A Wiki in the Desert
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From A Wiki in the Desert
Revision as of 03:36, 7 March 2018 by Cegaiel (talk | contribs)

Please consider updating this spreadsheet, also: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DfpTw5hP2r422sw4uizIQIoNOthhS8oqhhkoSidbIHY/edit#gid=0

Note: Results from spreadsheet are now being imported to Cegaiel's Herb DB v1.0 and Herb DB v0.9 (list view)

You should still consider updating Rogerian's Herbalist with new info. Just click on an herb picture and you'll see an 'edit this herb' link (very small font). If you update it, please add [T8] to herb name so we know it's been updated. You will be prompted to login with your Tale 7 OpenID credentials (same login you used for Tale 7 wiki) before you can edit. If you didn't play Tale 7, you likely won't be able to edit.

Bhilawa -1 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -1 Endurance, +2 Constitution

Cinnamon -1 endurance, -1 constitution

Common Sage +2 Strength, -1 Dexterity, -1 Speed

Crimson Lettuce +1 dexterity

Discorea 01 Focus, -1 Perception, + 1 Speed

Dark Ochoa 2 Strength, -1 endurance, -1 constitution

Digweed +2 Endurance, +2 Speed, -1 Constitution, -1 Perception

Dusty Blue Sage -1 Strength, -1 Endurance

Gynura -1 Strength, -1 Focus

Honey Mint +2 dexterity, -1 speed, -1 focus, +2 perception

Indigo Damia +1 constitution

Mindanao -1 Endurance, +2 Speed, +2 Focus

Mountain Mint +2 speed, -1 constitution, +2 focus, -1 perception

Myrrh -1 strength, +2 dexterity, -1 focus, +2 perception

Skirret +2 Strength, -1 Endurance, -1 Speed, +2 Constitution

Thyme -1 strength, -1 focus, +2 perception