is open, we can test and make a list of the flavors needed. Even "aged out" flavors still count for Festivals, so don't throw away those old, thin wines.
    • Strong preference for alcohol levels of 12.1% or higher
  • Citrus: This spreadsheet (https://tinyurl.com/y9c8yr7t) lists the perfumes and aromatic honeys that Peacefulness has.
    • Red = there's plenty, don't need more.
    • Green = need more. In particular, Citron and Corian
  • Spirits: Will know which are needed for Ra, after the test opens and we can do the altar tests.
  • Silk: to make into colored ribbons
  • Wood: need to stockpile for Ra bonfires
  • Cobra blood
  • Ink
  • Khefre's Lockers: Is yours gathering dust? Consider tearing it down and rebuilding in the public festivals cp.

Welcome to the Festivals page!

This is the main wiki home for coordinating our efforts in passing the Test of Festivals, in Tale 9.

  • At this point, it does not seem necessary to create a specific guild for Festivals.
    • There is a worship channel (/join Worship) which can be utilized by all players.
    • The microphone is public, and is in Avaris, in front of the School of Worship (insert coordinates here).
    • The "regular" moderator will probably end up being Peacefulness, but any player is welcome to moderate.
  • Public compounds for ambrosia creation and storage are being built in Red Sea, a five-minute run southeast of Avaris, near the altar at (coordinates here)

Thank you for visiting and contributing!

Once the test is demonstrated, (we are waiting for a 3x Giant Rose of Ra to be crossbred) the first step is to determine what the requirements are for this tale.

  • Gather up your testing materials for all festivals and drag a buddy to a common altar. Unless there have been changes, you can test for your requirements without starting the Test of Festivals.
  • Please test for your requirements for each festival type and document the results on this page
  • You can also do a mini-festival to "reroll" your requirements and do all seven tests again, to get a second set of data.
    • You must start the Test of Festivals to please a god and reroll your requirements.
    • The mini-festival will reset your requirements for ALL the gods.
    • You can please a god once every 24 (server) hours.

How do I test?

Participation Data Once "Mass Festivals" begin, the participation numbers will be posted here.

Upcoming Festivals Weekend

Nope. Not yet!

Testing Results

  • Sign up for the test at your faction's University of Worship.
  • Please test your requirements for ALL of the festival types.
  • This page is being formatted so you can record your results
  • Bastet
    • Ribbons: any pigment lab color
    • Aromatic honey: Kumquat/Lime
  • Hathor
    • feast of three stats
    • Beer, Very Potent: Banana, Cherry,
  • Isis
    • Perfume: Tangy Oroblanco, Long Corian
    • Aromatic Honey: Mandarin-Sudachi, Calamondin-Orange
  • Maat
    • Stamen: Cyan
    • Inner Petals
    • Outer Petals: Yellow
    • Leaves
    • Size
  • Osiris
    • Potent Brown Cherry, Potent Black Cinnamon
  • Ra: 7 bonfires, 7k wood each
    • Spirits: Fruit of Earth, Mineral of Water,
    • 10% alcohol, 2+vintage old Wine: Banana, Linalool
  • Thoth: 21 beetles
    • 12% alcohol, 2+ vintage old Wine: Apricot, Smoke

Data Collection for each Festival, once the test is open in T9:


(expected, edit if there are changes) test with honey and camel milk
To please Bastet, you must decorate yourself with dyed silk ribbons of (color) and (color). You must surround an altar with 21 bottles of milk. Inside this circle of worship you must sacrifice ambrosia of (citrus/citrus) honey and milk.

Ribbons of (color and color)

  • expected: Any paint lab color

Ambrosia of (citrus/citrus) honey and milk

  • expected: ambrosia requires aromatic honey derived from any two of the following fruits:
    • Citron, Coralfruit, Corian, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lenat, Lime, Mandarin, Orange, Pummelo, Summerbell, Tangelo, Tangerine.
    • If your requirement includes honey with a flavor not listed above, please note that here and contact Peacefulness in-game

Unexpected requirements:

  • Kumquat/Lime honey.


