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Test of Festivals

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The Test of Festivals
The Test of Festivals
(Test - Worship)
Demonstration Requirements
Slartibartfast on March 21, 2019


Participate in large festivals for seven gods. Each person must participate in a different way. The more people who participate in the festival day, the more standing you gain with your god.

And It's Open!!

Festivals Guild will throw together the framework of a page on Peacefulness' next day off, unless somebody beats her to it!

If you have tested for your requirements, please list them here, for now.
Assuming that nothing has changed:

  • You can test for all your requirements at any common altar, with a partner.
  • Your requirements for every god will remain the same until you please a god.
  • All your requirements will change once a god is pleased.

Temp Requirements

The following information has been added to https://atitd.wiki/tale8/Test_of_Festivals#THOTH

To please Thoth, surround an altar with 21 scampering beetles. Make sure the beetles don't wander too far.  At this altar, sacrifice an ambrosia made of ink and {FLAVOUR} wine.  The wine must be at least two vintages old and must contain 12% alcohol.

* Silden: Peach 
* Khali: Cherry
* Bessieloo: Cedar
* Tunnen: Linalool
* Debbie: Cedar
* Tunnan: Cassis
* Flowbar: Methyl Athranilate
* Floreta: Methyl Athranilate
* Harvest: Methyl Athranilate

Yanked straight from the T7 wiki....

Determining Festival Requirements

Please note your requirements below. They should change for all gods once you please one god.


So far, citruses that are new in T8 have not yet been seen in requirements for Isis.
Perfume made of (adjective citrus):

  • Reddish Mandarin, Sweet Lime, Reddish Summerbell, Sweet Pummelo, Reddish Lemon, Reddish Coralfruit

(Gem) Glass Torch:

  • Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire

Ambrosia of (citrus-citrus) honey and oil

  • Citron-Tangerine, Corian-Orange, Corian-Grapefruit, Lenat-Lime, Coralfruit-Tangerine, Coralfruit-Lemon


Ambrosia of (adjectives and flavor) beer and oil

  • Potent Brown Cherry, Fruity Sweet Honey, Fruity Brown Cinnamon, Spicy Sweet Banana, Very Potent Black cinnamon, Potent Sweet orange


Ribbons of (color and color)

  • Dark Sea Green, Banana, Saddle Brown, Dim Grey, Sky Blue, Light Steel Blue, Maroon, Fuchsia, Peru, Blaze Orange, Dark Cyan, Barn Red, Violet Red, Lavender

Ambrosia of (citrus/citrus) honey and milk

  • Grapefruit/Lemon, Corian/Pummelo, Grapefruit/Tangerine, Citron/Pummelo, Corian/Mandarin, Lime/Orange, Lime/Summerbell


(adjective) Spirits of (noun)

  • Fruit of Earth, Grain of Earth, Mineral of Earth, Grain of Fire, Grain of Water,

Ambrosia of dates and (flavor) wine

  • Butterscotch, Cherry, Licorice, Linalool, Molasses, Peach, Raspberry


Ambrosia of honey and the Petals of a Rose of Ra (part: color)

  • Outer Petals: Magenta, Stamen: Cyan, Leaves: Cyan, Leaves: Blue, Giant x2, Inner Petals: Blue
  • Rose Attributes


Ambrosia of Very Potent (flavor) beer and cobra's blood

  • Banana, Honey, Nutmeg,


Ambrosia of ink and (flavor) wine

  • Banana, Butterscotch, Cassis, Cedar, Cherry, Linalool, Peach, Raspberry, Strawberry Jam, Melon, Molasses, Methyl Athranilate

Impossible Beers

Spicy Orange, Spicy Banana, Spicy Cherry, Spicy Date, Spicy Nutmeg

See Also