A Wiki in the Desert
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Difference between revisions of "User:Leniana"

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Looking for:
Looking for:
[[User:Leniana/L&L Grocery|L&L Grocery and Herb Shop Inventory and Price List]]
[[User:Leniana/L&L Grocery|L&L Grocery and Herb Shop Inventory and Price List]]<br>
[[User:Leniana/Alts| Shrooms, Fumes, and Moves]]
[[User:Leniana/Alts| Shrooms, Fumes, and Moves]]
Recipes (''my stats'')
Recipes (''my stats'')

Revision as of 23:16, 25 July 2021

Looking for:

L&L Grocery and Herb Shop Inventory and Price List

Shrooms, Fumes, and Moves Recipes (my stats)

Cooking 0

Base(s) Additive(s) STR DEX END SPD CON FOC PER Duration Masterpiece

Watermine 1 Output Tracking

Watermine Output Test
Pitch Min Before
First Gem
Cuttable Amethyst Cuttable Citrine Cuttable Garnet Cuttable Jade Cuttable Lapis Cuttable Sunstone Cuttable Turquoise Quartz Ruby Topaz Emerald Sapphire Diamond Opal


Color Recipe Missing Reactions? Verified
AliceBlue N N
Amethyst N N
AntiqueWhite N N
Aqua N N
Aquamarine N Y
Azure N N
BakerMillerPink N N
Banana N N
BarnRed N N
Beet N N
Beige N N
Bisque N N
Black N N
BlanchedAlmond N N
BlazeOrange N N
Blue N N
BlueViolet N N
Boysenberry N N
BrightPink N N
Brown N N
BurgundyRed N N
BurlyWood N N
BurntSienna N N
BurntUmber N N
CadetBlue N N
CadmiumOrange N N
CadmiumYellow N N
Carrot N N
Chartreuse N N
Chocolate N N
CobaltBlue N N
CobaltGreen N N
Coral N N
CornflowerBlue N N
Cornsilk N N
Crimson N N
DarkBlue N N
DarkCyan N N
DarkGoldenRod N N
DarkGreen N N
DarkGrey N N
DarkJungleGreen N N
DarkKhaki N N
DarkMagenta N N
DarkOliveGreen N N
DarkOrange N N
DarkOrchid N N
DarkRed N N
DarkSalmon N N
DarkScarlet N N
DarkSeaGreen N N
DarkSienna N N
DarkSlateBlue N N
DarkSlateGrey N N
DarkTurquoise N N
DarkViolet N N
DeepPink N N
DeepSkyBlue N N
DimGrey N N
DodgerBlue N N
DukeBlue N N
EggshellWhite N N
EmeraldGreen N N
Feldspar N N
FireBrick N N
FloralWhite N N
ForestGreen N N
Fuchsia N N
Gainsboro N N
GhostWhite N N
Gold N N
GoldenRod N N
Green N N
GreenYellow N N
Grey N N
HoneyDew N N
HotPink N N
ImperialBlue N N
IndianRed N N
Indigo N N
Ivory N N
Khaki N N
Lavender N N
LavenderBlush N N
LawnGreen N N
LemonChiffon N N
Licorice N N
LightBlue N N
LightCoral N N
LightCyan N N
LightGoldenRodYellow N N
LightGreen N N
LightGrey N N
LightPink N N
LightSalmon N N
LightSeaGreen N N
LightSkyBlue N N
LightSlateBlue N N
LightSlateGrey N N
LightSteelBlue N N
LightYellow N N
Lime N N
LimeGreen N N
Linen N N
Maroon N N
MediumAquaMarine N N
MediumBlue N N
MediumOrchid N N
MediumPurple N N
MediumSeaGreen N N
MediumSlateBlue N N
MediumSpringGreen N N
MediumTurquoise N N
MediumVioletRed N N
Melon N N
MidnightBlue N N
MintCream N N
MistyRose N N
Moccasin N N
NavajoWhite N N
Navy N N
OldLace N N
Olive N N
OliveDrab N N
Orange N N
OrangeRed N N
Orchid N N
OxfordBlue N N
PaleGoldenRod N N
PaleGreen N N
PaleTurquoise N N
PaleVioletRed N N
PapayaWhip N N
PeachPuff N N
Peacock N N
PersianIndigo N N
PersianPink N N
Peru N N
Pink N N
Plum N N
PowderBlue N N
PrussianBlue N N
Purple N N
RawSienna N N
Red N N
RedDevil N N
RichBlack N N
RosyBrown N N
RoyalBlue N N
RubyRed N N
SaddleBrown N N
Salmon N N
SandyBrown N N
Sangria N N
SapGreen N N
SeaGreen N N
SealBrown N N
SeaShell N N
Sienna N N
Silver N N
SkyBlue N N
SlateBlue N N
SlateGrey N N
SmokeyBlack N N
Snow N N
SpringGreen N N
SteelBlue N N
SteelPink N N
Tan N N
Teal N N
Thistle N N
Tomato N N
Turquoise N N
TyrianPurple N N
Violet N N
VioletRed N N
Wheat N N
White N N
WhiteSmoke N N
Yellow N N
YellowGreen N N
Zaffre N N