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Latest revision as of 18:03, 25 February 2020
Gravel-making improvement.
We, Citizens of Egypt, think our current way of making gravel is tedious and inefficient, be it through the use of a sledgehammer or explosives.
Thus, we turn ourselves to our researchers and suggest they come up with a new technology, Stone Crushing, that would allow us to build and operate a Stone Crusher.
This building would be composed of (with suggested materials):
- a solid base for stability (concrete and cut stones),
- a very sturdy hopper made of an enduring metal or alloy (sheetings, bars, bolts and straps),
- a towering structure above the hopper to hold the crusher itself (bars, boards, bolts)
- a crusher, basically a sturdy, metallic container (sheetings, straps), filled with heavy filling (cut stone or lead)
- a lifting mechanism of pulleys and wires/cables to lift the crusher, lock it in place and release it down for crushing (pulleys, wires/cables and gears),
Upgrades :
- hopper size, to crush more stones at once,
- tower size, to crush stones more efficiently,
- one or more gearbox to ease the lifting,
The suggested operation would be to :
- Lift the crusher to a certain height, based on Strength (lifting distance) and Endurance (lifting frequency), the lifting mechanism taking care of not letting the crusher fall,
- Empty the hopper of all but one type of stone and/or add more stones. The crusher must be at a minimum height for this.
- Release the crusher, smashing the stones and producing smaller stones and gravel, in a similar way to hammering stones.
- Note: If the stones are mixed, only one type of stone, the biggest available, will be crushed. If the crusher was high enough and crushes all of the biggest stones, possibly start crushing the next available size
- Note: If the stones are mixed, only one type of stone, the biggest available, will be crushed. If the crusher was high enough and crushes all of the biggest stones, possibly start crushing the next available size
- Repeat.
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A few explanations :
"Why ?" may you be asking.
Well, because running after rolling stones stops being fun past the first minute, and stones in various state of demolition should not be rolling so far, so easily.
Also, explosives are time-consuming and a really strange idea to make gravel, and dangerous too.
The building is intended to be moderately difficult to attain, and upgradable; its operation, derived from aqueduct pumping and flax processing, benefits both from eliminating all the running around, but mainly from introducing food boosting to improve the process itself.