A Wiki in the Desert
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From A Wiki in the Desert

Hey its me

Apparently I have a good memory but its short ... I started T9 with the wrong name. I was Neeva in T8, Oracle of Harmony. So you may or may not remember her, but we are one in the same person.

Swimming Swimming in my swimming pool ...

Size/Color Small Medium Large Huge
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 1
Aqua X/Y - - - - - X/Y X X X X X X
Beige X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Black X/Y - - - - - Y X - - - - -
Coral X/Y - - - - - - X X/Y - - X X Y
Pink Y - - - - - - X/Y X - - - -
Smoke X X X X X X X X/Y - - - - -
White X X X X X X X Y X X X - -

Small= aqua, coral, pink, black

Medium= white, smoke

Talent Points> Huge = 1/ 1 Med + 1 small/

In MeshWesh Obi Que #23

Mats Needed

Mats Size 8 Prepare for Size 25
Bricks 280
Boards 28
Slate 6
Clay 28
Linen 9
Flint 2

Gone Fishin'

@ School Worship

Tadpoles 50 Thorns 50 Beeswax 50 Cactus Sap 50 Dung 50 Dirt 50

UWorship Suez 1552 6300 leeks

UWorship, Bahariya Oasis (-1679,5497)leeks

UWorship, Bahariya Oasis (-2519,5641) onion

UWorship, Hermopolis (1109,4014) garlic

UWorship, South Sinai (3988,6100) garlic

UWorship, South Sinai (3388,4554) garlic