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GearBox Design Note's

These are notes basis on my experience and are a reminder of what I have learned and how piece together designs for gearboxes.

Process to a gear box

  • You have a device that can use a gear box (such as a quarry).
  • So far it looks like, each device will have a random output value associated with it. So you will NOT be able to create a bunch of gear boxes for all quarries as each quarry will have separate output values.
  • A device will have an output value containing a column and a range of ratios associated with it (e.g. H65-H78). In the case of a quarry, clicking on it will provide the out values needed for a gearbox.
    • The output value contains a letter A through H which indicates the column the last gear must be placed. The last gear is always in row 8.
    • The output value also contains a number range (from the example above H65-H78). The numbers are percentages or ratios (in gearbox design percentage and ratio mean the same thing). In our example, we are looking for an output value between 65% and 78%.
  • Once you know with ratio range you can go to the Gearbox Ratios page and select a row with a ratio value within your device range.
  • Write down or note the Gear Linkage values.
    • The linkage values display gear sizes and mesh connections. So "how" to connect gears, NOT where to place them on the gear design table (that's our job to figure out).
    • As gears go from large to smaller (5/3) ratios go higher (maybe 100% to 120%).
    • As gears go from smaller to larger (3/5) ratios go lower (maybe 120% to 100%).
    • As gears stay the same (3/3) or (4/4) ratios stay constant.
  • Goto Gearbox_Assembly_Table and connecting gears using the linkage values and the Constraints and Meshing subsections of Gearbox_Design_Guide page.
  • Analyze option of the gearbox table menu to check the ratio (will display percentage).
  • Once you have the needed ratio connect/mesh level 3 or 4 gears to the needed output column (A thru H) and row 8.
  • Select Analyze from the table menu to be certain the ratio is correct.
  • Select Build This Gearbox from the table menu.
    • If you select Build This Gearbox option and do not have the correct gears on you they will be itemized (gear counts, size, metal type).

Example 1

Quarry H65-H78 - using 69% output value

From the Gearbox Ratios page - gear linkage equals (5/6)*(5/6) Table looks like: A1 - Gear level 5 A3 - Gear level 6, then stack level 5 C3 - Spacer, then stack level 5 (ratio value 69% met and time to get to column H without change ratios), stack level 4 gear D4 - Gear level 4, spacer, level 4 E5 - Gear level 4 F6 - Gear level 4 G7 - Gear level 4 H8 - Gear level 4

Analyze to confirm ratio and build to get itemized list of gears needed.

Example 2

2 Quarry solution B441-B507 and F453-F507 - using 463% output value

From the Gearbox Ratios page - gear linkage equals (5/3)*(5/3)*(5/3) Table looks like: A1 - 5 B2 - 3-5 (level 3 gear, then stack level 5) C3 - spacer-3-5 (spacer for correct height, level 3 gear, then stack level 5 gear) D4 - 3-spacer-3 (Once we mesh a level 3 gear to the level 5 gear ratio will be met. If we place level 3 gear first we can drive to the needed output columns. Stack level 3, spacer, level 3.) D5 - 3 D6 - 3 B7 - 3 C7 - 3 D7 - 3 E7 - 3 F7 - 3 B8 - 3 (output 1) F8 - 3 (output 2)