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Molecular Balance

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Molecular Balance
Molecular Balance
(Technology - Thought)
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Hyksos Logo large - Greyscale.png Kush Logo large - Greyscale.png Meshwesh Logo large - Greyscale.png

Allows comparison of genome lengths among plant strains.


The tech, Molecular Balance, tests the genome 'weight' (weight being the genome length) of one plant against the genome 'weight' of a second plant. Both splints must contain the same basic type of plant or seed. Put a plant in each of the Left and Right Splints in a Greenhouse that you want to test and see which genome is smaller or greater in genome length. This test is useful when 'breeding down' (deliberately shortening) a plant genome or 'breeding up' (deliberately elongating) a plant genome

Measure the genome 'weights' of the two plants against each other by clicking on 'Initiating with Molecular Balance' making sure to have a Blooded Harebell and Revelation Solvent - Crystal in your inventory as ingredients to trigger the Molecular Balance. (This information is from Tale 7, and is assumed to be unchanged)

There are three results that can happen:

  • The indicator tilts left. (The genome on the left splint is shorter than the one on the right)
  • The indicator tilts right. (The genome on the right splint is shorter than the one on the left)
  • The indicator remains in the middle. (Both genomes are the same length)

The indicator tilts toward the plant genome with the lesser amount of genes. If the indicator does not tilt then both plant genomes have the same number of genes.

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