A Wiki in the Desert
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Learn the Ranching Technology from the University of Worship.

Make a Lasso.
Self -> Skills -> Assembly -> Make a Lasso

  • 6 Rope
  • Use a Lasso to attach a bovine to the Ranch.

Make a Stockwhip.

To build a ranch requires having in Inventory
Self -> Projects -> Farming... -> Ranch

  • 50 Boards
  • 200 Wood
  • 30 Rope
  • Ranch now shows the number of cattle in a Ranch.

Click the ranch fence to build:
Food Trough

Water Trough (Holds max of 500 water)

Bull and Cow and Calves and Milk

Wild Bull:

  • Can be tipped to gain the Achievement, "Tipped a Bull".
  • Can be fed a pepper and might give a Cattle Dung (appears below the bull). The Cattle Dung can be dried on a Flax Hammock to make Dried Cattle Dung. After putting the Cattle Dung in your Inventory, click Self -> Skills -> Search Cattle Dung for Pepper Seeds. Perception might be needed to find the pepper seeds. Grilled carrots and certain cheeses give Perception.

Wild Cow:

  • Can be Milked if you have empty Jugs in your Inventory. The Milking Technique is randomly given under Skills under the 'C' for Cow alphabetically, NOT under the 'M's.
  • If no milk is given then the cow had not given birth recently and the udders are dry.

Wild Calf:

  • Cannot be tipped. If do, it leaves a nasty message and the calf will not disappear.
  • Can be whipped if have stockwhip and/or if have lasso, the calf can be added it to the ranch.

Bull in a Ranch:

  • Eats peppers from a Food Trough at the rate of ? peppers per hour per bull. Does not give Cattle Dung.
  • Drinks water from a Water Trough at the rate of ? water per hour per bull.
  • You can use the option Remove from Ranch to revert to wild status if you have a Lasso in Inventory.
  • Use Remove from Ranch option then Whip option to move to another Ranch.

Cow in a Ranch:

  • Eats peppers from a Food Trough at the rate of 1 pepper per hour per cow.
  • Drinks water from a Water Trough at the rate of 1.5 water per hour per cow.
  • Cows give birth after 10 cycles (recently pregnant cows do not give birth right away again). After doing so, they can be milked in a consistent time interval of ??.
  • After being milked for a certain period, they dry up as in real life. "The udders have no milk."
  • Having Milking Technique (appears in Skills list under 'C' for Cow Milking Technique), increases milk yield.
  • Milking Technique can be learned from a cow in a Ranch or in the wild.
  • You can use the option Remove from Ranch to revert to wild status if you have a Lasso in Inventory.
  • Use Remove from Ranch option, then Whip option to move cattle.


  • Chance of being born after 10 feeding cycles.
  • Calves can be Slaughtered.
  • Female calves can also give birth and be milked (may be a bug or oversight). Stands to reason that male calves can also breed like adults.


  • Milk sours after a range of 2 hours to 10 Egyptian days (please change range if you had less or more time elapse).
  • Higher levels of Milking Tech increases the amount of milk per milking and reduces the rate of milk souring.
  • Milk given to another avatar seems to sour at different rates once separated like that.

Milking Technique

  • Have empty jugs in your Inventory and click the Milk option on a wild cow (is also a cow you Remove from Ranch).
  • Milking Technique shows up in your Skills tab alphabetically as if it is 'Cow'.
  • Bad luck modifier added - the longer you go without gaining this technique, the better your chances are of learning it.
  • Milking Technique is available to at least level 7.

Cheesemaking Skill

  • Bought at School of Worship for 10 Jugs of Milk + 10 Salt
  • Build a Butter Churn Self -> Projects -> Cooking... -> Butter Churn is built outside.
  • Learn new cheese recipes at the Great Hall.
  • Can build a Creamery with a Small Construction Site (1 Canvas + 4 Rope) and load 200 Wood + 15 Steel + 3 Copper Pots + 500 Bricks + 4 Linen + 2 Pulleys + 5 Rope + 2 Barrel Taps (Carving 3).
  • Can build Small (16 Nails + 10 Rope + 60 Boards) and Large Cheese Racks (30 Nails + 10 Rope + 200 Boards). Small holds 10 Cheese and Large holds 20 Cheese. The individual Cheese graphics show up starting from the lower shelf when put on.

Caption Caption

Cheese Recipes


  • 11 Milk + 5 Buttermilk + 1 Salt
  • 10 Milk + 5 Oil + 5 Peppers


  • 15 Milk