A Wiki in the Desert
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Difference between revisions of "Guild:Family"

From A Wiki in the Desert
Line 89: Line 89:
|| Tinder || 2117 || 2117  
|| Tinder || 2117 || 2117  
|| Hive Frame  || 0 || 434  
|| Hive Frame  || 434 || 434  

Revision as of 15:46, 24 September 2021


Coords: 565.-1333

The 3 Corners: UE, Philae, Swenett

Please share your camp decoration tokens with our guild hall. They make it pretty. :)

Guild folder: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Amg90JTxhPyZxFgX_rGhouB7mL9g?e=1utlbK

Guild Building Locations

   * Acid Baths: 407.-1434 Philae
   * Barrel Vises: 412.-1407 Philae
   * Chem Labs: 340.-1364 Philae
   * Drying Racks & Hammocks: 481,-1165 Swenett
   * Flax House: 528,-1256
   * Brick Shack: 341,-1255 Swenett
   * Charcoal Hearths: 401.-1469 Philae
   * Clay area w/warehouse: 318.-981 Swenett 
   * Deep Well: 415.-1408 Philae
   * Ore Furnaces: 401.-1465 Philae
   * Gardens / Kettles / Perfume: 330.-1380
   * Glass Works: 328,-1246 Swenett   
   * Hearths & Furnacess: 400,-1467 Philae
      Bullets = 150 ore + 5 charcoal = 2 metal
      Compression = 484 ore + 20 charcoal = 15 metal
   * Ice House: 358.-1409 Philae
   * Kitchens: 542, -1336 Upper Egypt 
   * Metal Works: 397,-1433 Philae
   * Poop House: 410,-1409 Philae
       Tubs: 20 water + 20 dung
   * Recycling Smelters: 404.-1469 Philae
   * Seeds Box: 527,-1259 Swenett
   * Medium Beehive: 385.-1856 UE

Other Locations:

   * Mining Camp Warehouse: 482,-2040 Philae
   * CS Warehouse: 802.-1737 Koptos
   * Lake House: 968,-3573 Elephantine > Sheep Pen: 952,-3589
   * Red Sea Base: 2731, 1959 Red Sea
   * Salt factory: 4721, -707 Pwenett (tubs and kettles right next to ocean)

Mine Locations

   Copper - Philae: 407.-1400, 402.-1458, 268.-1424
   Iron - Philae: 207. -1443
   Tin - Philae: 306.-1420
   Silver - Elephantine 976.-3591 | Philae -47, -1447
   Emerald - Swenett 408.-1266
   Diamond - Philae 450.-1319
   Opal - Elephantine 968.-3573
   Sapphire - UE 508.-1325
   Public Gold& Lead - UE 1373.-1537(warehouse)
   Public Lead & Zinc - West of Bernike (warehouse at 2480.-1028)
   Public Platinum - UE 951.-1458 (east of U Nat. Phil.)
   Water mine - Swenett 792.-1127

Raeli Oven Locations:

   Philae - 228.-1454
   South Sinai - 3817.4677
   Swenett - 355.-1309

Research Lab Needs:

Item Required Done Need
Boards 0 11900
Brass 1185 1185
Bricks 0 11883
Camel Food 0 2226
Charcoal 2 2062
Wood Dowsing Rod 65 1739
Flint Hammer 526 526
Medium Stones 237 554
Petroleum 0 1086
Royal Jelly 0 1632
Tinder 2117 2117
Hive Frame 434 434


Path of the Pilgrim

  1. Kay
  2. Zephyr
  3. Sitamun
  4. Horumheb

Date Information

Acro at field West of Sharuhen C:


Astro Alignment Party



   Avaris (1980,1870):

Hyksos Labs Wiki Pages

  Amigo's Lab 1: https://atitd.wiki/tale10/Laboratory/7
  Amigo's Lab 2: https://atitd.wiki/tale10/Laboratory/11
  Bernike Lab: https://atitd.wiki/tale10/Laboratory/9
  Great Hall: https://atitd.wiki/tale10/Laboratory/2

Rauul's Wine Wiki


Sea Lily Bulbs | Vines | Wheat

  University of Worship 
   Abydos (1425.2810) - 
     Bahariya Oasis (-1679.5497) - Crown |  | 
   Bahariya Oasis (-2519.5641) - 
     Bernike (2908.-1320) - Morning |   | Macumba (Dirt)
     Blemmyes (4000.-4600) - Blush | Appreciation |
     Napata (138.-5976) - Fracture |  |  
     East Kush (1917.-4139) - Silken  |  | Druidism (Grass)
     Elephantine (357.-3602) - Blush |   | 
   Hermopolis (1109.4014) - 
     Philae (379.-1623) - Vampire |  | 
     Pwenet (4565.-432) - Crown | Amusement  |
     South Sinai (3388.4554) - Morning |  | Asatru Wheat  (Grass)
   South Sinai (3988.6100) - 
     Suez (1554.6291) - Energy  |  |
     Swenett (1396.-1130) - Vampire | Wisdom  |
     Western Desert (-909.-2600) - Energy
     West Kush (1119.-4103) - Silken

Time of Tile burning depends on your Raeli skill

Use mm.dd.yy when editing date burned

Oven #1

Swenett (356,-1308)


Level 1

Fired 09/23/2021

(in min)
Color Tiles

0 min White
?? min Snow
?? min Lavender Blush
?? min Linen
?? min Misty Rose
?? min Gainsboro
?? min Pink
?? min Thistle
?? min light Pink
?? min Baker Miller Pink
?? min Pale Violet Red
?? min Indian Red
?? min Steel Pink
?? min Boysenberry
?? min Tyrian Purple
?? min Dark Scarlet
?? min Dark Sienna
?? min
?? min