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Revision as of 14:29, 13 May 2021 by BradsBot (talk | contribs) (→‎Peacefulness 32: Added {{L}} language helper)
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Eugenius#3 is the Appreciation vine with 14 genes. Crossbreeding continued on the Appreciation14 page.

Starting Point

This is the page dedicated to crossing the Appreciation vine. It originally had 16 genes.
This page is working with a version named Peacefulness #25, which has 15 genes.

  • its gene sequence is: KGYRYRYYRYYRYYK
  • that sequence leads to vineyard tends of QQ. All other starting tends are wild.
  • The hue is Light Red

Mutation created with 14 genes. Crossbreeding continued on the Appreciation14 page.


  • 13/52 crosses will have a gene duplicated at the splice point (25% chance of duplication)
  • 13/52 crosses will have a gene deleted at the splice point (25% chance of deletion)
  • 26/52 crosses will be genetically identical to the original, tends of QQ all other tends wild. (50% unchanged)

Avoid tends with duplicate results for wildQ, Q, QQ, and QQQ
Avoid tends with duplicate results for wildS, S, and SS.

  • 34/52 will have a QQ tend and Light Red Hue, same as the parent
    • 26/34 will have no change
    • 8/34 will have a mutation (3 Y deleted, 5 not Y duplicated)
  • 4/52 will have QQ tends and White hue.
    • 3/4 gene deleted (removed a gene of the GYR)
    • 1/4 gene duplicated (GYR becomes GYYR)
  • 10/52 will have a Q tend
    • 5/10 will have a Q S tend (one R deleted, four Y added)
    • 4/10 will have a Q wildS tend (all Y deleted)
    • 1/10 will have a Q SS tend (Y duplicated)
  • 1/52 will have a QQQ wildS tend (Y duplicated)
  • 2/52 will have a QQ S tend (both Y duplicated)
  • 1/52 will have a wildQ SS tend (R deleted)

Peacefulness 27

Is a gene duplication of Y, 16 genes long

  • tends 1, 2: QQ wildS
  • tend 3: matches QQ and could be wildS (most likely) or SS. Not S
  • Hue is White
    • 4 children have a White hue.
      • 3 / 4 are gene deletions (G Y or R)
      • 1 / 4 is a gene duplication, Y

Eugenius 3

This vine has a gene deleted
Indicator tilts toward Eugenius 3, when compared to a 15 gene vine. Eugenius 3 has fewer genes.

  • tends 1, 2, 3: QQ wildS
  • Hue is Light Red
    • 8 / 32 will have a mutation
      • 3/8 have a gene deleted, Y
      • 5/8 have a gene duplicated, G or R
  • First revelation solvent gave results of LMMLMMLM. Contained in all three possibilities
  • Second revelation solvent gave results of MLMLMMLMML. Unique genome found.

Peacefulness 29

3 / 34 have a gene deleted

  • tend 1, 2, 3, 4: QQ wildS. Hue: Light Red
  • 24/48 have no mutation
  • 8/48 have a mutation that still gives QQ, wildS, Light Red Hue
    • 5/8 have a gene duplicated (G or R)
    • 3/8 have a gene deleted (Y)

Peacefulness 30

3 / 34 have a gene deleted

  • 24/48 have no mutation
  • 8/48 have a mutation that still gives QQ, wildS, Light Red Hue
    • 5/8 have a gene duplicated (G or R)
    • 3/8 have a gene deleted (Y)
  • tend 1, 2, 3, 4: QQ wildS
  • Hue is Light Red

Peacefulness 31

3/34 have a gene deleted

  • tend 1,2,3: QQ wildS. Light Red Hue

Peacefulness 32

  • tends 1,2: QQ wildS
  • Hue is White
  • 1/4 has a gene duplicated
  • 3/4 have a gene deleted
    Cuttings saved