Bags of Stuff
From A Wiki in the Desert
Revision as of 03:47, 26 December 2020 by Peacefulness (talk | contribs)
So many items that display as bags!
Starting a list of "sculpture exceptions"
Flashing Pink Boxes! (needs to be given a bag)
- cotterpin
- gebssilversickle
- gebssilvertokenoftheforest
Always displays as a bag (no artwork)
- animalbones
- beef
- deadant
- distillationcoil
- shipdebris
- spoiledfood
- wingsofhorus (untuned, can be loaded into a sculpture)
- yarn
Colorless artwork in a sculpture
possible pattern: If the in-game dropped/built artwork can have multiple colors, then the original artwork (used in the sculpture) has areas which are colorless or greyscale.
- queenbeedead, scale is also different from dropped item
- xmascandycanesmallgreend
- xmascandycanesmallpinkd
- xmascandycanesmallredd
- xmasornamentsmallredsolidd assuming it extends to all Christmas ornaments
- xmassnowman50d no color in scarf, scale different from dropped item
Artwork when dropped, bag in a sculpture
Complex item, cannot be loaded in a sculpture
- barometer
- distillationcoil
- fishinglure
- hatchet
- knife
- lsbulb sea lily bulb
- sbbulb sand bloom bulb
- shipdebris
- venerycertificate
- wheatakhet
- wingsofhorust (tuned wings of Horus)
Other exceptions
- Queen Bee (Alive) loads into a sculpture as an "invisible" item (empty stick), and no artwork is seen when item is dropped. (Flyaway and message in Main, "The Queen Bee flies away")