Difference between revisions of "User:Blondie/Nieve"
From A Wiki in the Desert
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+ | == Cegs map == | ||
+ | (testing)---dec 29, 3pm UK --click link for map | ||
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+ | https://atitd.sharpnetwork.net/egypt.asp?loc=900%2C+-3630+%0D%0A751%2C+-4178+%0D%0A1091%2C-4735%0D%0A1307%2C-4776%0D%0A1283%2C-4957+%0D%0A1135%2C-4927%0D%0A695%2C-1151%0D%0A877%2C+-1204%0D%0A1273%2C+-1017%0D%0A1217%2C+-1029%0D%0A876%2C+-1205%0D%0A756%2C+-409%0D%0A786%2C+-364%0D%0A787%2C+-333%0D%0A722%2C+-109%0D%0A709%2C+-66%0D%0A1340%2C+-3510%0D%0A3270%2C+-861%0D%0A-3017%2C+-924%0D%0A2076%2C+2288+%0D%0A1739%2C2063%0D%0A1541%2C2186%0D%0A1335%2C+1628%0D%0A1415%2C+1755%0D%0A1249%2C+1499%0D%0A833%2C-1707%0D%0A1000%2C+-2080%0D%0A984%2C+-2327%0D%0A910%2C+-2890%0D%0A970%2C+-2720%0D%0A999%2C+-2079%0D%0A984%2C+-2326%0D%0A950%2C+-2322%0D%0A902%2C+-2335%0D%0A835%2C+-2371%0D%0A-1281%2C+-7040+%0D%0A-1226+%2C-+7040%0D%0A-864%2C+-7040++%0D%0A-825%2C+-7040%0D%0A-650%2C+-7040%0D%0A-765%2C+-7040%0D%0A-608%2C+-7040%0D%0A-2087%2C+6586%0D%0A695%2C+230%0D%0A754%2C+770%0D%0A899%2C+962%0D%0A950%2C+1214%0D%0A960%2C+1275%0D%0A423%2C+7155%0D%0A117%2C+7208%0D%0A58%2C+7235%0D%0A46%2C+7299%0D%0A14%2C+7387%0D%0A-10%2C+7501%0D%0A-591%2C+7696%0D%0A819%2C+6514%0D%0A827%2C+6483%0D%0A-1021%2C+4684%0D%0A-1242%2C+-1409%0D%0A-991%2C+-1057%0D%0A-901%2C+-50+%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A |
Revision as of 14:31, 29 December 2021
snow maps
copy of main snow page, updated 29 December, UK 2pm
Region | Location | Game Date/Time |
West Kush | 900, -3630 | Peret IV-19 1:55 am |
West Kush | 751, -4178 | Peret IV-19 5:44pm |
Swenett | 695,-1151 | Peret IV-19 / 11:38 AM |
Swenett | 877, -1204 | Peret IV-19 / 1:11pm |
Swenett | 1273, -1017 | Peret IV-19 / 12:40pm |
Swenett | 1217, -1029 | Peret IV-19 / 1:17pm |
Swenett | 876, -1205 | Peret IV-19 5:44pm |
Swenett | 756, -409 | Peret IV-19 5:45pm |
Swenett | 786, -364 | Peret IV-19 5:45pm |
Swenett | 787, -333 | Peret IV-19 5:45pm |
Swenett | 722, -109 | Peret IV-19 5:45pm |
Swenett | 709, -66 | Peret IV-19 5:45pm |
Elephantine | 1340, -3510 | Peret IV-19 12:48 am |
Bernike | 3270, -861 | Peret IV-19 /12:48 AM |
Bernike | -3017, -924 | Peret IV-21 / 11:25am |
Naqada | 2076, 2288 | Peret IV-19, 12:50PM |
Red Sea | 1739,2063 | Peret IV-13 / 4:10 pm |
Red Sea | 1824,942 | Peret IV-16 / 9:10 pm |
Asyut | 1541,2186 | Peret IV-13 / 11:30 pm |
Asyut | 1335, 1628 | Peret IV-19 6:10pm |
Asyut | 1415, 1755 | Peret IV-19 6:14pm |
Asyut | 1249, 1499 | Peret IV-19 6:05pm |
Upper Egypt | 833,-1707 | Peret IV-13 / 11:50 pm |
Upper Egypt | 1000, -2080 | Peret IV-14 8:26 am |
Upper Egypt | 984, -2327 | Peret IV-19 12:05 am |
Upper Egypt | 910, -2890 | Peret IV-19 3:10 am |
Upper Egypt | 970, -2720 | Peret IV-19 3:25 am |
Upper Egypt | 999, -2079 | Peret IV-19 5:44pm |
Upper Egypt | 984, -2326 | Peret IV-19 5:44pm |
Upper Egypt | 950, -2322 | Peret IV-19 5:44pm |
Upper Egypt | 902, -2335 | Peret IV-19 5:45pm |
Upper Egypt | 835, -2371 | Peret IV-19 5:45pm |
Meroe Desert | -1281, -7040 | Peret IV-19 12:05 am |
Meroe Desert | -1226 ,- 7040 | Peret IV-19 12:05 am |
Blue Nile | -864, -7040 | Peret IV-19 12:05 am |
Blue Nile | -825, -7040 | Peret IV-19 12:05 am |
Blue Nile | -650, -7040 | Peret IV-19 12:05 am |
Blue Nile | -765, -7040 | Peret IV-19 12:05 am |
Blue Nile | -608, -7040 | Peret IV-19 12:05 am |
Hamim | -2087, 6586 | Peret IV-19 2:33pm |
Thebes | 695, 230 | Peret IV-19 5:45pm |
Thebes | 754, 770 | Peret IV-19 5:46pm |
Thebes | 899, 962 | Peret IV-19 5:46pm |
Thebes | 950, 1214 | Peret IV-19 5:47pm |
Thebes | 960, 1275 | Peret IV-19 5:48pm |
MWD | 423, 7155 | Peret IV-19 7:45pm |
Zau | 117, 7208 | Peret IV-19 8:26pm |
Zau | 58, 7235 | Peret IV-19 8:28pm |
Zau | 46, 7299 | Peret IV-19 8:29pm |
Zau | 14, 7387 | Peret IV-19 8:33pm |
Zau | -10, 7501 | Peret IV-19 8:36pm |
Zau | -591, 7696 | Peret IV-19 8:59pm |
Giza | 819, 6514 | Peret IV-20 1:47pm |
Giza | 827, 6483 | Peret IV-20 1:49pm |
Lahun | -1021, 4684 | Peret IV-20 8:35 PM |
Kerma | -1242, -1409 | Peret IV-20 9:05 PM |
Kerma | -991, -1057 | Peret IV-20 9:15 PM |
Kerma | -901, -050 | Peret IV-20 9:30 PM |
Cegs map
(testing)---dec 29, 3pm UK --click link for map