A Wiki in the Desert
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From A Wiki in the Desert


Location: Chat me, will meet you at Avaris CS

Hey all :) The page is always a work in progress, thanks for your patience.


We will honor straight trades until

I'm open to other forms of payment as well, just chat me up in game or leave me a message in discord!

General Points
150 Wood 1
75 Charcoal 2
1 Wings of Horus (Untuned) 1
Mushrooms Points
3 Peasant's Foot Mushrooms 1
3 Sand Spore Mushrooms 1
3 Earth Light Mushrooms 1
3 Dung Rot Mushrooms 1



Metal Stock Metal per Scrip:Ca$h Alloy Stock Metal per Scrip:Ca$h
Aluminum 300 20 Brass 200 5
Antimony 300 20 Bronze 200 5
Cobalt 300 20 Metal Blue 100 2
Copper 300 20 Moon Steel 100 4
Gold 1000 20 Octec's Alloy 200 1
Iron 300 20 Pewter 200 5
Lead 300 20 Steel 200 5
Magnesium 300 20 Sun Steel 100 4
Nickel 300 20 Thoth's Metal 100 3
Platinum 300 20 Water Metal 100 3
Silver 500 20
Tin 300 20
Zinc 300 20


Is there any need for marble/granite with Saber next door? I have it if you need it and he is out...Dawner