A Wiki in the Desert
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From A Wiki in the Desert

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  • Fly Tying
    • School of Worship, Lvl 3, 21 Camel Weevel, 21 Corkscrew Asp, 21 Footworm, 21 Fruit Maggot, 21 Horned Hookworm, 21 Rose Mite, 21 Spittlebug

Project List

Start: <The Royal Tour>

Location: 929,6814>, venery gathering point

Preparation needed: build venery gathering point

Attach lockbox to: venery gathering point

WELCOME text: This Venery will take about 15-20 mins to complete. You will visit several sites in and around Tanis. Thank you for your time, I hope you enjoy it.

OVERVIEW text: Queen Nefertiti will be touring The Meshwesh Delta in the coming days and we want to be sure she enjoys her visit to Tanis. Please help us double check that all is in readiness for the big event.

HINT text: Basmati is creating a jeweled chain for our Queen, as a remembrance of this Royal Tour. Please visit Basmati's Bijou House, south of the Meshwesh Great Hall to inquire how the gem cutting is progressing.>

Key 1: <Bejeweled Chain>

Location: <1027, 6802>, <Basmati's Bijou House>

Preparation needed: <e.g. build things, chat to owners of structures nearby or to be used>

Attach lockbox to: <structure>

CLUE text: <The air in the shop is sparkly with gem dust. Basmati is humming to herself as she polishes a beautiful, bejeweled chain. Without lifting her eyes from her work she points to a papyrus scroll on her workbench. Unrolling it you see a map and a note to double check the tour route with the original "Path" by "Maker" Sadvak on his full size board just to the northwest.>

Key 2: <Map Scroll>

Location: <992, 6816>, <Sadvak's Pathmaker>

Preparation needed: <e.g. build things, chat to owners of structures nearby or to be used>

Attach lockbox to: <structure>

CLUE text: You compare the map scroll with path made on Sadvak's large original map. Both show the sand maze northeast of downtown Tanis as the first area the Queen should visit. There's a cooling fountain in the centre of maze that will be a perfect place to have a refreshment break. You decide head toward the maze now. (You may find it helpful to use your F3 Map)

HINT text: <check the gem table @ Basmati's Bijou House, 1027, 6802>

Key 3:<Sand Maze>

Location: <1235, 7075>, <NE corner of Tanis>

Preparation needed: <e.g. build things, chat to owners of structures nearby or to be used>

Attach lockbox to: <structure>

CLUE text: <You wind your way to the centre of the maze and sit on the edge of the fountain. Its cool here under the beautiful blue leaves of the ? Tree. You are surprized to see "large birds" gliding through the valley to the east. Checking the map, you can see a short cut to the next tour stop if you cross the land bridge and head through the valley. In the distance you can see a Meshwesh Faction flag rippling on the breeze as another "large bird" soars over it.>

HINT text: <check Sadvak's Pathmaker @ 992, 6816 >

Key 4: <Glider Show>

Location: <co-ords>, <Flag>

Preparation needed: <e.g. build things, chat to owners of structures nearby or to be used>

Attach lockbox to: <structure>

CLUE text: <Standing by the flag, you can see the whole valley. The large birds are actually gliders, part of a show Basmati has created for the Test of the Raeli Glider, an Egypt-wide competion. You decide to launch the gliders to watch the whole show. Once the last glider sinks out of sight to the north, you see the next stop on the tour is to the north as well, so you run up the road and head toward the sea coast and the Formal Garden in Basmati's camp. >

HINT text: <check the fountain @ >

Key 5: <Garden Gazebo>

Location: <1363, 7310>, <nearby landmark>

Preparation needed: <e.g. build things, chat to owners of structures nearby or to be used>

Attach lockbox to: <structure>

CLUE text: <There's a riot of colour in this garden! You can see Basmati's been busy putting those classes in Egyptain Horticulture to good use. Queen ? will be sure to find her visit to this garden relaxing before she heads back to docks. Sadly her highness is not looking forward to setting foot back on the Royal Barge as she suffers from seasickness at the least swell of the Nile. You have a brilliant idea. Perhaps smoking some Ginger Root just prior to stepping on board will ease her royal stomache. Your tour map shows the barge docks are southwest from here, so you head back to the road and follow it as it weaves though sheep farms and back to the docks. >

HINT text: <check the Meshwesh Faction flag @ ? >

Key 6: <Soothing Herbs>

Location: <1008, 7082>, <bridge>

Preparation needed: <e.g. build things, chat to owners of structures nearby or to be used>

Attach lockbox to: <structure>

CLUE text: <You fill a Hookah with Ginger Root and set it on the gangway, inviting the Queen to partake. After a few puffs she feels much better and settles into the cushions, under the canopy on the barge. As the Royal Barge begins to move away from the dock, you decide your stomache could use some "settling" to and sit down to smoke the rest of the hookah. With the Royal Tour completed, you head back Sadvak's Shop in Downtown Tanis. >

HINT text: <check the Formal Garden @ >


Location: <co-ords>, venery gathering point

CLUE text: <confirm they found the right place, wrap up the story, and ask them to click gathering point again to rate the venery>