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Peacefulness has made an attempt at a slightly shorter summary of this page

Here's a transcript of a description of how tech will work in T10. Enjoy.

Scroll down for information divulged later.

Malard: [08m] okay its done
Malard: [08m] okay folks, animal husbandry is working now (i hope), so please help test it
Malard: [08m] let me explain how the new research system works
Malard: [07m] from any university you can put in the starting resources, these typically are going to be very low, in the case of Animal Husbandry its just 1 of each item
Malard: [07m] at that point, ALL universities will start to work on the problem
Malard: [07m] of that type
Malard: [07m] so all U Worship in this situation
Malard: [06m] during the course of the research, they might run into difficulties
Malard: [06m] if your house controls the region then your house announce chat will get a notification that they are stuck
Malard: [06m] when you goto the uni, it will present a randomised list of resources that it needs
Malard: [05m] some of these could be "wrong" resources, i.e. the researchers are asking for stuff that historically they did not need
Malard: [05m] but at the end of the day this is an R&D project, so who knows, you might need coal to open farming
Malard: [05m] (obviously the resources it will ask for are appropriate for the technology level egypt has)
merek: [04m] Farming 1 of 3: You cannot donate to this tech yet, blame Malard.
Malard: [04m] yeah only animal husbandry is ported to the new system
Malard: [04m] i will migrate more now, i was just focused on getting one skill over the line first
Talion: [04m] Will it be random per player or per uni or per "problem"
Malard: [03m] a per uni problem
Malard: [03m] and they might get stuck more than once
Malard: [03m] or they might not get stuck at all
Kaliack: [03m] My UoW shows Animal Husbandry as a Research In Progress, nothing needed right now.
Malard: [03m] additionally, it is planned (although not implemented) that you can speed up the research time
Malard: [03m] and this will be done through asking for food of certain quality
Malard: [03m] so packed lunches that meet certain attribute levels
Malard: [03m] or wine or beer
Malard: [03m] for example
Laf: [02m] is research individual ou for everyone?
Malard: [02m] its now global
Malard: [02m] so instead of it being house restricted its a global activity
Malard: [02m] but obviously with so many uni's the problem is now distributed
Malard: [01m] so instead of it being a make lots of resources up front
Malard: [01m] its a start the project off asap and then solve problems along the way
Malard: [01m] its intended that some of the resource requirements might be not just a bunch of simple materials
Malard: [01m] it could be a blade of x quality
Mehrane: [01m] so you're saying, we could hunt down a university that has good reqs (or no reqs) to complete a given tech, and then it will be available ?
Malard: [01m] no, ALL uni's are working on the problem
Malard: [00m] so in the case of animal husbandry you've got a fair few that are going to need help
Peacefulness: [00m] Do we have to take care of all the universities before the techs open?  (This could get crazy-fun!)
Malard: [00m] yes
Malard: [00m] so you've got 16 u worships that will need help
Mehrane: [00m] oh wow...
Farnite: [00m] Oh that is so awesome
Mehrane: [00m] who was suggesting to put unis in Arabia already ?
Malard: [00m] i am going to write some GUI that lets you see the global progress
merek [00m] mutters Somebob
Malard: [00m] to give you an idea on where the "stuck" uni's are
merek: [00m] heh
Malard: [05m] but yes, i wanted to make Somebob useful
Malard: [04m] hey can you make food +30 speed -5 dex +9 focus -20 end 
Malard: [04m] why!?
Malard: [04m] no reason :P
Malard: [04m] oh and i need 10 servings
Laf: [04m] love the all uni has to be open, every region will get to particpate
Kay: [04m] and...you need the herbs to pickup the cooking skill
Malard: [03m] well, lots of other changes are happening, but dont focus on that for now
Malard: [03m] early doors these are only 4 hour skills
merek: [02m] As long as you take into account the levels of skills/techs needed for the resources.
Laf: [02m] can you not generate whatever you want as a dev?
Peacefulness: [02m] question:  Will University access be for all houses?  (ie if there is a shortage of active players in a house, could that stall our ability to assist the scientists?)
Malard: [02m] houses are almost purely cosmetic for most things
Malard: [02m] techs are global once unlocked
Malard: [01m] the only perk a house gets
Malard: [01m] is "magic" knowledge when a uni in their controlled area is stuck
Gumby: [01m] your faction just won't get the noticiation that the U needs help, but you can help it i think
Gumby: [01m] *house
Malard: [01m] totally
Laf: [01m] great
Malard: [00m] there is a different mechanic for house skills
Mehrane: [00m] gonna need a big egypt-wide research guild I guess.
Malard: [00m] they still exist
Malard: [00m] so banner construction etc are house specific
Malard: [00m] and work essentially how they did in t9
Malard: [00m] dump resources in at the start and leave alone

