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User:Augir/Chemistry testing

From A Wiki in the Desert


Material (Resin) Temp Recipe (Spirits) Ar As Bi Sa So Sp Sw To
Acacia 11 9 Wood, 1 Worm
Acacia Sapling 9 9 Wood, 1 Rock
Acacia Youth 23 7 Worm, 3 Grain
Anaxi 16 6 Worm, 4 Wood
Arconis 85 1 Mineral, 1 Vegetable, 8 Grey
Ash Palm 41 5 Grain, 4 Vegetable, 1 Worm
Autumn Bloodbark 73 7 Mineral, 3 Fish
Autumn Bloodbark Sapling 46 6 Grain, 4 Mineral
Autumn Bloodbark Youth 7 7 Wood, 3 Rock
Beetlenut 55 9 Vegetable, 1 Wood
Blaze Maple 82 10 Fish
Blaze Maple Sapling 45 5 Grain, 5 Vegetable
Blaze Maple Youth 84 9 Grey, 1 Grain
Bloodbark 13 7 Wood, 3 Worm
Bottle Tree 89 9 Grey, 1 Fish
Bramble Hedge 6 4 Rock, 6 Wood
Broadleaf Palm 78 8 Fish, 2 Mineral
Butterleaf Tree 10 10 Wood
Cerulean Blue 56 9 Vegetable, 1 Worm
Chakkanut Tree 11 9 Wood, 1 Worm
Chicory 56 9 Vegetable, 1 Worm
Cinnar 67 7 Mineral, 3 Vegetable
Coconut Palm 26 6 Grain, 4 Worm
Cricklewood 48 6 Vegetable, 4 Grain
Deadwood Tree 35 7 Worm, 3 Mineral
Delta Palm 3 7 Rock, 3 Wood
Dikbas 37 6 Grain, 3 Vegetable, 1 Wood
Dikbas Sapling 33 9 Grain, 1 Vegetable
Dikbas Youth 60 10 Vegetable
Dwarf Safsaf 11 9 Wood, 1 Worm
Elephantia 75 5 Fish, 5 Mineral
Feather Tree 66 9 Mineral, 1 Grain
Feather Tree Sapling 28 8 Grain, 2 Worm
Feather Tree Youth 64 6 Vegetable, 4 Mineral
Fern Palm 27 7 Grain, 3 Worm
Folded Birch 20 5 Grain, 5 Wood
Giant Cricklewood 12 9 Wood, 1 Grain
Golden Hemlock 35 7 Worm, 3 Mineral
Golden Hemlock Sapling 67 7 Mineral, 3 Vegetable
Green Ash 43 6 Grain, 3 Vegetable, 1 Mineral
Green Ash Sapling 8 2 Rock, 8 Wood
Green Ash Youth 65 5 Vegetable, 5 Mineral
Hawthorn 67 7 Mineral, 3 Vegetable
Hokkaido 8 2 Rock, 8 Wood
Illawara 37 6 Grain, 3 Vegetable, 1 Wood
Illawara Sapling 10 10 Wood
Illawara Youth 7 3 Rock, 7 Wood
Jacaranda 75 5 Fish, 5 Mineral
Jacaranda Sapling 49 5 Grain, 4 Mineral, 1 Vegetable
Jacaranda Youth 17 7 Worm, 3 Wood
Japanese Cherry 45 5 Grain, 5 Vegetable
Japanese Cherry Sapling 67 7 Mineral, 3 Vegetable
Japanese Cherry Youth 2 8 Rock, 2 Wood
Kaeshra 71 9 Mineral, 1 Fish
Katsura Sapling 24 7 Grain, 3 Wood
Katsura Tree 84 9 Grey, 1 Grain
Katsura Youth 10 10 Wood
Khaya 42 6 Grain, 4 Vegetable
Khaya Sapling 80 10 Fish
Khaya Youth 71 9 Mineral, 1 Fish
Locust Palm 80 10 Fish
Mimosa 10 10 Wood
