A Wiki in the Desert
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From A Wiki in the Desert

Artinum's Grocery Store

Still under construction - will update as I go.


Upper Egypt (732, -1807), west of Koptos CS. The building is shaped like an A.

How It Works

All trades are managed with Chits - you can buy these for a range of goods, and then spend them on the items you require. Chits are sold on the table at the far end of the shop (the tip of the "A").

Please /chat Artinum if any stocks run out (including Chits) and I will update them when I'm next online. Note that some supplies may take longer than others.

There is also a chest in the shop containing various low value items that are free to anyone who wants them. You are also welcome to deposit any of your own donations here for public use.

What We're Buying


Item Quantity Chits
Papyrus Seeds 30 1
Sterile Papyrus 50 1
Fertile Papyrus 50 1
Gravel 30 1

What We're Selling