From A Wiki in the Desert
Coords: 565.-1333
The 3 Corners: UE, Philae, Swenett
Please share your camp decoration tokens with our guild hall. They make it pretty. :)
Guild folder:!Amg90JTxhPyZxFgX_rGhouB7mL9g?e=1utlbK
Guild Building Locations
* Chem Labs: * Drying Racks & Hammocks: 481,-1165 Swenett * Flax House: 528,-1256 * Brick Shack: 341,-1255 Swenett * Clay area w/warehouse: 318.-981 Swenett * Deep Well: * Gardens / Kettles / Perfume: 330.-1380 * Glass Works: 328,-1246 Swenett * Hearths & Furnacess: 400,-1467 Philae Bullets = 150 ore + 5 charcoal = 2 metal Compression = 484 ore + 20 charcoal = 15 metal * Ice House: * Kitchens: 542, -1336 Upper Egypt * Metal Works: 397,-1433 Philae * Poop House: 410,-1409 Philae Tubs: 20 water + 20 dung * Seeds Box: 527,-1259 Swenett
Other Locations:
* Mining Camp Warehouse: 482,-2040 Philae * CS Warehouse: 802.-1737 Koptos * Lake House: 968,-3573 Elephantine > Sheep Pen: 952,-3589 * Red Sea Base: 2731, 1959 Red Sea * Salt factory: 4721, -707 Pwenett (tubs and kettles right next to ocean)
Mine Locations
Copper - Philae: 407.-1400 Tin - Philae: Emerald - Swenett 408.-1266 Diamond - Philae 450.-1319 Sapphire - UE 508.-1325 Public Gold - UE 1373.-1537 (warehouse) Public Lead & Zinc - West of Bernike (warehouse at 2480.-1028)
Current Needs:
- Bricks
- Boards
- Leather
- Flax - Canvas & Rope
- Stones
Path of the Pilgrim
- Kay
- Zephyr
- Sitamun
- Horumheb
Date Information
Acro at field West of Sharuhen C:
Saturday Sunday
Astro Alignment Party
Saturday Sunday
Dig: Avaris (1980,1870):
Hyksos Labs Wiki Pages
Amigo's Lab 1: Amigo's Lab 2: Bernike Lab: Great Hall:
Sea Lily Bulbs | Vines | Wheat
University of Worship Abydos (1425.2810) - Bahariya Oasis (-1679.5497) - Crown | | Bahariya Oasis (-2519.5641) - Bernike (2908.-1320) - Morning | | Macumba Blemmyes (4000.-4600) - Blush | Appreciation | Napata (138.-5976) - Fracture | | East Kush (1917.-4139) - Silken | | Elephantine (357.-3602) - Blush | | Hermopolis (1109.4014) - Philae (379.-1623) - Vampire | | Pwenet (4565.-432) - Crown | Amusement | South Sinai (3388.4554) - Morning | | Asatru Wheat South Sinai (3988.6100) - Suez (1554.6291) - Energy | | Swenett (1396.-1130) - Vampire | Wisdom | Western Desert (-909.-2600) - Energy West Kush (1119.-4103) - Silken