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From A Wiki in the Desert

My Tale 9 Flavors

Taste Category
(Tier 3)
Secondary Taste
(Tier 2)
Primary Taste
(Tier 1)
Carmelization Carmelization Butter 0 Yes
Butterscotch 1 Yes
Honey 13
Molasses 1 Yes
Chocolate 2 Yes
Soy Sauce 2
Chemicals Odd Chemicals Fish 4
Soap 7-12
Sorbate 5
Fusel Alcohol 9-11 Yes
Paper Filter Pads 7
Wet Cardboard 8
Petroleum Tar 1
Kerosene 8
Diesel 9
Plastic 9
Pungency Ethanol 0
Sharp Sulfur 1 Yes
Acetic Acid 3
Ethyl Acetate 5
Sulfur Wet Wool 4
Burnt Matches 6
Skunk 6
Cabbage 7
Hydrogen Sulfide 8
Mercaptan 4
Garlic 3
Rubber 11
Earthyness Earthyness Mushrooms 1
Dust 3 Yes
Moldyness Mildew 14 Yes
Moldy Cork (15?) 17
Floral Notes Floral Notes Orange Blossoms 0
Linalool 1 Yes
Roses 1 Yes
Geraniums 3 Yes
Violets 2
Fruit Citrus Notes Grapefruit 0-1
Lemon 0 Yes
Berries Raspberry 0
Strawberry 1
Cassis 5-6
Blackberry 3
Dried Fruit Raisin 5
Strawberry Jam 6
Prune 11
Fig 12
Odd Fruit Artificial Fruit 7
Methyl Anthranilate 7
Tree Fruit Cherry 0
Peach 0
Apricot 1 Yes
Apple 3 Yes
Tropical Fruit Banana 0 Yes
Pineapple 1
Melon 1
Microbiological Smells Animal Smells Horsey Smells 4
Mousey Smells 14 Yes
Lactic Acid Sauerkraut 4
Buteric Acid 3
Sweat 4
Yeast Leesy 2
Flor Yeast 2
Nuttiness Nuttiness Almond ??
Hazelnut 0
Walnut ??
Oxidation Oxidation Acetaldehyde 9
Pungency Coolness Menthol 0
Heat Hot Alcohol 0
Spicyness Spicyness Cloves ??
Licorice 7
Black Pepper 14 Yes
Vegetables Cooked Notes Asparagus 1
Green Beans 1 Yes
Green Olives 1
Artichoke ??
Black Olives 3 Yes
Freshness Bell Pepper 0 Yes
Mint ??
Eucalyptus 2
Stemmy ??
Grass 0
Deep dried notes Straw 2 Yes
Tea 4
Tobacco 6 Yes
Woodiness Phenolic Notes Vanilla 1
Burned Smells Smoke 2 Yes
Burnt Toast 2
Coffee 2 Yes
Resin Cedar 1 Yes
Oak ??

Vineyard Field One

Vineyard Coords Flavor 1 Flavor 2 Flavor 3
001 795 -1085 Butter Apricot Banana
002 800 -1085 Cedar Butter Straw
003 805 -1085 Apple Butter
004 810 -1085 Apricot Apple
005 815 -1085 Apricot Straw
006 795 -1090 Butter Banana
007 800 -1090 Butter
008 805 -1090 Butter Apple
009 810 -1090 Chocolate Apple
010 815 -1090 Chocolate
011 800 -1095 Butter Back Olives Mildew
012 805 -1095 Butter Green Beans Tobacco
013 810 -1095 Tobacco Apple Caramelization
014 815 -1095 Black Pepper Deep Dried Notes Chocolate
015 795 -1100 Smoke Caramelization
016 800 -1100 Butter Moldyness
017 805 -1100 Tobacco Green Beans Butter
018 810 -1100 Deep Dried Notes
019 815 -1100 Mousey Smells
020 795 -1105 Sulphur Smoke
021 800 -1105 Fusel Alcohol Mousey Smells
022 805 -1105 Tobacco Geranimus
023 810 -1105 Tobacco Roses
024 815 -1105 Tobacco Mousey Smells

Vineyard Field Two

Vineyard Coords Flavor 1 Flavor 2 Flavor 3
001 815 -1120 Lemon Dust Apple
002 800 -1120 Lemon Banana
003 800 -1135 Bell Pepper Molasses
004 820 -1150 Butterscotch Apricot Cooked Notes

Vineyard Field Three

Vineyard Coords Flavor 1 Flavor 2 Flavor 3
001 785 -1060
002 785 -1030 Butter Straw
003 785 -1000 Lemon Chocolate
004 800 -1060
005 800 -1030 Green Beans
006 800 -1000 Citrus Notes

Vineyard Field Four

Vineyard Coords Flavor 1 Flavor 2 Flavor 3
001 825 -1085 Apricot Banana
002 825 -1095
003 825 -1105
004 825 -1115 Apricot Linalool
005 825 -1125 Tree Fruit Floral Notes
006 835 -1125 Banana Linalool
007 835 -1115
008 835 -1105
009 835 -1095
010 835 -1085 Banana

Vineyard Field Five

Vineyard Coords Flavor 1 Flavor 2 Flavor 3
001 860 -780
002 870 -780
003 880 -780
004 890 -780
005 900 -780
006 900 -770
007 890 -770
008 880 -770
009 870 -770
010 860 -770
011 860 -760
012 870 -760
013 880 -760
014 890 -760
015 900 -760