A Wiki in the Desert
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From A Wiki in the Desert
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(BlR) 156, 2972, Sample(156, 2972)
(BlS)900, -3630 xx (900, -3630)
(BlS)751, -4178 xx (751, -4178)
(BlS)1091,-4735, 1091,-4735
(BlS)1307,-4776 , 1307,-4776
(BlS)1283,-4957 , 1283,-4957
(BlS)877, -1204, 877, -1204
(BlS)1273, -1017 ,1273, -1017
(BlS)1217, -1029 ,1217, -1029
(BlS)876, -1205 ,876, -1205
(BlS)756, -409 ,756, -409
(BlS)786, -364,786, -364
(BlS)787, -333, 787, -333
(BlS)722, -109,722, -109
(BlS)709, -66 ,709, -66
(BlS)1340, -3510 ,1340, -3510
(BlS)3270, -861 ,3270, -861
(BlS)-3017, -924,-3017, -924
(BlS)2076, 2288 ,2076, 2288
(BlS)1739,2063 ,1739,2063
(BlS)1541,2186 ,  1541,2186
(BlS)1335, 1628, 1335, 1628
(BlS)1415, 1755, 1415, 1755
(BlS)1249, 1499, 1249, 1499
(BlS)833,-1707, 833,-1707
(BlS)1000, -2080, 1000, -2080
(BlS)984, -2327, 984, -2327
(BlS)910, -2890, 910, -2890
(BlS)970, -2720, 970, -2720
(BlS)999, -2079, 999, -2079
(BlS)984, -2326,984, -2326
(BlS)950, -2322, 950, -2322
(BlS)902, -2335, 902, -2335
(BlS)835, -2371,835, -2371
(BlS)-1281, -7040 ,  -1281, -7040
(BlS)-1226 ,- 7040,  -1226 ,- 7040
(BlS)-864, -7040, -864, -7040 
(BlS)-825, -7040, -825, -7040
(BlS)-650, -7040,  -650, -7040
(BlS)-765, -7040,  -765, -7040
(BlS)-608, -7040,  -608, -7040
(BlS)-2087, 6586,  -2087, 6586
(BlS)695, 230, 695, 230
(BlS)754, 770, 754, 770
(BlS)899, 962, 899, 962
(BlS)950, 1214, 950, 1214
(BlS)960, 1275, 960, 1275
(BlS)423, 7155, 423, 7155
(BlS)117, 7208, 117, 7208
(BlS)58, 7235, 58, 7235
(BlS)46, 7299, 46, 7299
(BlS)14, 7387, 14, 7387
(BlS)-10, 7501,-10, 7501
(BlS)-591, 7696, -591, 7696
(BlS)819, 6514, 819, 6514
(BlS)827, 6483, 827, 6483
(BlS)-1021, 4684,  -1021, 4684
(BlS)-1242, -1409, -1242, -1409
(BlS)-991, -1057,  -991, -1057
(BlS)-901, -50,  -901, -50
{{:Maps/Chariot Stops|contentonly=yes}}
{{:Maps/Chariot Stops|contentonly=yes}}
{{:Maps/Chariot Routes|contentonly=yes}}
{{:Maps/Chariot Routes|contentonly=yes}}
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== copy of main snow page, updated 29 December, UK 2pm ==
== copy of main snow page, updated 29 December, UK 2pm ==

Revision as of 14:18, 29 December 2021








snow maps

copy of main snow page, updated 29 December, UK 2pm

Region Location Game Date/Time
West Kush 900, -3630 Peret IV-19 1:55 am
West Kush 751, -4178 Peret IV-19 5:44pm
Swenett 695,-1151 Peret IV-19 / 11:38 AM
Swenett 877, -1204 Peret IV-19 / 1:11pm
Swenett 1273, -1017 Peret IV-19 / 12:40pm
Swenett 1217, -1029 Peret IV-19 / 1:17pm
Swenett 876, -1205 Peret IV-19 5:44pm
Swenett 756, -409 Peret IV-19 5:45pm
Swenett 786, -364 Peret IV-19 5:45pm
Swenett 787, -333 Peret IV-19 5:45pm
Swenett 722, -109 Peret IV-19 5:45pm
Swenett 709, -66 Peret IV-19 5:45pm
Elephantine 1340, -3510 Peret IV-19 12:48 am
Bernike 3270, -861 Peret IV-19 /12:48 AM
Bernike -3017, -924 Peret IV-21 / 11:25am
Naqada 2076, 2288 Peret IV-19, 12:50PM
Red Sea 1739,2063 Peret IV-13 / 4:10 pm
Red Sea 1824,942 Peret IV-16 / 9:10 pm
Asyut 1541,2186 Peret IV-13 / 11:30 pm
Asyut 1335, 1628 Peret IV-19 6:10pm
Asyut 1415, 1755 Peret IV-19 6:14pm
Asyut 1249, 1499 Peret IV-19 6:05pm
Upper Egypt 833,-1707 Peret IV-13 / 11:50 pm
Upper Egypt 1000, -2080 Peret IV-14 8:26 am
Upper Egypt 984, -2327 Peret IV-19 12:05 am
Upper Egypt 910, -2890 Peret IV-19 3:10 am
Upper Egypt 970, -2720 Peret IV-19 3:25 am
Upper Egypt 999, -2079 Peret IV-19 5:44pm
Upper Egypt 984, -2326 Peret IV-19 5:44pm
Upper Egypt 950, -2322 Peret IV-19 5:44pm
Upper Egypt 902, -2335 Peret IV-19 5:45pm
Upper Egypt 835, -2371 Peret IV-19 5:45pm
Meroe Desert -1281, -7040 Peret IV-19 12:05 am
Meroe Desert -1226 ,- 7040 Peret IV-19 12:05 am
Blue Nile -864, -7040 Peret IV-19 12:05 am
Blue Nile -825, -7040 Peret IV-19 12:05 am
Blue Nile -650, -7040 Peret IV-19 12:05 am
Blue Nile -765, -7040 Peret IV-19 12:05 am
Blue Nile -608, -7040 Peret IV-19 12:05 am
Hamim -2087, 6586 Peret IV-19 2:33pm
Thebes 695, 230 Peret IV-19 5:45pm
Thebes 754, 770 Peret IV-19 5:46pm
Thebes 899, 962 Peret IV-19 5:46pm
Thebes 950, 1214 Peret IV-19 5:47pm
Thebes 960, 1275 Peret IV-19 5:48pm
MWD 423, 7155 Peret IV-19 7:45pm
Zau 117, 7208 Peret IV-19 8:26pm
Zau 58, 7235 Peret IV-19 8:28pm
Zau 46, 7299 Peret IV-19 8:29pm
Zau 14, 7387 Peret IV-19 8:33pm
Zau -10, 7501 Peret IV-19 8:36pm
Zau -591, 7696 Peret IV-19 8:59pm
Giza 819, 6514 Peret IV-20 1:47pm
Giza 827, 6483 Peret IV-20 1:49pm
Lahun -1021, 4684 Peret IV-20 8:35 PM
Kerma -1242, -1409 Peret IV-20 9:05 PM
Kerma -991, -1057 Peret IV-20 9:15 PM
Kerma -901, -050 Peret IV-20 9:30 PM