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Revision as of 07:00, 12 June 2018 by Gnarph (talk | contribs)

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Pyramidion is made in a Master Casting Box. Firing it takes 40 in-game minutes.


Unfired Pyramidion

Types and Blessings

Unblessed Pyramidion need blessed before they can be added to the appropriate Pyramid Construction Site.

Each Pyramid Type requires a Pyramidion blessed by a seperate deity. The rituals for these blessings can be found at University of Worship. The deity to bless the pyramidion changes every time a pyramid of size 55 or greater is built, so make sure to communicate with the rest of Egypt before committing to a deity - if someone consecrates their pyramid to the same deity, your pyramidion will be useless for your current construction site! To find out which deity is next in line, click your pyramid construction site - it will show you whose specific pyramidion is required.

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