A Wiki in the Desert
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From A Wiki in the Desert
Revision as of 17:12, 27 August 2020 by Kay (talk | contribs)

Compounds are located:

Koptos at 831, -1973 - south of the chariot stop
Philae at 388, -1384 - north of the public mines


Chat me if you need to find an animal!


Discovered that if you leave at least mushroom, they will respawn.
Current DN Mushrooms: Nature's Jug


Tattoo herbs - Common Basil, Jaiyanti (x2), Yellow Tristeria, Wild Garlic, Ice Blossom, Trilobe


Anyone interested in leveling up on perfuming to make scents, contact me for citrus.

Alloy Information: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YmKiC3H3Pt1a0Qo8ZPaSbrEdpPRPE1EopM-OXYISY9o/edit?usp=sharing

Gearbox Information: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EWBk_qXEinW3AxQlaB7zLZlx-Lc-wYNUgWuSk6-4KCg/edit#gid=99272468

Funerary Temple: COMPLETED! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Dd9ginnjS8p_7GdadPs2vvbwjbs96ZGpSN37RMAANaY/edit?usp=sharing

Manager of the Mudskipper Trading Post.