Revelation Solvent work page, Peacefulness #13
Color abbreviations on Ashen's Simulator need to be converted to T9 colors:
- G = Cyan
- R = Lavender
- O = Azure
- Y = Mango
- K = Puce
Four possibilities for tends that are QQQ wildS:
- Player#1 - - - - QQQ - - - 15 K YRYRYYRYYRYYRK
- Player#1 - - - - QQQ - - - 17 KGYYRYRYYRYYRYYRK
- Player#1 - - - - QQQ - - - 15 KG RYRYYRYYRYYRK
- Player#1 - - - - QQQ - - - 15 KGY YRYYRYYRYYRK
Original Appreciation genome:
- Player#1 - - - - QQQ - - H 16 KGYRYRYYRYYRYYRK
MLMMLMML First application of Minu's Revelation solvent. L=R. M=Y
YRYYRYYR translated to same characters used by Ashen's simulator
K YRYRYYRYYRYYRK First possible child.
....YRYYRYYR.... one possible alignment of revelation solvent
.......YRYYRYYR. second possible alignment of revelation solvent
The revelation results are inconclusive, and fit all possible children in at least two places apiece. Revelation solvent needs to be applied again.
LMMLMMLP Second application of Minu's revelation solvent. L=R. M=Y, P=K
RYYRYYRK translated.
All four possible children end with this sequence. Applying revelation solvent a third time.
LMLMMLMM Third application of Minu's revelation solvent. L=R, M=Y
RYRYYRYY translated.
KYRYRYYRYYRYYRK First possible child.
..RYRYYRYY solvent results. Possible match.
KGYYRYRYYRYYRYYRK Second possible child
....RYRYYRYY solvent results, possible match
KGRYRYYRYYRYYRK Third possible child
..RYRYYRYY solvent results, possible match
KGYYRYYRYYRYYRK Fourth possible child
RYRYYRYY Solvent results, no match.
Still have three combinations. Need revelation solvent results that begin with Puce or Cyan.
Fourth and fifth application of revelation solvent. Same results as the third.
Sixth try: <t>CMMLMLMM
Translated: <t>GYYRYRYY
K YRYRYYRYYRYYRK First possible child
GYYRYRYY No match. mutation deleted the G
KGYYRYRYYRYYRYYRK Second possible child
.GYYRYRYY solvent results match. mutation added a gene.
KGRYRYYRYYRYYRK Third possible child
.GYYRYRYY no match, solvent deleted the first R
KGYYRYYRYYRYYRK Fourth possible child
.GYYRYRYY no match, solvent deleted deleted a Y