Fishing Event
Where to find details about the Fishing Event
A Controller run event that shows up on the calendar.
Watch for news and winners' listings in the Events chat.
Click on the Calendar icon and scroll.
Click on the Eye icon on the left under the title of the Event to see a small story and prize list.
Set Your Time Zone
Make sure to set your Time Zone correctly because the calendar time for event start uses that information for each player.
Unfortunately, in game, your Time Zone does not account for the changing times in spring and fall. You must manually change it.
In the USA for 2020, Daylight Savings Time is March 8th thru November 1st.
Set your Time Zone back one hour in the spring and forward one hour in the fall.
For reference:
- Eastern Time in the USA is 0500, as in the pic, when not during DST and has to manually be reset from 0400 during EDT.
What to Do
3) Stand close enough to water so the Fishing Icon shows.
- Fishing_Trials wiki page is a great source to figure out good lures and other fishing info!
- Find someone that has a high Fly Tying skill to make your lures and gather up the mats, found at Fly_Tying.
- Higher Speed stats make for better fishing, so get your high Speed meals ready.
How to Check Your Event Points
Once the event begins, click Self/Special/Events.../ to see your points.
NOTE: You probably need to catch more than one or two fish to gain points and be an official Participant. Check your points during the event to make sure you have some.
How Points are Accrued
- Most fish counts all fish caught by debens.
- Biggest fish caught is from all types of fish with the highest deben fish.
- Biggest WhateverFish is the largest of that type fish caught by debens.
- Most WhateverFish adds up all the debens of that type fish caught.
Note: The old timey fish (Abdju, Carp, Catfish and Perch) have pretty standard smaller sizes compared to the newer seasonal fish that come in a larger range of sizes. More specific lures, times of day/night and locations in Egypt show a high variety of sizes in the newer seasonal fish also.
Winners' Reports
The Winners' list is automatically posted in the Events chat.
In case you missed seeing the Winners' Reports or just general chat about the event, it is logged here: