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Revelation Solvent results

From A Wiki in the Desert

Starting Genome 16 genes long

Just for giggles, here are the four genomes which give the results seen in Peacefulness#12.
When I'm ready to throw revelation solvents at it, I'll need this information anyway... Revelation Solvent results

Ashen's Crossbreeding Simulator shows four possible gene strings that will give the tending see with Peacefulness#12:

QQQ..H 16 KGYRYRYYRYYRYYRK Appreciation. The R is removed, breaking one RYYR (quality) genome
QQ.S.H 15 KGYRY YYRYYRYYRK Peace12, option 1. Removal of the R creates a YYY (sugar) genome

QQQ..H 16 KGYRYRY YRYYRYYRK Appreciation. Original RYYR (quality) genome
QQ.S.H 17 KGYRYRYYYRYYRYYRK Peace12, option 2. Addition of Y creates a YYY (sugar) genome

QQQ..H 16 KGYRYRYYRY YRYYRK Appreciation. Original RYYR (quality) genome
QQ.S.H 17 KGYRYRYYRYYYRYYRK Peace12, option 3. Addition of Y creates a YYY (sugar) genome

QQQ..H 16 KGYRYRYYRYYRY YRK Appreciation. Original RYYR (quality) genome
QQ.S.H 17 KGYRYRYYRYYRYYYRK Peace12, option 4. Addition of Y creates a YYY (sugar) genome

But, of course! The letters shown by the revelation solvents change every tale! Tale 6 and Ashen's Simulator use:

  • Green
  • Red
  • Orange
  • Yellow
  • blacK

Tale 9 is using:

  • Cyan
  • Lavender
  • Azure
  • Mango
  • Puce

KGYRYRYYRYYRYYRK Appreciation vine
...LMLMMLMM Revelation Solvent (Minu's) result, periods added so the letters line up

  • this string of 8 genes does match with the original vine

KGYRYYYRYYRYYRK Peace12, option 1, removal of a gene LMLMMLMM Revelation Solvent (Minu's) result. does not match any part of this sequence. sad face.

KGYRYRYYYRYYRYYRK Peace 12, option 2, addition of a gene LMLMMLMM Revelation Solvent (Minu's) result. does not match any part of this sequence.

KGYRYRYYRYYYRYYRK Peace 12, option 3, addition of a gene ...LMLMMLMM Revelation Solvent (Minu's) result matches this sequence.

KGYRYRYYRYYRYYYRK Peace 12, option 4, addition of a gene ...LMLMMLMM Revelation Solvent (Minu's) result matches this sequence.