A Wiki in the Desert
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Meshwesh Obelisk Queue

From A Wiki in the Desert

PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL QUEUES ARE COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. If you want to build your 20 cubit high obelisk out of the queue sequence nobody will stop you


  • The Test of the Obelisk requires that you build the largest Obelisk of its kind for the Meshwesh .
  • You must exceed the current largest Obelisk by at least a single cubit.
  • Also, you must retain the title of largest Obelisk that The Meshwesh has ever controlled for at least 2 days 8 hours (for a desert Obelisk.) while remaining inside the Meshwesh territory.
  • For each additional region The Meshwesh has the support of when the Obelisk is constructed, this time is reduced by 1 hours 7 minutes 12 seconds (again for a Desert Obelisk.)

Meshwesh Desert Obelisk Queue

Height Character Time Placed Status
9 Sevym - Ready to Build
10 Turken -
11 Khuzd -
12 entux -
13 Gabrielnight -
14 Estaar -
15 Nissa -
16 Infra -
17 Sunstrider -
18 Sunreaver -
19 Stekki -
20 Kehra -
21 Asud -
22 Zerrenor -
23 Basmati -
24 Gnarph -
25 Rosenfeuer -
26 Sonnenfeuer -
27 Hands -
28 Serath -
29 Till -
30 Coyote -
31 Erev -
32 KayGee -
33 Spatulus -
34 Ledge - Gathering Materials
35 Adayu -
36 Archis -
37 Sol -
38 Versato -
39 Juonkiku -
40 Catote -

Meshwesh Metallic Obelisk Queue

Height Character Time Placed Status
9 Freeportkid - Ready to Build

Meshwesh Cut Stone Obelisk Queue

Height Character Time Placed Status
9 Freeportkid - Ready to Build
10 Ledge - Gathering Materials
10 Heimdall - Gathering Materials

Meshwesh Hardwood Obelisk Build Queue

Height Character Time Placed Status
9 Freeportkid - Ready to Build

Meshwesh Marble Obelisk Build Queue

Height Character Time Placed Status
9 Freeportkid - Ready to Build

Meshwesh Crystal Obelisk Build Queue

Height Character Time Placed Status
9 Freeportkid - Ready to Build