A Wiki in the Desert
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Revision as of 01:58, 25 April 2020

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L&L Grocery and Herb Shop Inventory and Price List

Recipes (my stats)

Cooking 0

Base(s) Additive(s) STR DEX END SPD CON FOC PER Duration Masterpiece
6 Mutton 1 Allbright 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - No
6 Mutton 1 Altar's Blessing 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 12m 04 s No
6 Mutton 1 Ashoka 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 9m 32s No
6 Mutton 1 Banto 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 < 2m No
6 Mutton 1 Beggar's Button 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 5m 14s No
6 Mutton 1 Blood Root 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3m 19s No
6 Mutton 1 Myristica 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 <1 m No
6 Mutton 1 Strawberry Tea 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 5m25s No
6 Mutton 1 Wild Lettuce 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 14m30s No
6 Mutton 1 Lemondrop 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 No
6 Mutton 1 Pepper 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 No
6 Grilled Fish 1 Honey 0 -1 1 2 -1 0 2 15m No
"6 Grilled Fish" "1 Grilled Onion" 0 -4 -3 5 -4 0 5 "15m" No
6 Camel Meat 1 Aloe 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 - No
6 Mutton 1 Ham 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 10m 28s No
6 Camel Meat 1 ham 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 4m 26s No
6 Amur Pike Meat 1 Ham 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 6m 12s No
6 Camel Meat 1 Eggplant 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 - No
6 Oyster Meat 1 Buckler-leaf 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 - No
6 Octec's Longfin Meat 1 Red Nasturtium 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 - No
6 Camel Meat 1 Wild Lettuce -1 1 0 0 1 1 0 - No

