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Snow Storms - Christmas 2021

From A Wiki in the Desert
Revision as of 05:51, 22 December 2021 by Blondie (talk | contribs)

Snow Storms - please list sightings here

Region Location Triggered Comments Game Date/Time
Napta Playa -1767, 4448 Peret III-22 /6:05pm
Axum 3714, -5619 Peret III-22 / 8:25pm
Naqada 2321, 3092 Peret IV-1 / 2:41pm
East Sinai 4017, 6322 Peret IV-1 / 4:41pm
Axum (just s of cs) 3831, -5659 Peret IV-1 / 5:00pm
Axum 3826, -5870 (due s of cs) Peret IV-1 / 5:10pm
Axum 3815, -5998 Peret IV-1 / 5:18pm
Region Location Triggered Comments Game Date/Time