(expected, edit if there are changes) test with male and female rabbits
To worship Hathor, eat a feast of (three stats). Surround the altar with 3 Sheep, 3 Rabbits, 3 Chickens (drop each animal separately, not in piles). Within this circle, sacrifice ambrosia of Very Potent (flavor) beer and cobra's blood.

Ambrosia of Very Potent (flavor) beer and cobra's blood

  • current assumption: flavors derived from malt
    • Banana, Barley, Cherry, Cinnamon, Date, Honey, Nutmeg, Orange.

Players are welcome to brew and use any VP beer for their ambrosia. Cheap recipes and convenient locations (for me) will be listed here: Hathor_Recipes

Unexpected requirements:

This page is still under construction. Everything below this point has been copied directly from the T8 wiki.

Additional Information for each Festival here.


test with honey and camel milk
To please Bastet, you must decorate yourself with dyed silk ribbons of (color) and (color). You must surround an altar with 21 bottles of milk. Inside this circle of worship you must sacrifice ambrosia of (citrus/citrus) honey and milk.

Ribbons of (color and color)

  • current assumption: Any paint lab color
  • Festivals premade ribbon stock, click here
  • Favorite Bastet colors (Have been requested more than once)
    • Pale Golden Rod, Ruby Red, Lime Green, Khaki, Fuchsia, Dim Grey, Boysenberry

Ambrosia of (citrus/citrus) honey and milk

  • current assumption: ambrosia requires aromatic honey derived from any two of the following fruits:
    • Citron, Coralfruit, Corian, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lenat, Lime, Mandarin, Orange, Pummelo, Summerbell, Tangelo, Tangerine.
    • Fruits new to T8 have not yet been seen in Bastet requirements.


test with male (pillar) and female rabbits
To worship Hathor, eat a feast of (three stats). Surround the altar with 3 Sheep, 3 Rabbits, 3 Chickens (drop each animal separately, not in piles). Within this circle, sacrifice ambrosia of Very Potent (flavor) beer and cobra's blood.

Ambrosia of Very Potent (flavor) beer and cobra's blood

  • current assumption: flavors derived from malt
  • Banana, Barley, Cherry, Cinnamon, Honey, Nutmeg, Orange.
  • Not yet reported as a requirement: Date

Players are welcome to use any VP beer for their ambrosia. Cheap recipes and convenient locations (for me) are listed here: Hathor_Recipes


test with honey and oil
To please Isis, wear a perfume made of (adjective citrus), then create a place of worship by surrounding an altar with seven (gem) Glass Torch. Within this circle, sacrifice ambrosia of (citrus-citrus) honey and oil.

Perfume made of (adjective citrus):

  • current assumptions:
    • adjectives limited to Reddish, Greenish, Sweet, Tangy
    • T8 citrus have not yet been seen as Isis requirements

(Gem) Glass Torch:

  • current assumption: no new gems for T8: Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire

Ambrosia of (citrus-citrus) honey and oil

  • current assumption: all citrus combinations, Citrus new to T8 is not included


test with linen and canvas
To please Maat, surround an altar with 21 flaming ritual torches. At this altar, sacrifice an ambrosia made from honey and the petals of a Rose of Ra (part: color).
Ambrosia of honey and the Petals of a Rose of Ra (part: color)

  • current assumption: All flower parts and colors listed here: Rose Attributes
  • Inner Petals: Blue, Green, Magenta, Red
  • Outer Petals: Green, Magenta, Red, Yellow
  • Stamen: Cyan, Red
  • Leaves: Blue, Cyan, Red, Magenta
  • Giant x2, any giant
  • Dwarf x2


test with flax and barley (raw)
To worship Osiris, create a place of worship by surrounding an altar with growing flax, barley, cabbage, onions, leeks, carrots, and garlic. Within this circle, sacrifice ambrosia of [adjective adjective flavor] beer and oil.
Ambrosia of (adjectives and flavor) beer and oil