Watermine 1 Output Tracking

Watermine Output Test
Pitch Min Before
First Gem
Cuttable Amethyst Cuttable Citrine Cuttable Garnet Cuttable Jade Cuttable Lapis Cuttable Sunstone Cuttable Turquoise Quartz Ruby Topaz Emerald Sapphire Diamond Opal
20 6 0 0 3 1 0 8 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 11 0 0 0 3 1 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Color Recipe Missing Reactions? Verified
AliceBlue N N
Amethyst N N
AntiqueWhite N N
Aqua N N
Aquamarine 1 SP, 1 Pb, 9Cu (or 5/5) N Y
Azure N N
BakerMillerPink N N
Banana N N
BarnRed N N
Beet N N
Beige N N
Bisque N N
Black N N
BlanchedAlmond N N
BlazeOrange N N
Blue N N
BlueViolet N N
Boysenberry 5 TS, 5 Fe N N
BrightPink N N
Brown N N
BurgundyRed 9 RS, 1 Sulfur, 1 Cu N N
BurlyWood N N
BurntSienna N N
BurntUmber 10 Fe N N
CadetBlue 3 Carrot, 10 Cu N N
CadmiumOrange N N
CadmiumYellow N N
Carrot Carrot 10 N N
Chartreuse N N
Chocolate N N
CobaltBlue 5 Pb, 5 Cu, 1 SP N N
CobaltGreen 9 TS, 1 SP, 1 Cu N N
Coral N N
CornflowerBlue N N
Cornsilk N N
Crimson N N
DarkBlue N N
DarkCyan N N
DarkGoldenRod N N
DarkGreen 5 TS, 5 Clay, 1 L, 1 Sp N N
DarkGrey 3 Clay, 3 Cu, 1 SP, 4 Fe N N
DarkJungleGreen N N
DarkKhaki N N
DarkMagenta N N
DarkOliveGreen 6 TS, 4 Fe N N
DarkOrange N N
DarkOrchid N N
DarkRed N N
DarkSalmon N N
DarkScarlet N N
DarkSeaGreen 3 Clay, 5 Fe, 1 SP, 2 Cu N N
DarkSienna 9 DT, 1 Sulfur, 1 Cu N N
DarkSlateBlue N N
DarkSlateGrey 10 TS N N
DarkTurquoise N N
DarkViolet N N
DeepPink N N
DeepSkyBlue N N
DimGrey 5 Clay, 5 Cu N N
DodgerBlue N N
DukeBlue N N
EggshellWhite N N
EmeraldGreen N N
Feldspar N N
FireBrick N N
FloralWhite N N
ForestGreen 9 TS, 1 Sulfur, 1 Cu N N
Fuchsia N N
Gainsboro N N
GhostWhite N N
Gold N N
GoldenRod 9 Carrot, 1 SP, 1 Cu N N
Green N N
GreenYellow N N
Grey Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 4 Clay 5 Iron 1 N N
HoneyDew N N
HotPink N N
ImperialBlue N N
IndianRed 9 Carrot, 1 Sulfur, 1 Cu N N
Indigo N N
Ivory N N
Khaki N N
Lavender N N
LavenderBlush N N
LawnGreen N N
LemonChiffon N N
Licorice Pb 10, 1 Li, 1 SP N N
LightBlue N N
LightCoral N N
LightCyan N N
LightGoldenRodYellow N N
LightGreen N N
LightGrey N N
LightPink N N
LightSalmon N N
LightSeaGreen N N
LightSkyBlue N N
LightSlateBlue N N
LightSlateGrey 5 Carrot, 5 Copper N N
LightSteelBlue N N
LightYellow N N
Lime N N
LimeGreen N N
Linen N N
Maroon Red Sand 4 N N
MediumAquaMarine 3 Clay, 1 SP, 7 Cu N N
MediumBlue N N
MediumOrchid N N
MediumPurple N N
MediumSeaGreen 5 TS, 5 Cu, 1 SP N N
MediumSlateBlue N N
MediumSpringGreen N N
MediumTurquoise 10 Cu N N
MediumVioletRed N N
Melon N N
MidnightBlue N N
MintCream N N
MistyRose N N
Moccasin N N
NavajoWhite N N
Navy N N
OldLace N N
Olive N N
OliveDrab 5 Carrot, 5 TS N N
Orange N N
OrangeRed N N
Orchid N N
OxfordBlue N N
PaleGoldenRod N N
PaleGreen 4 Clay, 1 SP, 3 Cu, 3 Pb N N
PaleTurquoise 3 Clay, 6 Cu, 1 Fe N N
PaleVioletRed N N
PapayaWhip N N
PeachPuff N N
Peacock 10 Cu, 1 SP N N
PersianIndigo N N
PersianPink N N
Peru 9 Carrot, 1 Potash, 1 Cu N N
Pink N N
Plum N N
PowderBlue 4 Clay, 5 Cu, 1 Fe N N
PrussianBlue N N
Purple N N
RawSienna 5 Carrot, 5 Clay N N
Red N N
RedDevil 10 RS, 1 Sulfur N N
RichBlack Pb 9, 1 Li, 1 SP, Cu 1 N N
RosyBrown 9 DT, 1 Sulfur, 1 Pb N N
RoyalBlue N N
RubyRed 10 RS N N
SaddleBrown 10 Clay N N
Salmon N N
SandyBrown N N
Sangria 9 RS, 1 Sulfur, 1 Carrot N N
SapGreen N N
SeaGreen 9 Pb, 1 SP, 1 Cu N N
SealBrown Pb 5, 1 Li, 1 SP, 5 RS N N
SeaShell N N
Sienna 5 Carrot, 5 DT/5 Carrot, 5 Fe/5 Clay, 5 Fe N N
Silver 4 Clay, 3 Cu, 1 SP, 3 Fe N N
SkyBlue 10 FB, 1 Su/5 Cu, 1 SP, 5 Pb N N
SlateBlue N N
SlateGrey 5 Cu, 5 Fe N N
SmokeyBlack Pb 9, 1 Li, 1 SP, 1 TS N N
Snow N N
SpringGreen N N
SteelBlue N N
SteelPink 9 RS, 1 SP, 1 Lead N N
Tan N N
Teal N N
Thistle N N
Tomato N N
Turquoise 1 SP, 10 Cu N N
TyrianPurple 5 RS, 7 Pb, 1 SP N N
Violet N N
VioletRed N N
Wheat N N
White N N
WhiteSmoke N N
Yellow N N
YellowGreen N N
Zaffre N N