A Wiki in the Desert
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From A Wiki in the Desert
Revision as of 00:11, 27 July 2018 by BradsBot (talk | contribs) (→‎Eggplant: clean up)


Name/Data Genome Length Researcher(s) Grows on Water per stage Tends required Yield Seed
The Stranger's Solana(T8) NTAT,PTPT,VANV,ATAI,ANVP,ITII,RANVA* ? Ashen Sand 2 4 2 1

A=Amber, I=Indigo, N=Navy, P=Pink, R=Red, T=Turquoise, V=Violet

* These are unordered fragments from clear and glass revelation solvents. Given R's appearance only once so far, it may be a good guess that R is the start/end marker, which would put RANVA at the start. Just a guess and just a start.