A Wiki in the Desert
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From A Wiki in the Desert
Revision as of 23:50, 19 May 2018 by Silden (talk | contribs)

A future technology to help grow vegetables, similar to how greenhouses grow grass.

See Also

What the devs say

  • We're calling it 'ploughing' instead of 'plowing' because I guess we're an English game now
  • We're gonna do ploughing
  • My idea for how ploughing should work is that you plant a field, and you have to 'turn it over' every 24 hours, sort of like greenhouse, but for veggies
  • The problem is, there is no room for ploughing with pyramids, crossbreeding, region/faction bonuses, and aqueducts.
  • ploughing will be a skill, not a tech