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Camp Decoration

From A Wiki in the Desert
Revision as of 08:12, 28 December 2019 by Peacefulness (talk | contribs)

Camp Decoration is back! It is once again the name of the skill used to enhance the appearance of a guild hall

For more information about our ability to improve the appearance of our Guild Halls, please refer to the Guild Hall page

Confirmation message: "You may only do the detailed design work needed for a guild hall upgrade once per week. Do it on this guild hall?" This seems to be once per ducky (server) week. Attempts to upgrade more frequently show a timer of when a player is next eligible to contribute their camp decoration token.


Camp Decoration is a multi-level skill, used to create decorative items.

Note: From Tale I - Tale IV, camp deco was used to enhance the appearance of guild halls. From Tale V to now, this is no longer true, and the old 'ziggurat/hanging garden' models have been replaced on the servers. (So we should not hold our breath for a return of deco.) In effect, don't waste the gems beyond level one.


Taught at a School of Art & Music.

First Degree (level 8)



Allows the creation of Glass Torches for decoration and Test of Festivals.

Second Degree (level 10)



Allows you to contribute 1 unit a week to a guild's upgrade.

Third Degree (level 12)



Allows you to contribute 7 units a week to a guild's upgrade.

Fourth Degree (level 14)



Allows you to contribute 14 units a week to a guild's upgrade.

Fifth Degree (level 21)



Allows you to contribute 21 units a week to a guild's upgrade.