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Project:Current events

From A Wiki in the Desert
Revision as of 01:47, 23 March 2018 by Zhukuram (talk | contribs)

Day of the Duck!

From the event calendar March 21, 2018:

Every year the Citizens of Egypt join together to celebrate the day of the Duck. Praise the Malards to be found all across Egypt for a small gift of celebration.

Only one Duckie prize per avatar.  Each hour the ducks are repopulated.  

Please do feed the ducks!

Throughout the countryside ducks and birds/pigeons appeared. Clicking on them gives an option to: Feed the Bird. The bird flies away with the message

You find a small seed amongst the scraps your feeding the bird

Watermelon seeds:

Geb's Produce
Isis' Bounty

The event lasted 1 day.

Cheese Please!

From the event calendar:

The Scientists at the University of Worship have further instructions from the Stranger's Assistant to tease us with cheeses.

Count to ten and it's time to search. How many of the new moo product will you find?

Items found include:

  • Odd Barrel of Cheese
  • Odd Bundle of Cheese
  • Odd Chest of Cheese
  • Odd Crate of Cheese

These items could be opened using crowbars found while fishing. After dropping the Odd item, while holding the crowbar and option is available to Break Open. Doing so snaps the crowbar, but the contents of the container appear in your inventory.

Items have been reported ranging in potency from 1 to 4. Paull discovered that Istanboly (Potency 2) gave him: -3 dex, 5 speed, 2 con, 5 focus, 2 per.

Known cheese varieties

  • Halumi
  • Istanboly
  • Mish
  • Rumi

The event ran 3 times with 2 hour duration and an additional extra long fourth run of 6 hours.

Future Events

  • Beta 8 will end at 9 AM GMT March 1
  • Tale 8 will begin on 2nd March 2018