Flax Genome Theory
From A Wiki in the Desert
A default rate is the amount when the genome length is zero.
- Weed Default is 5 Weeds. GYGYGY and OR are the phenomes to reduce number of weedings. Nile Green has 3 OR and one GYGYGY and 1 weeding. Old Egypt has 3 OR and 2 weedings.
Proofs: Ariella #131 Nile Green(left)/Nile Green(right) cross KORGRGYGYGYGRGY-RYYRGROYYORRK -O Added one extra weed to Nile Green when 1 of the 3 OR was subtracted. Ariella #8 Old Egypt(left)/Nile Green(right) cross KRYYOGYGYORR/GYGYGRGYORYYRGROYYORRK Yielded 2 weedings and 2 Flax. Old T3 theory said (amount of flax or GYGY) - 1. This had 3 OR and 2 GYGY but still 2 weedings not 1 weeding.
- Seed Default is zero.
- Weed and Water Default is zero.
- Flax Default is zero.
- Rotten Flax Default is zero.
Gene Sets
- +1 Seed RO
- -1 Weeding OR - Minimum seems to be 1 Weed
- +1 Flax GYGY
- +1 Rotten Flax RRGY
- +1 Water and -1 Weed GYGYGY
- Nitrogen level of 100 -> Flax Seeds without ROY give flax, Nitrogen level of 120 -> Flax seeds without ROY give no flax, with 1 x ROY give flax
- Nitrogen level of 300 the same
- Nitrogen below 92 has a separate string to provide resistance, GRO (AGI in T7) is needed for resistance. Thus GROY (T7 - AGIM) is needed to provide complete resistance to varying nitrogen levels. DonQuiHotep 14:09, 23 March 2017 (EST)
Genome Size Theory
Genome size was limited as of Tale 6 verified by talking to teppy - Ariella
Genome size can have one gene removed to decrease the genome size by 1 gene or a gene duplicated at the splint point to increase the genome size by 1 gene. Please see the page on Genetics for Dummies.