Mimosa Sapling 16 6 Worm, 4 Wood
Mimosa Youth 20 5 Grain, 5 Wood
Mini Palmetto 84 9 Grey, 1 Grain
Miniature Fern Palm 50 5 Grain, 5 Mineral
Monkey Palm 47 6 Vegetable, 3 Grain, 1 Worm
Monterey Pine 50 5 Grain, 5 Mineral
Monterey Pine Middle Age 42 6 Grain, 4 Vegetable
Monterey Pine Sapling 57 9 Vegetable, 1 Grain
Montu Maple 61 9 Vegetable, 1 Mineral
Oil Palm 20 5 Grain, 5 Wood
Oleaceae 39 7 Grain, 3 Vegetable
Oranje 68 8 Mineral, 2 Vegetable
Orrorin 70 10 Mineral
Parrotia 78 8 Fish, 2 Mineral
Parrotia Sapling 48 6 Vegetable, 4 Grain
Parrotia Youth 72 2 Fish, 8 Mineral
Passam 51 7 Vegetable, 3 Grain
Peaches 'n Cream Maple 74 4 Fish, 6 Mineral
Peaches 'n Cream Sapling 10 10 Wood
Peaches 'n Cream Youth 57 9 Vegetable, 1 Grain
Phoenix Palm 62 8 Vegetable, 2 Mineral
Pratyeka Tree 64 6 Vegetable, 4 Mineral
Ranyahn 16 6 Worm, 4 Wood
Razor Palm 28 8 Grain, 2 Worm
Red Maple 29 9 Grain, 1 Worm
River Birch 54 8 Vegetable, 2 Grain
River Birch Sapling 69 9 Mineral, 1 Vegetable
River Birch Youth 34 9 Grain, 1 Mineral
Royal Palm 23 7 Worm, 3 Grain
Safsaf Sapling 6 4 Rock, 6 Wood
Safsaf Willow 41 5 Grain, 4 Vegetable, 1 Worm
Savaka 3 7 Rock, 3 Wood
Scaley Hardwood 30 10 Grain
Silky Oak 60 10 Vegetable
Spiked Fishtree 82 10 Fish
Spindle Tree 39 7 Grain, 3 Vegetable
Stout Palm 16 6 Worm, 4 Wood
Summer Maple 90 10 Grey
Summer Maple Sapling 59 7 Vegetable, 2 Mineral, 1 Grain
Summer Maple Youth 43 6 Grain, 3 Vegetable, 1 Mineral
Sweet Pine 90 10 Grey
Tapacae Miralis 77 7 Fish, 3 Mineral
Tiny Oil Palm 22 6 Grain, 4 Wood
Towering Palm 88 9 Grey, 1 Mineral
Trilobellia 70 10 Mineral
Umbrella Palm 59 7 Vegetable, 2 Mineral, 1 Grain
White Pine 37 5 Grain, 3 Vegetable, 2 Worm
White Pine Sapling 38 6 Grain, 3 Vegetable, 1 Worm
White Pine Youth 46 6 Grain, 4 Mineral
Windriver Palm 35 7 Worm, 3 Mineral
Young Golden Hemlock 15 5 Worm, 5 Wood
Material (Powdered Gems) Temp Recipe (Spirits) Ar As Bi Sa So Sp Sw To
Diamond 25 5 Grain, 5 Worm
Emerald 31 8 Grain, 1 Vegetable, 1 Wood
Opal 17 7 Worm, 3 Wood


Essences Ar As Bi Sa So Sp Sw To
Acacia, Acacia Sapling, Ash Palm, Katsura Youth, Peaches 'n Cream Youth Light Blue Red Light Blue White Pink Light Blue Red White
Acacia, Acacia Sapling, Ash Palm, Katsura Youth, Autumn Bloodbark White Red Pink Light Blue Pink Pink Pink Light Blue