  • current assumption: Any malt-based beer, two specific adjectives
    • Banana: Fruity Black, Fruity Dry, Spicy Sweet, Very Potent Dry
    • Barley: Fruity Dry, Potent Brown, Potent Sweet, Spicy Sweet, Spicy Black
    • Cherry: Potent Brown, Very Potent Brown
    • Cinnamon: Fruity Black, Fruity Brown, Fruity Sweet, Potent Dry, Spicy Dry, Very Potent Black
    • Date: (not seen yet)
    • Honey: Fruity Dry, Fruity Sweet,Spicy, Very Potent Brown
    • Nutmeg: Fruity Brown, Spicy Dry, Very Potent Brown, Fruity Dry, Potent Black
    • Orange: Potent Sweet, Very Potent Brown


test with medium quartz and medium topaz
To please Ra, build a spirit brasier and fill it with (Adjective) Spirits of (Noun). Surround the brasier with seven bonfires of 7000 wood each. Ignite the bonfires and the brasier, then use the brasier to sacrifice ambrosia of dates and (flavor) wine. The wine must be at least two vintages old and must contain 10% alcohol.
(adjective) Spirits of (noun)

  • (adjective): (noun)
  • Fruit: Earth
  • Grain: Earth, Fire, Water, Air
  • Mineral: Earth, Water, Air, Fire
  • Wood: Fire (assumed to be included: Air, Earth, Water)

Ambrosia of dates and (flavor) wine

  • note: wine flavors have changed this tale
  • Butterscotch, Cassis, Cedar, Cherry, Licorice, Linalool, Methyl Anthranilate, Melon, Molasses, Peach, Rasin, Raspberry


test with papyrus paper and candle
To please Thoth, surround an altar with 21 scampering beetles. Make sure the beetles don't wander too far. At this altar, sacrifice an ambrosia made of ink and (flavor) wine. The wine must be at least two vintages old and must contain 12% alcohol.
note: wine flavors have changed this tale
Ambrosia of ink and (flavor) wine

  • Banana, Butterscotch, Cassis, Cedar, Cherry, Licorice, Linalool, Melon, Methyl Anthranilate, Molasses, Peach, Raisin, Raspberry, Strawberry Jam

Beers which need recipes

The actual list (click here) is much longer, but so far, we do not know of brewing locations for combinations that include:

Spicy Banana, Spicy Cherry, Spicy Date, Spicy Orange, Potent Orange

Many Spicy beers require at least two yeasts to be producing flavors. They are very specialized locations, and we are still hunting for them, this tale. Some beers are just impossible to produce due to the composition of yeast qualities.

Ambrosia Stock for Ra and Thoth

List of donated wines, organized by bottle

List of donated wines, organized by flavor

Table format: Flavor. Number of Thoth ambrosia, Number of unique wines. Number of Ra Ambrosia, Number of unique wines.

Wine flavor Thoth Ra
Banana 21/3 22/3
Butterscotch 28/4 25/4
Cassis 19/3 16/3
Cedar 20/4 20/4
Cherry 16/3 16/3
Licorice 29/3 28/3
Linalool 23/4 21/4
Melon 16/3 15/2
Methyl Anthranilate 18/2 18/2
Molasses 22/4 22/4
Peach 17/2 18/2
Raisin 15/2 15/2
Raspberry 24/3 21/3
Strawberry Jam 19/3 19/3


Calendar Announcements

Ra Guidelines

Wiki Set-up

Green tick.png Bastet
Green tick.png Hathor
Green tick.png Isis
Green tick.png Maat
Green tick.png Osiris
Green tick.png Ra
Green tick.png Thoth


  • General Donation WH: 1035, 2361
  • Common Altar: 1040, 2372
  • Guild Hall: 1050, 2354
  • Testing mats chest: 1056, 2368
  • Bastet chest: 1061, 2368
  • Hathor chest: 1060, 2368
  • Isis chest: 1058, 2368
  • Maat chest: 1061, 2363
  • Osiris chest: 1060, 2363
  • Ra chest: 1058, 2363
  • Thoth chest: 1056, 2363