Start: The Rise of Babaotep in Bernike / L'avènement de Babaotep à Bernike
Location: 3043, -945, venery gathering point
Preparation needed: build venery gathering point
Attach lockbox to: venery gathering point
WELCOME text: This venery will take around xx minutes of your time to complete. All 6 keys are in the wonderful Bernike region, maximum 800 coords away from this gathering point. / Ce venery prendra environ xx minutes à terminer. Les 6 clés se trouvent toutes dans la merveilleuse région de Bernike, au maximum 800 coordonnées du point de départ.
OVERVIEW text: This venery is narrating the childhood and rise of Babaotep in emblematic areas of this region. It's a good idea to have the map open to locate the keys / Ce venery raconte l'enfance et l'adolescence de Babaotep ponctuées par certains endroits emblématiques de la région. Il est facile de reconnaître ces endroits avec la carte ouverte pendant que vous faites le venery.
HINT text: <direct the runner to the location of the first key> The map shows the print of one of our God's hands, not far north-west from this gathering point. There you will have no difficulty finding the first key. / La carte montre l'empreinte d'une main (de l'un de nos dieux) pas loin au Nord-Ouest de ce point de départ.
Key 1: Babaotep's rattle / le hochet de Babaotep
Location: 2871, -868, handprint / empreinte de main
Preparation needed: locate the handprint on the map / localiser l'empreinte de main sur la carte
Attach lockbox to: the closest tree to the hand shaped pond
CLUE text: You found Babaotep's rattle! That day, a very long time ago, a peasant was attracted by the crying of the baby and immediately decided to get the little creature blessed by Isis at a Worship Monument south of this place / Vous avez trouvé le hochet de Babaotep! Un jour, il y a de cela bien longtemps, un paysan entendit les cris du bébé et décida dans la foulée de le faire bénir par Isis dans un Monument de Vénération au sud de cet endroit
Key 2: Isis' blessing / la bénédiction de Isis
Location: (2) 2907, -1344, U Worship / Vénération
Preparation needed: to locate on the map the University south from here / localiser sur la carte l'université au Sud
Attach lockbox to: one of the Worship Monuments close to U Worship
CLUE text: You found Isis' blessing ! Soon Babaotep got the best possible education. At the end of his architecture studies, he received a beautiful compass / Bravo, vous avez trouvé la bénédiction de Isis ! Très vite, Babaotep reçut la meilleure éducation. A la fin de ses études d'architecture, il reçut un magnifique compas.
HINT text: Babaotep's rattle can be found close to a pond with a hand shape North / le hochet de Babaotep se trouve à côté d'une marre avec la forme d'une main au Nord
Key 3: Imhotep's compass / le compas de Imhotep
Location: (3) 2274, -957, U Architecture
Preparation needed: to locate the U Arch on the map / localiser U Arch sur la carte
Attach lockbox to: U Arch
CLUE text: found Babaotep's compass ! Fortunately, Babaotep was not only studying; at times he would have a lot of fun at acrolines. One day he met Nephtys, and they fell in love by a fountain nearby / Fantastique....vous avez trouvé le compas de Imhotep ! Heureusement pour lui, Babaotep de faisait pas que étudier. Souvent le samedi soir il s'amusait à des réunions d'acrobatie. Un jour il rencontra Nephtys, et les deux tourtereaux tombèrent amoureux près d'une fontaine du coin.
HINT text: Isis' blessing is hidden in one of the Worship Monuments, i.e. by U Worship / La bénédiction de Isis est cachée dans un des 2 monuments de vénération, à côté de l'Université itou.
Key 4: Nephtys' bracelet/ le bracelet de Nephtys
Location: (4) 2832, -1007, acrofield / terrain d'acrobatie
Preparation needed: <e.g. build things, chat to owners of structures nearby or to be used>
Attach lockbox to: one of the fountains at the start of the acro field
CLUE text: You found Nephtys' bracelet ! The lovers decided to marry at an altar that is at the top of the rocky mountain East from here, to get closer to the Gods. / Vous avez trouvé le bracelet de Nephtys! Les deux amoureux décidèrent de se marier à l'autel au sommet de la montagne rochause à l'Est, plus près des Dieux.
HINT text: Nephtys' bracelet can be found at a fountain before the start of the acroline / le bracelet de Nephtys se trouve dans une des fontaines au début de l'acroline.
Key 5: the wedding's ring / l'anneau du mariage
Location: 3282, -981, altar / autel
Preparation needed: to locate where 2 roads end on the nearby mountain / localiser où 2 chemins se terminent sur la montagne voisine
Attach lockbox to: the altar at the top of the mountain
CLUE text: <confirm they found the right place and direct them to the next location>
HINT text: <direct them back to previous location if they missed it>
Key 6: the Ankh symbol / le symbole de Ankh
Location: 3541, -188, Acquaduct pump / pompe d'acqueduct
Preparation needed: to get back to the acquaduct pump once the first towers are met / suivre les tours d'acqueduct jusqu'à la pompe
Attach lockbox to: the first tower of the acquaduct (pump)
CLUE text: <confirm they found the right place and direct them to the next location>
HINT text: <direct them back to previous location if they missed it>
Location: 3043, -945, venery gathering point / point de départ
CLUE text: <confirm they found the right place, wrap up the story, and ask them to click gathering point again to rate the venery>