Malard: [07m] but i am debugging various issues
Malard: [05m] i am slowly breaking the back of this
Malard: [05m] in terms of basic concept
Malard: [05m] how are you all feeling about it?

Mehrane: [04m] I think we'll feel better once chariot repair 1 is open :O
Malard: [04m] i may change the balance of chariot repair
Peacefulness: [04m] its a lot of running and coordinating to find the status of those Unis, even with Global Chat
Malard: [04m] yeah, i am going to make a delayed report
Malard: [03m] that will update slowly
Malard: [03m] to show you global status
Malard: [03m] okay so now there is a new category research completed
Malard: [03m] and so uni's that have finished their stage are flagged correctly visually

Q: Can a single Uni get hung up more than once waiting for materials, or is it limited to just once?
Malard: [02m] more than once
Malard: [02m] for AH its between 0 and 2 times
Malard: [02m] but
Malard: [01m] a few things to note, the stall will be between "current progress and 80% of the maximum timer"
Malard: [01m] so if for example the timer is 10 hours
Malard: [01m] the interuption will be between 0 and 8 hours
Malard: [01m] then if there is another interuption it will be between 8 hours and 9h 36 min
Malard: [00m] so there is a small ability to determine if there is no more interuptions going to happen

Research requirements

Kaliack: [10m] Malard, does the Uni code use the vigil code, i.e. based on what we have stashed, or does it know what we could potentially have at this point, i.e. firebricks/salt/coconuts?
Malard: [09m] no
Malard: [09m] so the basic way i've coded it (research) is as follows:
Malard: [09m] there is a min/max qty range for each item
Malard: [09m] so in the context of stonework its between 150 and 200 cuttable stones
Malard: [09m] 52 and 70 flint
Malard: [09m] and 75 and 100 rope
Malard: [08m] it then adds this to a technology tier
Malard: [08m] inside this technology tier contains other items that could be produced
Malard: [07m] so right now it contains grass wood and flax
Malard: [07m] it then will do multiple rolls
Malard: [07m] and pick between 1-3 (as its currently set)
Malard: [07m] items that it needs
Malard: [06m] so you could get a double roll of cuttable stones
Malard: [06m] and both could roll max value
Malard: [06m] for a total demand of 400 cuttables
Peacefulness: [06m] got a double roll of clay last night
Malard: [06m] yeah the double rolls now merge together
Malard: [06m] instead of being two seperate lines
Malard: [06m] ultimately this creates a high level of unpredictability to resource costs
Malard: [05m] anyway, its not quite vigil code
Malard: [05m] but its something that is unpredictable
Malard: [05m] also this requirement is for each interuption
Malard: [05m] and so i can tailor up and down the costs by simply increasing the number of interuptions
Malard: [04m] so my next jobs are to create some visibility for you to see globally what is going on
Malard: [04m] and also for each uni to report how many other unis are still working on the problem
merek: [05m] Will we be testing "control" of non-home region unis?
Malard: [03m] okay, in terms of region control
Malard: [03m] i suggest i focus your attention on unlocking more techs