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< User:Talion
Revision as of 01:36, 26 January 2021 by Talion (talk | contribs)

Bonuses need to scale based on the length of the tale or techs available. Bonuses need to be large enough to encourage people to join in or it risks not being used. Players need to feel like they're missing out on something.

Stat bonuses specifically were pitched as scale x2 linked to cooking skill lvl+1, and speed is one of the largest things requested.

QOL - Changes to tech that scale

Item Notes
Flimsy brick racks don't break After blacksmithing is available switch to increased brick production from sturdy brick racks
Less twine breakage No longer an option once hand looms available
Fewer mats to repair machines

General QOL Options

Item Notes
More Slate/Flint hoards
More Dug items stone/gypsum ect..
Reduced chariot timers\time usage outside of free rides
Increase wild animal\domesticated animal\herb\mushroom spawns
increase speed road\offroad\water\all
speed up research for all uni's under your regional control
reduced tending needed to grow flax, veggies, etc
reduced water needed to grow flax, veggies, etc
reduced tree timers in regions you own
increased wood in regions you own
decrease in length of X stat timers
reduced costs for building new things
research "boosts": a token that will give the scientists what they need to get unstuck. Or a carrier pigeon that can be used to check the status of one Uni without running there.
Temporary access to "Special" cheese recipes