A Wiki in the Desert
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From A Wiki in the Desert

For the Camp in General

For the Orchard (200 trees)

    • 200 canvas (small construction sites)
    • 800 rope (small construction sites)
    • 4000 boards (small construction sites)
    • 400 papy baskets
    • 2400 linen
    • 40000 clay

Steam Distaff and 2 Steam Kilns, Fully Upgraded

Item Total Made
Black Raeli Tiles 12000
Bolt 500
Brass Small Gears 100
Clay Bricks 10000
Clay Steeped Wool Cloth 40
Concrete 7100
Copper Pipes 155
Copper Sheeting: Stainless Insulative 180
Firebricks 4000
Hard, Rigid, Fireproof Boards 8200 8200
Iron Bars 125
Iron Large Gears 10
Iron Medium Gears 5
Iron Strap 150
Lubricating Oil 60 60
Medium Steam Egnine 3 3
Octec’s Alloy Cable 15
Octec’s Alloy Wire 300
Plaster 4500
Thermometer 10
Washer 500
Water 2500
White Raeli Tiles 3500