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North Ledge Wine Flavours

  • Wines needed for Festivals
Wine Flavour Vineyard Location Stock on Hand Notes
Lemon 2350 1800
Apricot 2310 1660
Butter 2350 1800
Linalool 2280 1670
Banana 2290 1660
Violets 2330 1790
Apple 2330 1650
Chocolate 2320 1810
Butterscotch ?
Artificial Fruit ?
Smoke 2340 1650 Flutterings: also suspect 2296 1707 (test vines)
Example Example Example Example

New - to be transferred to Serenity Wine Flavour Table and label Vineyards

* 2300 1660: Deep Dried notes(probably Straw), Wet Wool (tried in V37, V39, try again in V41)
* 2290 1650; Coffee, Caramelisation (tried in Vintage 36, 45 no change)
* 2290 1660 v32: Banana, Deep Dried notes, Vegetables v34, v45 (try again to see if the next tier flavours emerge)
* 2300 1650 v32: Woodiness, Heat, Pungency v34 Sulphur, Rubber, Filter Pads, Heat in v45 (try again V48 to see if the next tier flavours emerge)
* 2300 1660 V32: Thin (try again in Vintage 40) Apricot, Burnt Toast v45
* 2350 1640: v32 Animal Smells v40, v45, Dust v36, Rubber V45 (try again in vintage 48 - Mousy??)
* 2360 1640: Thin (try again in vintage 36) Coffee, Violets v45
* 2360 1650: Burned Smells, Mercaptan 


* mix Bell Pepper, Butter, Lemon: Bell Pepper, Apricot
* coffee lemon test v32: burned smells Fruit; Burned Smells in V36 (try again in vintage 40) 
* North Ledge mix, Vintage 27: Burnt Toast, Black Olives, Chocolate
* 2280 1720 Flavour Test Medley v38: Burned Smells, Coffee v40
* Serenity Medley v38: Smoke, Green Olives V40; Filter Pads, Mousy Smells v45
* Farnite 13% vine 26&26 v43: Butter and Citrus, Chocolate v45
* Farnite 13% vine 38&39 v43: Tree Fruit, Peach, Eucalyptus v45
* Farnite 13% vine 28&29 v43: Banana, Deep dried notes v45
* Farnite 13% vine 4&41 v43: Resin, Butter
* Farnite 13% vine 44&45 v41: Lemon
* Farnite 13% vine30&31, v41: Butterscotch, Banana, Coffee
* Serenity Rose: v43 Coffee, Hot Alcohol tested in v45
* Peaceful Patch: v43 Coffee, Linalool tested in v45
* Tannin Blend #2 V43: Apricot, Burned Smells, Chocolate v45
* High Sugar Blend v43: Smoke, Coffee, Violets v45
* Sweet Red v43: Chocolate, caramelisation v45
* 13% Red Blend v42: Burnt Toast v45
* High Sugar Blend 1: Hot Alcohol, Floral Notes, Burned smells (same in 42, 45, try again in v48)

By Location

  • 2260 1660: Wet Wool, Mercaptan
  • 2260 1670: Lemon
  • 2270 1670: Chocolate, Linalool
  • 2270 1680: Lemon, Eucalyptus
  • 2280 1660; Apricot, Burnt Toast
  • 2280 1670: Linalool Berries v32 Acetaldehye Linalool v36 (test again in Vintage 40 to see which berry)
  • 2280 1670: Linalool, Berries (tested again in Vintage 32, still showing the same)
  • 2290 1670: Chocolate, Banana
  • 2300 1640: Hot Alcohol, coffee
  • 2310 1640: Dust
  • 2310 1650: Mercaptan, Paper (tested v34 and v39)
  • 2310 1660: Apricot
  • 2320 1660: Apricot, Fruit
  • 2320 1640, Vintage 26: Rubber, Wet Cardboard, Filter Pads (tested in v29, 32 finalised V39)
  • 2320 1640: Wet Cardboard, Filter Pads (retested in Vintage 32)
  • 2320 1650, Vintage 26: Diesel, Wet Cardboard (tested in Vintage 29, retested in Vintage 40)
  • 2320 1730; Filter Pads, Animal Smells (try again in v 45)
  • 2320 1780, Vintage 21: Sulphur, Apple and Hot Alcohol
  • 2320 1790, Vintage 9: Coffee and Violets, extremely dry (tested in Vintage 21)
  • 2320 1800: Vintage 7: Burnt Toast, Black Olives (tested in Vintage 32)
  • 2320 1810, Vintage 7: Chocolate
  • 2330 1640: Animal Smells, Filter Pads, Dust (tested in Vintage 34, retested V40)
  • 2330 1650: Apple, Black Olives
  • 2330 1660 : Apple, Banana
  • 2330 1770, Vintage 8: Burned Smells
  • 2330 1780, Vintage 7: Apricot
  • 2330 1790, Vintage 7: Violets and Coffee
  • 2330 1800 Mercaptan (after 5 vintages)
  • 2330 1810, Vintage 8: Grapefruit
  • 2340 1640 v26: Pineapple, Green Beans
  • 2340 1650 v32: Smoke, Chocolate v45
  • 2340 1660: Apricot, Straw
  • 2340 1780, Vintage 8: Burned Smells
  • 2340 1790, Vintage 7: Coffee
  • 2340 1810: Thin (vintage 11, tested in vintage 32, 35, 39. I think this spot is dead)
  • 2340 1820: Black Olives (Vintage 7, tested in Vintage 32)
  • 2340 1820: Black Olives (Vintage 7, tested in Vintage 32)
  • 2350 1650: Black Olive, Burned Smells (probably Coffee) v36 (test again in Vintage 40)
  • 2350 1780: caramelisation, Tropical Fruit, Chocolate, Tropical Fruit in v36 (try again in Vintage 40)
  • 2350 1790, Vintage 7: Lemon
  • 2350 1800, Vintage 7: Lemon
  • 2350 1810, Vintage 24: Tree Fruit, Coffee
  • 2350 1820, Vintage 8: Bell Pepper
  • 2360 1650: Burned Smells, Chocolate, Mercaptan (test in Vintage 34 - retested V40)
  • 2360 1660: Burned Smells (probably Smoke)
  • 2360 1790 Vintage 9: Lemon (in Vintage 9) Apricot (in Vintage 21)
  • 2360 1800, Vintage 8: Hazelnut
  • 2360 1810, Vintage 8: Bell Pepper
  • 2360 1820, Vintage 9: Butter (in Vintage 9) Tree Fruit (In Vintage 21)

Other Crossbreeding


Punkin x Vampire =